Chapter 2 제 2 장

You're my XOXO

Kris P.O.V

*beep beep beep * I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock. Today is the first day of school for me. I really hate the idea of starting school in a different country because it’s going to be really awkward, and no one likes the new kid. (Who am I kidding? I’m freaking gorgeous.) The only reason for me moving to Korea is because of that one idiot girl who decided to leave my side. She practically just left and didn’t bother to tell me about it. Well I guess it’s because she barely knows that I exist anymore, but I’m fine knowing who she is.

The girl who decided to go to the same school with me when we were younger.

The girl who was there to be my friend when no one wanted to.

 The girl who put butterflies in my stomach.

The girl who looks like a guy.

The girl who stole my heart…

That one girl made me go crazy because she decided it was ok to just take my heart and make it flutter with her perfect personality, her perfect face with a chiseled jaw line, her dark orbs that can stare you down, those luscious pink lips that you would just want to kiss all day long. Everything about her is perfect in my eyes. She’s everything I want and she’ll be mine.

She was the first girl… no scratch that. The first person I became friends with. Back in China, we went to the same school and had been in the same classes sincethe third grade. When the first three months of school rolled by, no one bothered talking to me because I was weird for wearing glasses. You can’t blame me for having bad eyesight. (A/N: I don’t know if he does, just putting it in.) Not just having glasses but because I was adopted. Everyone would tell me that I have no family and my adoptive parents just felt pity for me. It wasn’t true. My parents love me very much and I love them too. I was always sitting by myself at lunch and no one talked to me in class and I felt alone for the longest time in my life.

Three months later and I hated it there. I hated all the kids there because they treated me like crap. Eventually I didn’t bother try making any friends and stayed quiet for the time being. Then one day this five year old boy… no girl walked into my class and sat herself right next to me, obviously because it was the only seat empty since no one wanted to sit beside a kid with eye problems and no real parents.


“Nǐ hǎo. Wǒ de míngzì shì hǔpò. Qǐng duì wǒ hǎo. (Hello. My name is Amber. Please be good to me.) This girl sad to me all happily and stuck her hand out after she sat down. What is this girl doing? Is she not going to ignore me like the rest of the kids? Wow she has a pretty voice though. What am I thinking she’s just a girl.

“Nǐ shì shuí? (Who are you?)” I asked her because she was just sitting and smiling, still holding out her hand to me. I wasn’t going to shake her hand because I’ve never made a friend and well she was a girl. She probably had cooties. I wouldn’t want to catch them.

“My name is Amber.” Wow she speaks English too? Wow. I’m not the only one now yay! Oh wait she probably won’t like me either like the rest of them. I was kind of happy though. She was the first person to talk to me. Well, besides my parents and my teachers, and the bullies. I thought for a moment and said to myself why not just try. Maybe she’s not like others.

“Oh, you speak English too?” She nodded and paused for a few seconds debating on what to say.

“Yeah, wow so now I don’t have to worry about knowing English because you know it too!” She was all jumpy now and I really don’t know why but I decided to keep the conversation going. Best luck to me.

“Yeah um, I learned it from my parents.” I said “Uhhh, are you new here? I haven’t seen you before.” I asked her, well I’ve never seen her before. I would’ve known because again I despise all the kids here. I know them all.

“Yeah, I just moved here from America.” She was still cheery and excited and I decided to just go along with. “Ughh… What’s your name mister?” Wow, that was a first.

“M-my na-m-me i-is u-hh Kris.” Wow, way to stutter dude, and in front of a girl.

“Really, I expected something more…. more Chinese… Anyways Kris. Let’s be friends.” She smiled and showed me her dimples. Wow she’s so pretty. Dang it Kris don’t stare at her. Wait, did she just say what I think she said. OMGEZUS *mentally flips out*

“Re-a-lly, you wa-nt to be fr-ei-nds wi-th m-ee?” Darn. There goes my stuttering again, but hey I was spazzing with happiness. Control yourself Kris, she’ll probably think you’re weird.

“Yeah, we can be best friends if you’d like. You look like a nice boy.” FAIUDHAOIB ADUH can’t control myself right now. I have a friend and better yet she already wants to be best friends. Hmmm, I like that name. Best friends, that’s what we’ll be.

*end of flashback.*

It’s only been a few months since I’ve seen her. I wonder what she’s doing right now. I wonder if we’re still friends because we were kind of distamt from the beginning of high school. I hope she still thinks of my as a best friend. My heart has yet to change for her, because I yearn for her love back. Maybe I'll get it in return... Maybe.

(A/N) so i promised this chapter and made it like one thousand words or so... doesn't seem like XOXO yet, but yeah it's still progressing... 

I kind of wrote this chapter fast and no corrections what so ever so sorry for the wrong stuff.

DID YOU ALL WATCH THE YOUTUBE MUSIC AWARDS------- GIRLS GENERATION WON VIDEO OF THE YEAR!!!!!! WE  NEED TO CELEBRATE, BUT OMG THE AUDIENCE IS SO FREAKING STUPID... ALL QUIET. IF I WAS THERE I'D BE YELLING SONYEOSIDAE SARANGHAE... AND POSSIBLY GET KICKED OUT, but fany was so cute... WE ARE SNSD!!!! baby SONES SHOW THEM AMERICANS WHATS GOING DOWN!!!! and the YTMA in seoul was amazing. Kris was the MC with Taecyeon and Min... freaking Miss A performed 4MINUTE performed SHINee performed etc... and others. Amazing job people now SNSD will get the audience they deserve even though barely anyone clapped for Fany... T_T SUPPORT THE KPOP even though when it's more mainstream it's going to be bashed.... *psy* pun intended. SARNGHAE READERS !!!!





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I'm loving this so far btw
Oh and how come Amber's Chinese name is Hüpò? Isn't it Yìyún?
krisber_1806 #2
Chapter 3: Poor kris past life...
Chapter 3: Haha that kris flashback was hilarious. I can't believe nobody clapped for SNSD tho. If I were there I would've probably be kicked out too for screaming too loud lmao
Chapter 1: I totally agree with you. Amber is amazing. I like your story so fa, can't wait till you update :D
krisber_1806 #5
Chapter 1: Interesting.
Can u make henry with vic and then krisber together.
Maybe henry can be the disturd people between krisber but vic can handle henry with her at the end.
justmeyay #6
Chapter 1: it was fun chap....NEXT