Chapter 1 제 1 장

You're my XOXO

Amber P.O.V 

I was peacefully sleeping on my bed like the sleeping beauty I am, I didn't want to be disturbed from my wonderful dream of finding the one. Yeah, that one person that everyone finds and falls for. I don't know it sounds kind of cheesy and corny but hey a girl can have her wishes right? Anyways while my dream was almost finished, it was disturbed by a loud scream. Knowing what this scream meant I decided it was best just to wake up so it'll stop. 

"Yah, Victoria shut your big mouth up!!!! You ruined my perfect dream!!!"

"Yah, Amber! Get your lazy off the bed and get ready for school! You don't want to be late for your first day at a new school right?"
"UGHHH!" I groaned at this crazy making me wake up so early. Wait hold on. What time is it anyways? ~7:30~ You have to be kidding me right? School freaking starts in thirty minutes. I don't have time for anything. *sigh* Well at least I don't need to put any makeup on or straighten my hair because I find them unnecessary. Might as well slip on the school uniform. Oh yeah, did I tell you that the damn thing is a skirt. Seriously who wears skirts now? If the school isn’t going to kill me the clothes might as well.

“Yah, what took you so long to get ready?”

“Unnie, I’ve only been awake for ten minutes. I think that it was a personal record that I got ready in just that amount of time.”

“Yeah, yeah, just shut it and eat your breakfast so we can go to school. I want to go look at the cute boys there.”

I scoffed at her because she easily gets swooned over by any good looking guy, and at the end she’s always complaining that all guys are the same and only date her because she’s pretty. I’m not saying she isn’t but she thinks high and mighty of herself a lot. This dumb roommate of mine Song Qian. She needs a guy to hold her down for a while.

“Unnie, I thought we came to Korea for a better life. Not just so you can go hit on guys that are probably half your age.” Yeah she likes them younger boys. While I Amber Liu isn’t looking for a relationship but to make lots of new friends because I like being social, and I can’t stand not having someone to talk too for more than ten minutes. Call me attention if you will, but hey; I can’t help being the social llama that I am. Apparently Vic says I look like one and could probably become one if I wanted to. Really, this crazy is slowly getting on my nerves. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

“We are here for a better life, but it doesn’t hurt to have a little fun. It’s a new country and what better way to enjoy it than to find cute guys that live in it.” (A/N: that’s the story talking not me… *cough cough* and laughs awkwardly)

“I know but an education is still important. How are we going to become singers without having a backup?” “I just want to get on with life and become a good idol for everyone to look up to.”

Victoria sighed and sat down next to me. “I know, I know, becoming a singer is my priority to but Amber. You need to lighten up and have some fun ok?”

“Yes, unnie, but promise me that no matter what we’ll be best friends forever.”

She leaned in to kiss my cheek “Ok, my little dongsaeng. You got yourself a deal. Come on lets go to school. I still want to meet some cute guys. Maybe we’ll get lucky today.” I swear she’s going to break every guy’s heart. I’m going to apologize to all the guys in advance. Off we go. I hope this schools all hyped up as everyone says it’s supposed to be.


(A/N: Author's Note) 

So, agian this is my first time writing this stuff, and I somewhat have a plot going on so YAY!!! Whats her face (Victoria) is Amber roommate and they lived together in China so yeah... I hope my story is good. I typed 682 words just for you guys. ENJOY!!!

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I'm loving this so far btw
Oh and how come Amber's Chinese name is Hüpò? Isn't it Yìyún?
krisber_1806 #2
Chapter 3: Poor kris past life...
Chapter 3: Haha that kris flashback was hilarious. I can't believe nobody clapped for SNSD tho. If I were there I would've probably be kicked out too for screaming too loud lmao
Chapter 1: I totally agree with you. Amber is amazing. I like your story so fa, can't wait till you update :D
krisber_1806 #5
Chapter 1: Interesting.
Can u make henry with vic and then krisber together.
Maybe henry can be the disturd people between krisber but vic can handle henry with her at the end.
justmeyay #6
Chapter 1: it was fun chap....NEXT