More Than Friends

Growing Pains


Myungsoo stood on top of the colorful welcome mat, contemplating between calling Dongwoo and pressing the doorbell. He decided on the former, pulling down on his scarf to expose his mouth to the chilly afternoon air.




The detective brightened up at the cheer in his partner’s voice. Hey! I’m outside of your place, so-”


He stopped mid sentence, the door opening to the smiling blonde who tugged him inside. “Thanks for calling ahead! Sooyong is actually asleep, so the doorbell wouldn’t have been the best thing. But get comfortable! Let me take your coat, we’ll set up shop in the living room.”


Myungsoo followed his lead, shedding his outerwear dutifully before settling down on the couch. Dongwoo fiddled with the baby monitor, turning up the volume a couple notches before setting it on the edge of the coffee table. “Is he okay, or-” He motioned to the monitor, making Dongwoo laugh softly.


“Who, Sooyong? He’s totally fine. Actually been down for over an hour now, but I like to keep the baby monitor on me whenever we aren’t in the same room. It’s more for my security than his, I get a little antsy when I’m away from him,” Dongwoo finished, shrugging his shoulders.


“I’m sure most parents feel that way in the beginning, but I’m really happy to hear that he’s doing well!” Myungsoo picked up his briefcase, pulling out more than a couple of folders and setting them on the table. “So I brought the files you asked for; prescription records are in the blue folder, alphabetized by the prescribing physician with any discrepancies I’ve noticed highlighted, and the physicians that have already been flagged over in Santa Clara are in the red folder, along with their education transcripts.”


Dongwoo made a gimme motion, riffling through the folders with a pleased expression. “Nice work Myungsoo! I’m hoping that we can link some of these physicians to the ones we’ve flagged as suspicious here in San Jose, maybe get some solid new leads.”


“I’m not supposed to tell you this but Chief Kim has been really pleased with our work lately, more specifically yours. Apparently your reports from the past couple weeks have been not only legible but extremely well written compared to your normal work?”


“Yeah! It’s amazing what a little spell check can do for you! I should have switched over to computers a long time ago, I could have avoided so much Sunggyu nagging…”


“He’s practically demanded that you use your laptop for your reports from now on, something about upholding the new standards,” Myungsoo paraphrased, making Dongwoo roll his eyes.


“Should’ve known there would be a downside to this… but I can’t really complain too much. Sunggyu’s been really understanding and helpful with letting me change my schedule on such short notice, and so have you! Seriously, I can’t thank you enough. You’ve been so sweet, you even bring over files and play messenger for me; believe me when I say that Sooyong has been more than grateful having my full attention. Well that, and Hoya is still inexplicably nervous about me and Sooyong riding alone in cars, although I’m starting to think that he just doesn’t want me to bring the baby to the station, he’s such a germaphobe.”


Myungsoo chuckled, leaning back into the couch cushions. “To be fair, Sooyong is quite adorable and if you brought him to the station everyone would want to hold him. It would be understandable if your husband didn’t want a bunch of strangers around the baby this early on.”


Dongwoo narrowed his eyes at the brunette. “Why must you always side with him? You’ve barely even met him!”


The younger man chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. “I can’t help it if your husband is a reasonable guy! I’m just saying I get where he’s coming from.”


“Yeah, well if you keep up with this kind of favoritism, I’m going to prevent you guys from becoming friends. The last thing I need is the two of you teaming up on me.”


Before Myungsoo could respond a high pitched wail pierced through the silence, making him jump in surprise. Dongwoo burst into laughter as he turned off the monitor, patting him on the back. “It’s okay, it’s just the baby! Give me a sec.”


The blonde got up and disappeared into the back of the house, leaving Myungsoo to his own devices on the couch. He absentmindedly straightened out the files, waiting patiently for Dongwoo to return. Tapping his foot on the ground, he wondered how often Dongwoo got interrupted by the baby; his partner didn’t look tired and he seemed to be in good spirits, but he hypothetically knew how demanding taking care of a baby could be.


The thought of babies had always been a warm one in his heart, he thought that they were cute but they were also extremely fragile. They were more like something he admired from afar, like when he saw them in pictures or ran into random strangers at the supermarket. He was that person who would always make eye contact and wave hello, just to try to make the baby smile. And yet, when Dongwoo suddenly appeared in front of him with Sooyong, he couldn’t stop the little yelp that escaped his lips.


Dongwoo gave him a weird look, sitting next to him in the couch with the baby tucked close in his arms. “Someone’s jumpy today; are you sure you’re okay?”


Myungsoo opened his mouth to respond, but was struck somewhat speechless as big brown eyes pulled him in. The baby looked warm and cozy, dark yellow socks poking out from black polka dot pants and a matching top. His dark black hair was curling out from underneath a golden cap, his gaze fixed on Myungsoo. The baby’s eyes widened at the new face, his shiny pink gums gnawing at his finger as they stared at one another.


“Myungsoo?” Dongwoo prompted again, making the younger man straighten up a bit in his seat.


“Yeah, um…” He looked at Sooyong for a bit longer, still not breaking eye contact. “Hello?”


Dongwoo rolled his eyes, scooting a bit closer on the couch. “Come on partner, I know you can do better than that! Can’t you at least fake some excitement to meet my son?”


“No, I’m definitely excited to meet him! I was just a little caught off guard… I wasn’t expecting to see him, I haven’t all the other times I’ve come over and he’s just really adorable okay, I feel unprepared,” Myungsoo finished lamely, tugging on the sleeves of his sweater.


