Third Night


    My mother and my sisters took constant care of me after I arrived back from the forest. Sehun hadn't told me, but there had been a large gash in my head from when I crashed into the rock on the night I fell in the river. Nor did he have the heart to take care of it. That was why my head was in such pain when I woke up.
    "Nou, get some rest. Don't go out for the next few days." Mother said strictly to me. She was angry with me when I had disappeared that night without help, but had been worried all along for my safety when I was gone. Her hands my hair as she held me close. "I missed you..."
    "I missed you too, mother." I buried my face into her shoulder. As I held myself there, I thought about the strange experience I had the day before. I needed some time to myself. "I think I need some rest."
    "I shall let you sleep, then. Do not forget to take the medicine that the Shaman made for you. Although it is bitter, it will help you to heal faster." Before leaving, she wrapped bandages packed with herbs around my head. The Shaman's medicines were always distasteful, but it was true that they worked quickly.
    "I will take them, mother. No need to worry." She nodded to me with a glad smile across her face. I watched her as she walked out of the tent. Her long, thick hair flowing down to her legs. I wanted hair similar to that, but if it was any longer than it was now, hunting would be difficult.
    Finally, I was alone. I turned to the my side and closed my eyes, trying to seep into my thoughts of yesterday. Many different things in my mind floated around like clouds in the dusk sky. The silence that filled the tent wafted into my mind. And instantly, my concsiousness drifted away.

    I opened my eyes to a strange world. Pale white totem poles all around me. Twelve of them specifically.
    Each one, embedded with twelve different insignias of our twelve different clans. Wherever I was, it seemed holy. In front of me, a platter of the finest fruits and harvest sat, awaiting for me to consume them. As I reached my hand out, I noticed that it was covered in gold bracelets.
    Surprised, I looked down at my outfit. I was clothed in white all the way down to my feet with pieces of gold connecting parts together. The dress that flowed behind me was extremely long for my taste. Where was I?
    From the distance, I heard the crying of children. My feet, which were covered in beautiful golden sandals, began to walk in the direction of the wailing voices. My vision suddenly blurred out to black as I kept walking and became clear again when I arrived to a room filled with children.
    Twelve young children were running around, shouting at each other or sitting on the floor and crying. The instant I had entered the room, all their eyes shot toward my direction. Every one of them stopped crying and smiled happily at the sight of me.
    They all ran up to me as I opened my arms to hold them close. I realized that I wasn't in control of my own body, but I was seeing someone else's life. Feeling someone else's love for their children.
    Again, my vision blurred out to black. When it cleared up, I was in a garden. No, not a garden. A wide open field with all kinds of flowers and grasses as far as the eye could see. In the middle of the field was a tree.
    Golden leaves sprouted out of its branches. The children and I walked over to it and put our hands on the crunchy bark. A surge of power flowed into my body. I could feel it. The strength of life. No, in fact, the strength of many lives.
    This was a tree of life. I looked down at the children around me.
    "Mama..." One of them said with a smile on his face. My hand reached out and his hair softly. He was the smallest of them all. His tiny eyes reminded me of Sehun.
    I could hardly hear myself because my voice was muffled, but I spoke a strangely unknown language to the child. His smile turned into a grin and he looked back at the tree. All around me, the children began to disappear one by one.
    The emotion I felt was not sadness, but happiness. Strangely, I knew we would reunite again, for fate intended it.
    Once again, my vision blurred out to black. But it did not clear up again. This time, I drowned into my own mind, disappearing into thoughts of a new life.

