Oh My Beautiful Target


It all starts with a bet.. Baro notices a girl named Jihyun and finding out how stubborn she is from Jinyoung he decides to make her his next Target, to make her fall in love with him.. Jihyun has six friends known as Beast who pretty much follow her everywhere, Jihyun has no intention on dating due to a bad relationship once, so how will Baro get Jihyun to confess her love, or will he fall for her instead??


Image and video hosting by TinyPic JIHYUN- 22, music student, mysterious, Target Image and video hosting by TinyPic BARO- 23, rich, Law student also plays soccer, cocky..... Image and video hosting by TinyPic JUNHYUNG-23, music student, Jihyuns best friend, sweet, protective....... Image and video hosting by TinyPic BEAST- 22-23, Jihyuns friends, their personalities will show in time...... Image and video hosting by TinyPic B1A4- 22-24, best friends of Baro, also play soccer, rich, their personalities will also show in time....... Also, other characters may show up as the story goes on.....-- THIS STORY WILL BE WRITTEN IN BOTH POINT OF VIEWS. ENJOY :). Feel free to comment and tell me what you think, it encourages me to keep writing.--


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I enjoyed reading this!!