The blonde grinned, bopping his little one on the nose. “That’s only because Sooyong has a tendency to sleep for like sixteen hours a day, and he’s just too precious to wake once he’s in his little dream world. I’ve been dying for you to meet him, I know I talk your ear off about him so much, I thought it would be nice to put a face to the name.”


“It is; he’s gorgeous Dongwoo. He looks so happy in your arms…” He waved sweetly, unable to hold back his growing enthusiasm. “Is he okay though? He was crying…” Myungsoo trailed off, a look of worry suddenly coming across his face.


“Oh, he’s just fine, aren’t you Sooyong? Just missing your Daddy, huh?” Dongwoo directed his attention to the baby, smiling at him and pressing soft kisses to his forehead. “I think he just gets lonely, you know? I’m sure waking up to an empty room is a little scary for him… but once me or Hoya pick him up he’s as perfect as ever! Sometimes I think he just likes the attention; he seems happiest whenever he’s in someone’s arms being fawned over. But he deserves it, don’t you think?”


“He does, he’s so precious,” Myungsoo agreed, his grin growing wider as Sooyong tried to tug on his daddy’s long hair. He reached out with a tentative hand, tickling the underside of Sooyong’s foot, who positively squealed at the attention. But it was a happy sound, his little legs kicking at Myungsoo’s hand in a playful way. “Sooyong looks healthy!” he commented, tickling at the baby’s sides.


“Yeah, we’ve been wanting him to gain a bit more weight, using different formulas to try to figure out which one he likes the best. But he can actually finish an entire bottle now in one sitting, can’t you Sooyong? Such a good boy.” Dongwoo snuggled him tighter, beaming as he praised his son. “Plus, it just makes him look so cute and fluffy. I mean look at these legs?”


“They are very cute, especially in the polka dots. He looks good in black!” He loosely grabbed one of Sooyong’s legs, bouncing it softly as he made overly ridiculous faces just to make the baby happy.


Dongwoo watched him for a few seconds, a pleased sort of feeling settling over him from knowing that his partner seemed so genuinely interested in playing with the baby. “I didn’t realize you were so good with kids… he really likes you.”


“I’m sure that Sooyong likes everyone, he seems too happy here to ever really be in a bad mood to meet someone.”


“Do you come from a big family? Were you around kids a lot growing up?”


“No, not really. I’ve kind of been on my own since I graduated high school. First I moved for college, then for the job so… I haven’t really had the opportunity to be around babies all that much. But I definitely like them, they’re way too cute not to.”


Dongwoo nodded in understanding, moving a bit closer to hold Sooyong out to his partner. Myungsoo blinked at Sooyong, who didn’t seem the least bit offended at the sudden change in position, before directing his attention back to the blonde. Dongwoo laughed, nudging Myungsoo with his elbow with a friendly smile. “Well don’t be shy, hold him!”


“Oh. Oh. Oh no, I couldn’t possibly-”


“Myungsoo, it’s okay.”


“But I haven’t held a baby in years, probably since I was a teenager and I really don’t want to mess up, I can just look-”


Myungsoo. Hold the baby,” Dongwoo said firmly, making Myungsoo practically shake in anxiety. “Don’t be so nervous! I’ll be right here, I can help you if you have any questions, but it really just comes to you naturally. Now trust me and open up those arms.”


“O-okay,” Myungsoo said tentatively, doing as Dongwoo instructed. “Don’t let go yet!” he pleaded, making Dongwoo chuckle.


“I won’t, not until I’m sure you’ve got a good hold on him. Now just kind of perch him higher, so you are chest to chest. Make sure you keep a hand behind his head, he doesn’t have that much strength in his neck yet.”


“Like this?” Myungsoo asked, bringing Sooyong up to his shoulder so he could face his daddy, his other arm supporting the baby’s weight underneath his legs. Sooyong cooperated well, his fingers curling into the softness of Myungsoo’s scarf as the detective clung to him.


“Yeah, are you comfortable?” Myungsoo nodded, making Dongwoo smile. “Good. How about we wrap this scarf around him, you like being warm, don’t you darling?” Sooyong cooed, his eyes blinking blearily at his dad’s voice. “Aww, you two look so cute! Myungsoo and Sooyong, the two Soos!” The two adults laughed, the rumbling from Myungsoo’s chest startling the baby for a brief moment, before he settled his head back down on the brunette’s shoulder. “You even match! Maybe that’s why he likes your scarf so much, gold seems to be one of his favorite colors. But that could just be because he likes sleeping with the Simba stuffed animal my sister sent.”


“I don’t blame him; the Lion King will always be one of my favorites. I used to watch it all the time as a kid,” Myungsoo mumbled, too enamored with the sweet face in front of him to really indulge in a conversation. He lightly Sooyong’s cheek, the baby soft skin reminding him just how delicate the little guy was.


Myungsoo playfully dangled the edge of his scarf on front of Sooyong’s eyes, pulling it just out of reach each time the baby tried to grab it. It was a lazy game, the baby’s movements slow but determined, making Myungsoo’s heart warm. He couldn’t help but let Sooyong win, rubbing the soft fabric on the tip of his nose just to make the baby happy.


“I apologize in advance if Sooyong gets drool on you,” Dongwoo said jokingly, patting his son lightly on the head.


“S’okay. I don’t mind, as long as he’s having fun.” Myungsoo meant it, a part of him feeling brighter just knowing that the baby was enjoying his time with him. Time seemed to fade away as he played with Sooyong, the baby’s expressions and sounds interesting enough to make him feel more than occupied.


A sudden bright flash surprised the both of them, finally making the two break their eye contact from one another. Dongwoo was poised on the couch, his phone in hand and a huge grin on his face. “I’m sorry, it’s just- you both are way too adorable! With the outfits and everything, this could be in like a baby magazine! Now be a dear and smile for the camera. Sooyong! Sooyong, look at Daddy! Look at me!” He waved behind the camera, trying his best to grab the baby’s attention. Unfortunately for him, Sooyong was having too much fun playing with Myungsoo, burying his face in the soft fabric of his scarf. Dongwoo huffed, getting up from the couch dejectedly. “Hold on, apparently Daddy isn’t enough to grab this little guy’s attention.”


He pulled himself up, disappearing into the back of the house again before reappearing with a stuffed animal. “Sooyong, I’ve got your favorite monkey!” He plopped back down on the couch, waving it in front of baby. “Sungyeol actually gave it to him; Sooyong, don’t you want to look at Bubbles?” The baby turned suddenly, trying to reach out for the animal. “Good job, stay there! Keep looking, keep looking…” He positioned the camera in front of them, wiggling Bubbles nonstop to try to keep his attention. Dongwoo tapped the screen, a sound of triumph escaping him after reviewing the picture. “It turned out perfect! That’s my boy, you’re so smart!” He praised him, dropping quick kisses all over the baby’s face.


He leaned back into the arm of the couch, his fingers tapping over the screen to attach the picture to a text. He pressed the send button, a smile crossing his face as he tucked the phone back into his pocket. He reached out his arms, already feeling a bit desperate to scoop up his baby again. “Now time to come back to Daddy!”




“Holy ,” Sungyeol muttered under his breath. He covered his mouth as he widened his eyes at the photo adorning phone screen. “Dongwoo, how could you do this to me,” he hissed to the screen. “You’re the best and worst friend in the universe.”


He must have sounded crazy, speaking to his phone screen so bitingly. But how could he help it - Dongwoo was just so indirectly perfect and terrible. Sungyeol wanted to hate him with all his might but how could he. Especially when Dongwoo did things like sending him a picture of Kim Myungsoo and Jang Sooyong in a picture together that made Sungyeol hyperventilate.


Because exactly three minutes and fifteen seconds ago, he had received a surprise text from Dongwoo with an image attached. He had opened the message innocently enough to only be reduced to clammy hands and short breaths as he gazed at the perfect picture of Myungsoo smiling with his signature dimples while he held a little Sooyong grabbing at his scarf with a toothless grin.


‘Remember Myungsoo?’ the text had read.


And Sungyeol’s breath only shortened because yes, he remembered Myungsoo quite well, if he could say so himself.


He didn’t even know how to reply to Dongwoo’s text. He knew that Dongwoo could see if he had read it or not, and Dongwoo being Dongwoo would keep pressing him until he responded with a reaction but Sungyeol didn’t know how to coherently phrase a reply with his fingers fumbling over his keyboard so clumsily.


He bit his bottom lip and settled on a simple ‘cute,’ hoping that it would appease Dongwoo for the time being while he figured out a way to pull himself together. He was still at Sarang’s after all and he couldn’t be freaking out while trying to frost his cupcakes. That would look so unprofessional.




Sungyeol let out a flustered squeak, his phone bouncing out of his hands for a moment before he juggled to get it back in his grip back. He whipped around in surprise, clutching his phone close to his chest in panic.


“Minho!” he exclaimed upon seeing his worker staring at him curiously. “W-What are you still doing here? I thought you had already left.”


“Well, I was just about to,” he said slowly, as if trying to accommodate to Sungyeol’s sudden panic. “But I was going to ask if I could take some cupcakes home. I have some a test coming up and I thought cupcakes would help me get through the night, but if you’re not…”


“Oh, no no no, go ahead and take some!” Sungyeol insisted, placing his phone face down on the counter to grab Minho a cupcake. “Um…” His hands wavered above his fresh batch, slowly coming to the terrible realization that he had practically frosted all of them with the wrong frosting and that he would either have to scrape off the goop and try again or start over from scratch.


In what world did he frost peach cupcakes with peppermint frosting? He would have to smack himself later.


Minho raised a concerned eyebrow at him. “Are you okay?”


“Oh, yes!” Sungyeol said a little too quickly. He stared down at his ruined cupcakes defeatedly, wringing his hands together. He picked up a nearby plate and put all of the cupcakes on it, wrapping it quickly before shoving it into Minho’s hand. “Here you can have them all!” he said, out of breath. “They’re peach cupcakes with, uh… peppermint frosting. Consider it a delicacy!”


Minho stared at him curiously, nothing less than astounded at how he seemed to be skittering around the shop like a bee who had just a double espresso with triple the caffeine. “You sure you’re okay, hyung?”


Sungyeol nodded and smiled. “I’m just peachy - thank you! Good luck on studying for your finals Minho!”


“...It’s February.”


“Yes - February, that’s it. Obviously too early for finals. Well... good luck!”


Minho shuffled towards the door awkwardly, balancing the plate of cupcakes in his hands. “Um… thanks, hyung. See you later, then.”


He went out the door, looking back strangely at Sungyeol who watched him go with a wave and a grin. As soon as he was out of sight, Sungyeol sighed to himself dreading the fact that he had to start his peach cupcakes all over and that he had to make sure to top them with honey-lemon frosting instead of peppermint.


Picking up his phone again, he grinned at the picture still on his screen. At least he had that to keep him company while he redid his cupcakes.




When Myungsoo arrived at Sarang’s, he noticed it was nearly closing time. He wondered shortly if he would be kicked out if he stayed in past the closing time, but he didn’t dwell on the thought for long. He opened the door and walked in as another customer walked out. Once inside, he pulled his scarf down from his frosty nose and was glad to be temporarily rid of the biting cold.


