Eighth Night


    "What are you looking at?" I asked him. His golden eyes were watching me carefully as I slung the bow onto my back whilst cutting out the arrow from the doe I had just shot. The blood squirted out, staining my hands, as I inched the dagger inside its body.
    It was my first time hunting with someone who was not a part of my clan. The way he tracked the deer truly showed his wolf powers -- just the smell of the venison meat activated his natural instincts.
    He blinked out of his estranged gaze and smiled at me. We had been hunting this doe down for about an hour before its death. Although he had his powers, he still seemed quite exhausted. "I apologize. I was just feeling the power eminating from you." Xiumin's forehead gleamed as he pushed his front hair upwards to feel the cool breeze.
    He had snuck into the village on a late night to come and see me up close for himself. The first time he saw me, Xiumin claimed that I was completely different. Things about me changed. My presence seemed to attract him.
    "It's true what my brother says. Mama was reincarnated into you." His golden eyes luminated like fireflies in the night as he spoke the name of the Goddess.
    Quickly, I looked away from him. My heart was beating like raindrops on the ground. Why was I feeling flustered? He hadn't said a single thing about me. Then I remembered that Mama was inside of me. Every part that I was, so was she. We were recreated as one.
    Xiumin hurriedly walked over to the doe, footsteps unheard, and threw it over his small shoulder. "Did you want this?"
    "No. You can have it. I wouldn't eat it anyways." I smiled at his generosity. "But thank you for your kindness."
    "Thank you, Nou." He bowed his head very low and quietly walked away. Before completely disappearing into the forest, Xiumin turned around to smile once more. His character was very forgiving. He never saw a reason to be angry at anyone. Not even Chanyeol.

    "Did you have fun with him today?" Chanyeol asked me as I strung some deer meat. The flesh reeked horribly, but the cooked taste would be delicious.
    "I did, in fact, have a lot of fun." I smiled at the thoughts coming back to me. "Xiumin taught me many things that I wish I could learn. I cannot hunt like your clan; you all have powers that I do not possess."
    Chanyeol's hands found themselves curling into my wavy, black hair. I realized that our skinship bothered me, but I never tried to stop him. I liked the way my heart felt when he did small things like this; it felt soothed by his touch. My head seemed to be in the clouds whenever I was with him.
    After I finished stringing the venison, I turned my head to look at him in the eyes. As always, the shimmering gold gleamed as we connected. "Can I ask you something?"
    Chanyeol nodded his head quickly. It seemed like he had no worries about my question or my tone of voice. Hopefully, he would have prepared himself for anything I ask of him.
    "What would happen if you get caught?"
    When his hand twitched, it gave me the feeling that he didn't want to talk about this. His smiling face had suddenly become a frown. The once delighted aura of his dissipated into thin air and a sigh whispered from his lips.
    "Why would you ask me that?" His voice sounded deeper, more sad as he spoke.
    I sighed heavily. "I just want to know what you would do."
    Time felt like it had froze as Chanyeol's gaze became fixed on the dirt under our feet. It seemed like he was thinking, so I didn't interrupt. He inhaled the crispy air and exhaled it slowly in one hot breath. Had he never thought about it before?
    Just as I was about to give up on hearing an answer, his fingers slid in between my own and he held me close to him. I clumsily dropped the strand of venison on the ground when he pulled me in. Wanting to pick it back up, I pushed myself away -- only to be pulled back in by his strong hands.
    "Nou," He said, bringing his face closer to mine, lips nearly touching. "I just want you to know that I would never let you go -- even if I weren't allowed to see you anymore. A part of you makes my heart lust, a part of you invokes my natural power. You're the only woman I have ever known in my life and I would prefer to keep it that way."
    "That's very flattering, but it doesn't answer my question." I was angry, yet the way he looked into my eyes made me want to forgive him for anything he said. At the same time, I wanted to pick up the dirtied meat.
    Chanyeol cleared his throat and restated it for me. "What I'm trying to say is that if I were to be caught, I would still want to be with you. Even if my trial results in complete isolation, I would send my spirit out to be with you every night."
    Words that I had never said before crashed against the back of my teeth like ocean waves. In the moment, I wanted to tell him that I loved him. That my world would end if he disappeared. My mind was thinking on its own; I was puppeted.
    Slowly, I inched my face closer to his, wanting to feel his lips pressed against mine once again. The feeling of his soft skin made my lips quiver. I closed my eyes and indulged myself in the moment.
    Both of my hands slid onto his cheeks, holding him carefully. Our chests pressed tightly against each other's. My heart's beat was quickening, matching the pace of his. Everything about me synchronized with him. Even Chanyeol could feel it.
    Chanyeol held me tightly in his arms as he kissed me passionately. From the way he kissed me, I could tell that he had been waiting a long time for this day. The day that I finally released the feelings in my gilded heart.
    I was struck with awe. The power surging inside of me grew stronger. Like a soft wind collecting into a disastrous tornado. The adrenaline was extremely overpowering. In the mere seconds I kept my eyes shut, a vision blurred into my mind and I could see every part of him that he hid away from me.
    Sadness, anger, worry... I wanted to scoop it all up and toss it away. Become the answer to every question he ever had. Protect his vulnerability and pride.

    Everything felt so magical. Everything fell into place.

    I opened my eyes while pulling away from him. The wind that shook in my heart suddenly picked up in reality. A golden river of light circulated around us like a halo. It was as if the whole world had been set on fire.
    "Nou," Chanyeol's husky voice became lower. "I love you."
    "No, you don't." Someone else spoke up.
    Suddenly, everything died out. My heart beat lessened. The wind immediately stopped. The golden halo bursted into little specks of dust. Our magical atmosphere turned dark. Shadows crept up every tree we could see.
    The howling of a wolf was heard in the depths of the forest.

    Fear chomped on my heart the instant I set eyes on Father Wolf.

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