Review: Without You

Crystal Clear Help & Review Shop

Username: alize_sakura

Story Name: Without You




-         I think this plot is one that would fit a drama perfectly.
It is good that you had stuck with the actual intended plot line this time.
Also, I found this plotline more enjoyable than Please Say No To Him Coz I Still Love You.

19/30 points


First of all, myself is one word. So is herself and yourself.

When speaking about clothes which are on someone, you would use 'wear' not 'use'.

"If noona will look this beautiful on wedding dress..." - the on should be in, not really quite sure how to explain this
because it comes naturally to me but here is a website which tells when to use on, it or at.

You can find much better websites but that is just the basics of it.

Since when I start to fall for him? - Should be, Since when did I start to fall for him?

"Do you free after this?" Should be, Are you free after this?

18/30 points


-       Not the most creative story out there but the twist where she stays with DooJoon is a surprise.
Normally I would see the main character go back to her first lover but it is a nice surprise there.

7/10 points

Description and Title:

- To be honest, I don't really see how the title exactly fits in. I get a vague idea but not really quite sure.
The description is good as it outlines the basic story concept.

6/10 points


Writing style:

-         It is good that you are stating whose point of view it is in this story but the thing you should
work on is that when you have miltiple changes of views, you should make sure you are not repeating yourself.
In some cases you are stating what the person did just with the same words used just in another person's view.
What you should try to do is bring out that character's opinions on it. So instead of staying that she looked good in everyone's view, you should use other words like, for example, she walked out of the change rooms and I swear to god that
she looked like she had just walked out of a photoshoot. Or something along the lines of it.

6/10 points


-   This story was much more enjoyable to me than Please Say No To Him Coz I Still Love You.

7/10 points






This story has showed improvement compared to your other story!
Come back another time to get another story reviewed and let's see
if you can beat this score!!!

Good Luck on your future stories!!!


If you would like any of your other stories reviewed, please don't hesitate to request.
Or if you do not understand something, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Reviewed by _uraqt

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ontaetae #1
is it closed alredy??
Username: EhkkalaMinYoungie<br />
<br />
Story Name: Just because you're my noona <br />
<br />
Time allocated for reviewing: I'd really appreciate it if you can finish before 7th Jan ^^<br />
<br />
Any other information needed to know: The story is a oneshot, so it's done. ^^ <br />
Link ~
kissmeshinee15 #3
Username: kissmeshinee15<br />
<br />
Story Name: Afraid To Love again<br />
<br />
Time allocated for reviewing: It's all up to you ^_^<br />
<br />
Any other information needed to know:It's not yet done, but I want to know how people think of it. :) Here's the link:<;br />
<br />
Thank you so much! :)
Username - AsianNoodles<br />
Story Name - I'm Just A Bodyguard<br />
Time Allocated for Reviewing - All up to you, but preferably soon, please!<br />
Any other info - I hope you enjoy it! It's still sort of a work in progress, but I need all the advice I can get while it's still going! Oh, here's the link -<br />
hi!<br />
I already posted the link of the review at the foreword, and thanks for your time reviewing it! trully appreciated. ^^
alize_sakura #6
Username : alize_sakura<br />
Story Name : Why Tanya Is NOT Allowed To Do Magic Potion<br />
Time allocated for reviewing : ASAP<br />
Any other information needed to know : Story link
Thank you for reviewing my fic! Will be crediting you in the foreword! <3<3<3<br />
<br />
P.S. It's fine, I'm used to harsh criticism anyway...honest opinions are always welcome. It helps with improving my skill. XD
Username : HnryKyng89<br />
Story Name : The One I love<br />
Time allocated for reviewing : one week if you can :)<br />
Any other information needed to know : Story link
Username:Drama153<br />
<br />
Story Name: I'm Now Slave??!!<br />
<br />
Time allocated for reviewing: Whenever you're free :3<br />
<br />
Any other information needed to know: Story link:<br />
<br />