There were only one or two stragglers left in the cafe, but they looked as if they seemed to be leaving soon. Wondering whether or not he was allowed in with three minutes till closing, he kept walking in anyways and headed up to the counter where Sungyeol stood staring at his phone while frosting some cupcakes. Myungsoo thought it was a bit unusual for Sungyeol to be making a fresh batch of treats so near to closing time, but the prospect of sampling a few of the cupcakes silenced any of his questions.


He smiled to himself, thinking of how the way Sungyeol rested his chin in his palm and propped up his phone on the register to stare at it while lazily frosting his cupcakes with the other hand was extremely cute, and a little bit impressive. He actually kind of didn’t care if the cafe was closing - he was going to stay.


He walked up to the counter, still going unnoticed by Sungyeol after sneaking in behind the previously leaving guests. Standing there silently, he chuckled when the barista still didn’t snap out of his daze to look up at him.


“Hey,” he said simply.


“Hey Myungsoo,” Sungyeol replied, still staring endlessly at his phone.


Myungsoo leaned over the counter and attempted to peek at the screen. “What’re you looking at?”


“Nothing, just the most-” Sungyeol froze as soon as he realized who he was speaking to and widened his eyes comically as he flailed to grab his phone and cover the screen as quickly as he could. “Myungsoo!” he exclaimed in shock. “W-W-What are you doing here?!”

“To see you,” he answered smugly because yes, he did notice that Sungyeol was staring at his picture. It made him feel pretty good about himself.


“...Oh,” Sungyeol replied, slightly frazzled. “But… we’re closing in a minute.”


Myungsoo frowned up at the clock then leaned on the counter. “I was hoping to spend some time with you, though. But I understand if I have to leave,” he said, slowly backing away.


“Wait, no!” Sungyeol exclaimed a little quickly. He flushed in embarrassment, bringing his hands back down and calming himself. “Uh, I mean you can stay - if you’re willing to help close up, that is. I have to pack up a lot of decorations, so I don’t know if you’ve got that kind of free time on your hands…” he trailed off.


Myungsoo glanced around the cafe. It was still brightly lit with Christmas bulbs and tinsel. The pale pink Christmas tree stood in the corner, adorned with hanging crystals and more lights. The store had snowflake and snowman cutouts taped to the window that had to be taken down also.


“I think I’m ready for it,” Myungsoo said finally.


Sungyeol looked up in surprise. “...Really? You’d be willing to stay with me?”


Myungsoo shrugged, a teasing smile on his face. “How could I waste a potential moment to save you from a lonely night, redecorating all by your lonesome. It shouldn’t be that hard to give you a helping hand - the place isn’t that large, anyways.”


Sungyeol nodded, more to himself than anything. “...Yeah, pretty easy…” he murmured.


“I’m the only one here, and I’m more than willing,” Myungsoo replied, delighting in the small blush on the barista’s cheeks. “So I can definitely help out around here if you need it.” He gave Sungyeol a look. “You do need it... right?”


Sungyeol nodded blankly, absentmindedly fidgeting under the detective’s heavy stare. “Um, yes. Yeah, I do. Especially since Minho left early today to study, so it's just me after hours.” He brightened up afterward, giving Myungsoo a dazzling smile as he tried to recover his control over his flustered actions. “So it's actually really great that you came in today. Thanks a bunch.”


Myungsoo shrugged, trying to ignore the mention of Minho in Sungyeol's words. “It's not a problem,” he replied. “Besides – I need a coffee anyways and I can still get one after the decorations are packed, can't I?”


Sungyeol grinned and nodded. “Yeah, I'll make one especially for you for being my helper today. So let's get started now, shall we?”


Myungsoo nodded in agreement and sauntered his way behind the counter. “We shall,” he responded. “So – what needs to get done first, boss? Just say the word and I’ll do whatever I can to make your night go more smoothly.”


“Window decorations,” Sungyeol said, swallowing a little loudly as the butterflies hit him full force with Myungsoo’s close proximity and husky voice. The detective was going to be the end of him, with his loaded words and suggestive glances. He retreated into the back room for a moment, coming back seconds later with a cardboard box in his hands. “Those go in here. Would you mind taking them down for me while I finish up closing shop?”


“Not at all.” Myungsoo grinned at him. He took the box from his arms and made his way to the large windows. Grabbing a nearby chair, he stood on it and began carefully peeling the giant stickers off the window.


Sungyeol came back out and went to turn the store's front sign to closed before beginning to spritz the tables with some cleaning detergent and wiping them down. The tables squeaked cleanly under his small cloth. “Make sure you don't leave any sticky residue on the windows,” he told the other gently. “I wouldn't want my windows to be filled with random edges of stickers, if you know what I'm saying.” He attempted to joke - and maybe flirt - but it didn’t come off nearly as smooth as he wanted. Damn his squeaky voice that always showed up when he least wanted it to.


“I got it boss,” Myungsoo chuckled, delicately scraping off the edge of a snowflake. “Wouldn't want to ruin your store's reputation,” he joked.


“And what reputation would that be, might I ask?”


“Obviously, your stunningly gleaming window reputation. I wouldn't want to be the one to ruin that name for you.”


“Oh, of course not,” Sungyeol teased. “I would never forgive you if you took such a precious title away from me, Kim Myungsoo. I expect those windows as spotless as they were before you touched them.”


“Aye, aye, sir.”


Sungyeol smiled to himself as he scrubbed his tables clean. “Good,” he said. “And if you do a really good job, I might reward you with free snacks later.”


“Just with snacks?” Myungsoo grinned, his smile framed by his dimples. He rather enjoyed the strangled sound Sungyeol peeped out at his innuendo, he couldn’t help but let the question linger just a bit longer, very much thankful that he had scraped the window clean enough to watch Sungyeol’s reaction through the reflection. “You also offered coffee... unless you were thinking of giving me something else?”