    I awoke again in the tent, chilled from the cold air of the night. The blankets that had covered me had been pulled off by the Shaman when she came to check up on me. She had put a new bandage around my head and healed the bruising on my body.
    Outside the tent, I could hear the chirping of crickets and a night owl hooting all around. The owl flapped past the entranceway to the tent, which made me extra curious. Why would an owl be flying around the tent?
    I pushed myself up off the ground and crawled over to the entranceway, poking my head out to check for any signs of life. I didn't see a single hunter around at all. That seemed even more strange. Were they still out hunting?
    Rounding another tent, one man was looking around the area. His presence was unfamiliar with the others in the Unity clan. Under the moonlight, his hair looked to be a chestnut brown.
    In fear that he would see me, I pulled myself back into the tent and covered myself in the blanket, hoping that he didn't hear me. Outside of the entranceway, I could hear him sniffing loudly. I was surprised that no one had even heard him.
    What was he looking for?
    I heard him whimper like a dog as he kept sniffing the tent. My heart began to beat quickly as a strange feeling began to flow into my body. I fell into my senses like leaves falling off of a tree in the late autumn. What kind of magic was this?
    In the entranceway, he poked his head in and looked straight at me.
    "Who are you...?" I whispered roughly. His large, golden eyes looked straight into mine. In fact, he looked past my eyes and into my soul. I could feel his magic from here.
    He snuffled his nose and crawled over to me. Who was he? What was he doing here? Why was he looking at me this way?
    So many thoughts splashed into my mind as he approached me. For some reason, I didn't feel any fear. Nothing rippled through my body. Was I supposed to be afraid of this man? He didn't look like he would hurt me.
    Face to face, he gazed into my eyes. His hands entangled themselves softly between strands of my hair. A whimper sounded itself out of his throat as he forcefully pulled me into his chest. Almost like he was hugging me.
    "Wai-" I began to shout and push him away, but my loud voice was suddenly muffled by one hand. I looked up at him and he put a finger to his lips, shushing me.
    Then he spoke to me. "I do not want to hurt you." The tone of his voice was soft and sweet, like a lullaby. Strangely, this man was gentle like a deer. His lips were curved like the crescent moon.
    Again, I asked him for identity. "Who are you?"
    He looked down at me, his kind eyes glowing. "Suho."
    "Why are you here?" The questions just tumbled out of my mouth like rocks in a rockslide. It seemed strange as to why he just answered my questions without a doubt in his mind, yet at the same time, it was as if the questions had answers I already knew.
    "I wish I knew why." Our eyes connected. The color of gold circulated in his eyes like a river of light. My vision became blurry and the scene changed. My hand lifted to his forehead and I saw a child crooning in my arms. A smile growing across his chubby face. His eyes shining like stars.
    Suddenly, the howling of a wolf was heard from afar in the forest, waking me from my strange trance. Suho's reaction was quick though. He looked up to the direction of the sound and then back down at me. "I must go."
    "Wait!" I whisper-shouted at him as he slid out the entranceway. I bit my lip and got up from bed to follow behind.
    Quickly, I tailed him as he ran across a wide landscape to the forest. Another man from the forest? Maybe it was another man wolf? Fear paused me in my footsteps when I reached the edge of the forest.
    Recalling what had just happened, he reacted to the howling of a wolf. I wasn't sure, but at the same time, I had a strong feeling he was a man wolf. My teeth grinded together in hesitation to take another step into the forest, scared that I would once again become a part of their game.
    Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shoulder from behind. Just as I was about to let out a scream, a hand muffled the sound from my mouth. I looked up at the person whose hand was keeping me silent.
    To my surprise it was another man. A pair of golden eyes stared down into my own. As we stared into each other's eyes, I could feel the ocean waves again. Crashing against rocks on the shore. Rising towards the waned moon like it was attracted. Stars twinkling brightly in the sky.
    He tilted his head down and put his lips to my forehead. After doing so, I lost consciousness. Everything turned black. Was this some sort of spell he had put on me? What in the Gods' names was going on?
    I had been seeing wolves or men or men wolves roaming around the forest these past few days. The thoughts kept my mind awake, but my eyes were too tired to stay open. As I kept thinking, I swore I had the most strange dream. But what was even stranger than that was that I could not remember my dream the next morning, as if it were intended.

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Interesting c: