Review: Summer Rain

Crystal Clear Help & Review Shop


Username: forgettheworld

Story Name: Summer Rain





-     There are some other stories that I know that follow along the Romeo and Juliet storyline, but I think that yours defintely had a fresh, orignal feel to it.

24.5/30 points



-        There's not much that I can criticize about the english of the story. The grammar and puncutation were good. I didn't see any big mistakes, but there were a few sentences that I felt needed a comma. 

I thought the line ' The smell of the rain, so similar to the smell of tears filled her with immense sadness and without knowing it; a tear escaped from her eyes and trickled down her cheek. ' could be separated into two sentences instead of dividing it with a semi colon. I think it's better not to drag it out. 

Also, in the third last paragraph the name Jane appeared instead of Ji Eun's. I'm guessing you changed the name for you competition, but forgot to change it back on here


Overall, the english in the story was very good.



 28/30 points



-    I thought that it was a really smart and clever idea in using quotes from the actual Romeo and Juliet playwright and incorporating it into your story. I liked how you were able to to twist the classic tale into a modern day story.   

7/10 points


Description and Title:

- I like the title 'Summer Rain'. It gave me the feeling of something sweet and romantic, but it's still suitable to your story. 

Your description is short, but informative. It made me think that this would be story about the troubles IU (Lee Ji Eun) and Wooyoung would face in being together. The line 'The rain hides your tears and so you can cry by yourself with no one to disturb you' really got to me. 

7/10 points



Writing style:

-    It was very well written. As you keep on reading, you find out little important bits of the story. I was a little confused at the start , but in the end everything made sense. I liked how you made the story seem like one of Shakespeare's plays. It captured that dramatic feel and was very well detailed.    

8.5/10 points



-   I really enjoyed this oneshot story. I'm a fan of the milky couple so I hope you write a sequel because I just want to read more.        

8/10 points






Summer Rain is a lovely oneshot story that has a modern twist on the classic tale of Romeo and Juliet. It's clever, well detailed and the english is good. It captured the feel of a dramatic Shakespeare's play. I hope you write a longer sequel. I'm interested in what will happen between them and Nikki. I'm sorry I couldn't really give you any helpful hints, but I honestly did like your story. Terrific job and good luck with the competition!



If you would like any of your other stories reviewed, please don't hesitate to request.


Reviewed by -bubixi

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ontaetae #1
is it closed alredy??
Username: EhkkalaMinYoungie<br />
<br />
Story Name: Just because you're my noona <br />
<br />
Time allocated for reviewing: I'd really appreciate it if you can finish before 7th Jan ^^<br />
<br />
Any other information needed to know: The story is a oneshot, so it's done. ^^ <br />
Link ~
kissmeshinee15 #3
Username: kissmeshinee15<br />
<br />
Story Name: Afraid To Love again<br />
<br />
Time allocated for reviewing: It's all up to you ^_^<br />
<br />
Any other information needed to know:It's not yet done, but I want to know how people think of it. :) Here's the link:<;br />
<br />
Thank you so much! :)
Username - AsianNoodles<br />
Story Name - I'm Just A Bodyguard<br />
Time Allocated for Reviewing - All up to you, but preferably soon, please!<br />
Any other info - I hope you enjoy it! It's still sort of a work in progress, but I need all the advice I can get while it's still going! Oh, here's the link -<br />
hi!<br />
I already posted the link of the review at the foreword, and thanks for your time reviewing it! trully appreciated. ^^
alize_sakura #6
Username : alize_sakura<br />
Story Name : Why Tanya Is NOT Allowed To Do Magic Potion<br />
Time allocated for reviewing : ASAP<br />
Any other information needed to know : Story link
Thank you for reviewing my fic! Will be crediting you in the foreword! <3<3<3<br />
<br />
P.S. It's fine, I'm used to harsh criticism anyway...honest opinions are always welcome. It helps with improving my skill. XD
Username : HnryKyng89<br />
Story Name : The One I love<br />
Time allocated for reviewing : one week if you can :)<br />
Any other information needed to know : Story link
Username:Drama153<br />
<br />
Story Name: I'm Now Slave??!!<br />
<br />
Time allocated for reviewing: Whenever you're free :3<br />
<br />
Any other information needed to know: Story link:<br />
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