“Oh no! Coffee and snacks sound reasonable enough for your services.” Sungyeol coughed nervously, bending his head down to scrubbing a little more furiously at the suddenly interesting table.


Myungsoo decided to take pity on him, turning his attention back to the task at hand. “I’ll look forward to those,” he responded. “Any good snacks you have in mind?”


“How do peach cupcakes with honey-lemon frosting sound?”


“Sounds pretty perfect if you ask me.”


“Good,” Sungyeol replied, “because that’s literally the only baked goods I have for you today, the cafe was pretty busy today.” He paused in thought and then added the next part a bit rushed together. “And the coffee, as previously discussed.”


“Awesome,” Myungsoo said, smirking at the other man’s tone. “It all sounds great so just make me anything.”


“Really? Anything at all?” he asked playfully. “Even one of my new works in progress?”


“I don’t mind being your personal experiment.” Myungsoo actually threw an wink over his shoulder after that one, making Sungyeol laugh out loud at the corniness of it.


“...Yeah, something of that sort,” chuckled Sungyeol. “But just as fair warning - it may end up amazing or amazingly terrible.”


“With you making it, it’ll be nothing short of fantastic,” Myungsoo reassured as he struggled to unstick a part of a snowflake.


Sungyeol scoffed under his breath and murmured to himself, “Maybe not when you’re distracting me so much, Mr. Kim Myungsoo.”


“What was that?”


“Oh, nothing.”


The rest of the cleaning came with a comfortable silence peppered with bits of small talk here and there. The last stranglers in the cafe left, Sungyeol waving them out with a smile before locking the two of them inside alone. The decorations were packed up swiftly with Myungsoo’s aid and the small shop didn’t take long to clean. Soon all that’s left to pack was the sparkling pink tree in the corner.


“Wow, pink,” Myungsoo commented with a chuckle. “How elegant.”


“Something wrong with the color pink?” Sungyeol asked.


“No, no,” the other responded defensively. “It’s just… a pink Christmas tree?”


Sungyeol grinned playfully at him. “Hey, pink is my favorite color.”


“There’s nothing wrong with that at all,” Myungsoo said, beginning to take apart the faux branches. “But don’t you think a pink tree is a little flashy?”


Sungyeol shrugged. “It only goes up to my waist,” he said back. “And besides, it’s the palest shade of pink ever - it’s not like it’s an obnoxious shade of hot pink.”


“Fair enough. Either way - I guess it’s pretty cute.”


Myungsoo didn’t miss the dazzling smile that Sungyeol tried to hide and it only made him feel even better. It only lasted for a moment though, as his smile disappeared with the sound of an incoming text from his pocket.


“Oh, sorry,” he apologized. “Hold on a moment?”


Myungsoo nodded, focusing his attention on collapsing the tree and not so subtly glancing at Sungyeol who was checking his phone’s screen with furrowed eyebrows. After a moment he rolled his eyes and tucked his phone back away in his pocket without responding to the text. He turned back to Myungsoo, smiling at him nicely.


“Nevermind that,” Sungyeol said. “Anyways, let’s finish putting away this tree.”


“No need,” Myungsoo replied, pushing the last of the plastic branches into the box. “I finished it for you.” He stood up, pleased at Sungyeol’s happy expression. “I believe this means I get my treats now, right?”


Sungyeol placed his hands on hips and raised an eyebrow as he scanned his shop. He hummed to himself, as if inspecting Myungsoo’s work.


“Well,” he drawled out slowly. “I guess I can get you a cupcake.”


“Boss, you’re being too harsh!”


Sungyeol shrugged playfully. “I don’t know - you only took down decorations. You should put up decorations to earn the full reward combo, don’t you think?”


Myungsoo’s jaw dropped in a fake astonishment. “I do all of this work for you and only get half of my previously promised compensation?”


“You’re a detective, you should have known better than to not get it our agreement in writing! I can’t help it if I feel inclined to change my mind after seeing your work,” Sungyeol giggled. “But you can always get the full reward, you know, if you put up some decorations also.”


Myungsoo rolled his eyes, but he smiled anyways. He handed Sungyeol the full box of Christmas decorations. “Then I’d like to exchange these for some different decorations, please.”


“You got it,” Sungyeol sang, taking the box. Disappearing, he reappeared moments later with a different box in his arms. It only took a glance for Myungsoo to see all the pink, pink, and pink that nearly overflowed from the cardboard.


“Let me guess what holiday these decorations are for,” he said sarcastically, heaving the box into his own arms. “Definitely not St. Patrick’s day.”


“Nope - it’s Valentine’s Day,” Sungyeol corrected.


“That was my second guess.” Myungsoo looked down at the box, his eyes crossing from the mere color. “So, where would you like these boss? I am here to serve.”


“You know I have to make the storefront flashy,” Sungyeol replied. “Just stick the window decorations up and give every table a doily centerpiece. Oh and don’t forget to line them with the lace.”


“Doilies, lace - and all of it is pink. Whose idea was this?”


Sungyeol shrugged. “I just bought them all at the nearest dollar store.”


“All on your own? No tall, dark, and handsome assistant to help you?” Myungsoo teased.


Sungyeol smacked his arm. “Minho would be way faster at putting these decorations up than you. He’s got those long, lanky arms, you know. Much more ideal for these kinds of situations.”

“I think my arms are ideal for many other activities that are much more enjoyable and rewarding than decorating.” Myungsoo said suggestively, making Sungyeol roll his eyes.

Go. Try to stay on task Kim Myungsoo.”


“As long as I get my caffeine I’ll be good,” Myungsoo joked, “I expect a large coffee in return though.”


Sungyeol grinned at him. “That can definitely be arranged. Anything you’d like in particular?”


The other shook his head. “Nope. Just surprise me.”


“You like surprises, don’t you?” chuckled Sungyeol. “But alright - I’ll whip something up for you.”


Sungyeol moved behind the counter then, biting his lip as he hid his blushing face away. Myungsoo looked too good climbing up and down the step ladder as he placed those tacky gel stickers on his cafe’s windows. Sungyeol had to physically stop himself from taking a picture because Myungsoo was literally surrounded with pink hearts. His hands were practically itching to do so, but he held himself back.


“Something catch your eye?”


Sungyeol choked on what seemed to be his spit because yes, something had caught his eyes - namely, the way Myungsoo really worked those fitted jeans. Was he seriously expected to ignore how enticing and round Myungsoo’s looked as he bent over to retrieve a new set of decorations? Because he did have self control, but he was an man and certain things and positions made his knees feel weak. Factor in his long suffering ual frustration and he was practically hopeless.


“N-Nothing!” he said lamely, wringing his hands for an excuse. “I-I just…”


“You were staring.”


“Because!” His mouth spit out the first thing that came to his mind. “Your scarf! Yeah, I was just trying to remember… cause the color reminded me of something… that I needed…”


Myungsoo raised an eyebrow and Sungyeol knew that he wasn’t buying the excuse. “Something you needed?” he repeated.


The barista swallowed nervously. “Um, yeah. You know… the yellow thing I needed… for the drink.”


“Really,” Myungsoo deadpanned in amusement.


“Yeah. I just needed the…” He scanned the counter quickly and grabbed the nearest bottle that fit the description. “Caramel,” he finished. “I needed caramel. Well, I have my caramel now so, yeah, I’ll go do what I was going to do and you can carry on doing what you’re doing and yeah, everything is fine!”


He flushed under what he assumed was Myungsoo’s judgemental gaze as he finished his rambling, shuffling to the back room as he bit on the caramel syrup bottle cap sheepishly. He almost collapsed in shame when he was alone from the pure embarrassment he created for himself. Myungsoo probably thought he was a loser - and maybe even a creeper.


But honestly, Myungsoo looked great in the tight sweater and fitted jeans. He looked almost too great. So great, in fact, that Sungyeol had to walk out there to look at him again. He nearly slapped himself as he stopped himself right before he exited the back room.


No,” he hissed to himself. “No, Sungyeol, you cannot go back out there after that train wreck of a moment.”


Instead, he fished out his phone and pulled up that picture of Myungsoo that Dongwoo had sent him. He sighed as he stared at it, a little too entranced by the image of Myungsoo holding Sooyong in his arms. His gawking was interrupted too soon when he got another text from Dongwoo.


He rolled his eyes and clicked on the new message, unsurprised by its contents.


‘Look, Yeol! Isn’t he handsome? Go on a date with Jinyoung for me, plsssss? :’((’


There was a picture attached of some other guy that Sungyeol had never seen before and he briefly wondered for a moment if Dongwoo would ever run out of guys to throw at him. He decided to ignore the text again and shoved the device back in his pocket.


He managed to walk out with his head held high - which might have only worked because Myungsoo was facing away from him - and tried to focus on making coffee for the gorgeous piece of human that was decorating his cafe.




A little while later, Myungsoo rested with a warm cup in his hands. “Why am I not surprised?”


“Not surprised? Aw, even after you asked for one, I still didn’t surprise you.”


“Less surprised and more astounded, to be honest. After all of those decorations, you make me a cup of pink coffee.” Myungsoo shook his head playfully, holding the cup in his hand. “How did you even manage this? Wait, no - I’d rather know why.”


“For Valentine’s Day, of course,” Sungyeol responded as he sat down across from Myungsoo. “I thought it fit the mood. You did a good job decorating the place, by the way.”


“You mean besides that one table I nearly destroyed with lace, right?”


“Yeah, besides that one.” Sungyeol laughed. “I don’t get it. You nearly broke my table trying to tape lace on the edges. The tape work, by the way, is kind of ugly.”


Myungsoo shook his head, taking a sip of his coffee. “I’ve seen the color pink so much in the past fifteen minutes that I might think the color itself is ugly.”


“Pink is never ugly,” Sungyeol countered, a tad bit serious.


Myungsoo only chuckled to himself as he sipped his coffee and was pleasantly surprised by the taste. “Wow, that’s good.”


Sungyeol leaned forward, his chin in his hand as he swirled around his own coffee. “I know it is. It’s my Valentine’s Day special, so it has to be good, of course. Can you guess what’s in it?”


Myungsoo took another sip, his face concentrated in deep thought. “...Raspberries? No, not raspberries.” He drank again. “Well… it’s fruity for sure. But… not really a common fruit, am I right?”


Sungyeol nodded, his eyes gleaming. “Keep going,” he urged.


“It’s tastes really unique, I can tell you that.”


“You bet it’s unique!” Sungyeol said, taking a sip of his own coffee. “It’s special fruit blend that took me forever to mix correctly with coffee.”


“Wow, all this for Valentine’s Day?” asked Myungsoo, impressed. “That’s quite the dedication. Do you have any special plans for Valentine’s Day? You know, besides your fruity, pink coffee concoctions, of course.”


Sungyeol sighed and looked down at his coffee as he shook his head. “Not really,” he admitted. “I keep myself busy with baking, so I don’t get out much on Valentine’s Day. It’s not like I have a date, anyways.”


Myungsoo pouted at him sympathetically. “That’s a shame,” he said. “Nobody should be alone on Valentine’s Day.”


“Yeah, more like Single Awareness Day. I seriously don’t remember the last time I had a date on Hallmark’s favorite holiday.” His phone chimed in his pocket and he sighed. “Speak of the devil…”


Myungsoo watched as Sungyeol looked at his phone in agitation before shoving back in his pocket. “Stupid…” he muttered.


Myungsoo looked down at his pocket curiously. “Wrong number?” he asked.


“Oh, no.” Sungyeol shook his head. “Just… some dumb stuff.”


“What kind of dumb stuff?”


“Nothing too important,” Sungyeol waved off. “Really.”


With a tilt of his head, Myungsoo said, “You looked troubled though. Maybe even bothered. Nobody’s harassing you, are they?”


Sungyeol stared at him in astonishment before letting out a chuckle. “No,” he stated. “No harassment of any kind.”


Myungsoo leaned forward as he the honey-lemon frosting from his peach cupcake. “Then… you can tell me, right?”


Sungyeol bit his lip and swallowed, looking away from the other while trying to force the creeping blush on his cheeks to disappear. “I-It’s really not important,” he said, rubbing the nape of his neck.


“But tell me anyways. It’d be nice to get it off your chest, right?”


Sungyeol rubbed the back of his hand, his flushed face aimed downwards to stare at his lap. “I suppose.”


The other grinned that heart stopping dimple framed grin of his and said, “Then say what’s on your mind.”


Heaving a large sigh at the realization that he couldn’t weasel out last minute, Sungyeol said, “It’s Dongwoo, okay? I mean, nothing bad is happening between us or anything like that so… that’s nothing to worry about.”


“What’s the problem, then?”


“It’s not really a problem, per se, more like it’s a nuisance, I guess. Oh - but don’t tell him I said that, though. He’ll jump down my throat for that cause, you know - he’s only been trying to help me all the while.”


Myungsoo chuckled and made a motion for him to continue.


“Well, I’ve been single for a long time - and I mean a really long time - and Dongwoo and I both got kind of tired of it. So you know how he set me up on a blind date, right?”


“Oh yeah, I believe you mentioned something like that when we were still getting know each other. The… coupons, right?”


“Don’t remind me,” Sungyeol drawled, ready to bang his head on the table. “But that was just one of many dates.”


Myungsoo made a face, staring down at the table. “Oh. So you’re dating. That’s… good. That you’re getting yourself out there…” He trailed off, not the least bit reassuringly. “They couldn’t have all had coupons, right?”


“No, no,” Sungyeol laughed. “Not all of them had coupons. But… I guess, there was just something about all of them that didn’t feel right,” he mused.


Myungsoo raised a curious eyebrow. “Is that so?”


Sungyeol pouted, slouching with his hand supporting his cheek as he nodded. “Yeah,” he murmured. “And Dongwoo made it his current mission to be my personal cupid, and being at home with Sooyong so much has only given him more time to focus on my lacking love life. And I guess I’m just getting kind of tired of it,” he admitted. “I know that he means well and everything, and I really do love him for trying so hard to make me happy, but I can only muster up so much fake enthusiasm to meet these potential matches. Honestly, I… I don’t really want to go on anymore dates.”


“You shouldn’t.”


Sungyeol looked up in shock, surprised at the completely earnest look on Myungsoo’s face and his unyielding tone. His eyes were dark and serious and his mouth was pressed into a firm line.


“I shouldn’t?” Sungyeol repeated, a tiny spark of hope blooming in the pit of his stomach.


Myungsoo nodded to confirm his answer and leaned closer towards Sungyeol. “You’re not even that into it, right? Don’t waste your life doing something that you don’t want to do.” He reached up to play with Sungyeol’s hair, the warm, chocolate locks feelings soft in between his fingers. “Especially if it’s not worth it.”


“...You’re right,” Sungyeol replied, a little dazed. He didn’t really seem to be paying attention - Myungsoo’s fingers in his hair seemed to be distracting him greatly.


Myungsoo let out a breathy chuckle as he trailed his hands down to Sungyeol’s soft cheek. “And besides,” he said matter of factly, “you should be dating me.”


Sungyeol didn’t have time to react to the brusque statement before Myungsoo had leaned over to kiss him. His lips were soft and warm and still inherently sweet from the cupcake frosting he had eaten. It wasn’t much but an innocent peck, yet it both sent their hearts reeling.


They stayed like that for a moment; Sungyeol sat still, flushed with his hands balled up in his lap as he wondered how he was supposed to react.


After a second, Myungsoo pulled away, his face flushed as well as he slapped a hand over his mouth. “Oh.”


Sungyeol, in turn, became redder and more visibly flustered as he brought his hands up to cover his face in embarrassment. “Wow,” he squeaked.


“I’m sorry - that kind of just came out of nowhere. That wasn’t really what I planned- and you said you’d been single for a while, oh my gosh, that means you haven’t been kissed in a while and I probably should’ve asked permission before doing that to you. Oh man, I am a terrible gentleman-”




The detective looked up and paused from his incessant ramblings, his eyes wide and panicked. “Yeah? Really, Sungyeol I’m sorry if you didn’t want it or anything, or if I read the signs wrong, I just-”


But he was interrupted with a light and airy laugh that made his heart beat a little faster, a bit of hope making him tighten his grip on the table. “You’re cute,” Sungyeol said, almost fondly. He was bright red and his breaths were still shallow; he looked pleased and yet still nervous. “But, uh… was it an accident, at all? The kiss, I mean, because-”


“Oh, no - it wasn’t an accident, I swear!” Myungsoo stated. He was flustered now that his cool demeanor had been washed down a drain. “I definitely wanted to kiss you, have been wanting to kiss you for awhile but-”


Sungyeol cut him off with his own press of lips, the surge of confidence from Myungsoo’s declaration making him grab onto the golden scarf to tug the detective closer. The kiss stayed chaste and yet it lingered, the both of them more than reluctant to pull away. When Sungyeol finally did manage to pull away from those addicting lips, he shyly covered his mouth again.


“I just kissed Kim Myungsoo,” He said out loud, a silly kind of giggle escaping his lips. He looked back up at the other man with a blush. “I know I’m stating the obvious but- I guess I’ve just been thinking about kissing you for awhile too.”


“Yeah?” Myungsoo asked hopefully, their faces still leaned in close. “Then I vote that we do it again.” The line might have been lacking tact, but neither of them seemed to mind when their lips met again. It was mutual lean in this time, the both of their intentions clear and it made the kiss that much sweeter. Myungsoo’s hands ended up on Sungyeol’s cheeks, delicately them as their lips moved together. Neither of them tried to deepen it, just delighting in the simple feel of one another.


Sungyeol moved back with a grin, biting his lip as he stared at the other. “So… you really like me. As in - we should hang out alone in a location that isn’t this cafe - kind of like?”


Myungsoo felt pulse quicken as he sent him a smile back. “Yeah… yeah, I would really be into that kind of like with you, Sungyeol. That is… you know, if you’re interested in me. And if we can renegotiate your stance on coupons, because I do have some good ones left over from Sweet Mango.”


With a short blush and a chime-like laugh, Sungyeol nodded. “I could possibly lift the ban for the deliciousness that is Sweet Mango.”


“Don’t look so put out; I’ll make sure to take you to more than a couple fancy restaurants too. I have to make up for all those lousy blind dates with some real ones, right?”


Sungyeol snuck his hand across the table to shyly take hold of Myungsoo’s fingers. Myungsoo could feel him shaking a little. He grasped Sungyeol’s hand in his and gripped it reassuringly. “I would really like that,” Sungyeol said. “A lot.”


“Really?” Myungsoo asked nearly incredulously. “You’d let me take you out?”


“Yeah. I can’t think of anyone else - and trust me I have done my fair share of research over the past month - that I’d rather spend my time with.”


Myungsoo beamed, tightening his grip around Sungyeol’s hands. “That’s good to hear… because I think if I’m being honest… I’ve thought of you as more than a friend practically since the moment I met you.”


“Yeah,” Sungyeol grinned back. “More than friends sounds kind of great.”


The detective looked down sheepishly as he let out a warm chuckle that lit his cheeks a bright shade of pink that matched the decorations he had slaved over himself. “So… you know what this means, right?”


Sungyeol asked what with nothing but a simple tilt of his head.


“That means that I have officially broken your holiday losing streak.” Myungsoo brought Sungyeol’s hand up to his lips and kissed it softly. “It looks like you’ve got yourself a valentine this year, who is going to do everything in his power to make sure it’s the best one you’ve ever had.”


Sungyeol grinned, his eyes sparkling and bright. “Yeah… I would really like that a lot, too.”



A/N: Happy New Year readers! We are extremely thankful that you’ve chosen to stick with us for this long, and we look forward to writing more for you in 2015! It’s fitting that this chapter is the start of a new arc, because now it’s time for the Myungyeol to take front and center! To everyone who has subscribed, upvoted, or commented, we want to send a huge thank you! You guys are the reason we stay motivated, and we are super excited to continue to write more of the domestic fluff that is Growing Pains in the new year! Thanks again lovelies!


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 34: This is actually so so so goodd
nataliawong #2
Chapter 34: Authornim, your story is way too good to give up. Please update soon.
Chapter 34: I've kept this under my book mark for a year now and being deprived of infinite and parenting AUs I started this knowing it wasn't going to get completed. OMG like this story was just soo damn good and kept me on the edge. I can't even express in words my love for it even tho it's too late, i legit read each chapter twice. I loved it that much!! It's always a pity coming across amazing unfinished works tho ㅠㅠ but till whatever I read, it just was purely fabulous!!!!
Chapter 32: I couldn't help but cry as I was reading this chapter.
I hope you would update this story as soon as possible. Thanks..
nataliawong #5
Authornim, by now i have read this story thrice, i still find it attractive and amazing. I really wanna know how their relationships will end up. Please don't make me wait any longer, update please. Bow.
Chapter 34: Sorry if I sound like I'm hassling but pleeeease update this. You guys left at, like, the most climatic part yet! I need to know what happens to Dongwoo; to their marriage!! I feel so bad for him that I'm leaning towards his side. Dongwoo needs that emotional support and only Woohyun can provide that currently. Hoya needs to get his act together and make up for this!
Anyway, I hope you guys come back soon but I'll be waiting no matter what~
dokebe91 #7
Chapter 34: i just reread the last update....PLEASE UPDATE. oh my god i am so curious as to what dongwoo will do....i am hoping he will not be making a huge mistake...esp since he's under the influence it and emotional.....ajsfksadjfkasdjfasdkfjsdkfasdjfasjdf.
HAIKAC 276 streak #8
Chapter 34: I wish you could update this story...
nataliawong #9
Authornim, update please. Don't give up on this amazing story.
m24354 #10
Chapter 34: I'm dying to know what's going happen next!! One minute I couldn't stop smiling at how cute Sungyeol and Munggsoo and Jiseon are, the next I'm crying over yhe fight between Sungyeol and Dongwoo. I've been reading 24 chapters straight and I can say that Myungsoo's not the only one who felt like they've been riding a rollercoaster. *cries uncontrollably*