Clarity of Release

Butterfly Effect (Discontinued)

   "So, umm, what should we name it?" Cameron asked her older companion, Nam Hee. Rowan went to the restroom at that particular moment. They finished up at YG and regrouped at Cameron's penthouse apartment. They sat in her living room staring at the Toshiba laptop that sat on the glass top coffee table. The three were having difficulties deciding what to call the account. 

  "I don't know. I at stuff like this." Nam Hee said in exasperation.

  "Woah! Do you seriously play all of these instruments?" Rowan asked from another room. She came into a room that was Cameron's musical sanctuary. The walls had various instruments leaning against them, such as a flute, a drum set, two guitars, a violin, a cello, a harp, a bass, a saxophone, three African drums, and a piano placed near the center with papers scattered around. Rowan supposed they were her compositions. 

   "Yeah, I play a lot, some much better than others. Whatever. I need you to come and help with this YouTube stuff." Cameron demanded.

   "Okay then, little miss bossy pants. Don't get your knickers in a twist." Rowan said coming back into the living room and plopping down on the couch next to Cameron. "How about it have Seoul in it to be a play on words?"

   "Yeah, that could work." Cameron said thinking about before an idea came to her. "How about Seoulful Sound? Obviously we're in Seoul but the videos we make have a voice and carry a sound. I know its kind of corny but it's better than my other ideas."

   "I like it, actually." Rowan chimed as Cameron typed it in.

   "Okay now we should make a short message for our viewers, just so they can get a feel of what's to come.." Nam Hee said setting up the camera that they had at the moment. The three then prepared what they wanted to say before actually recording. "Okay, in 3, 2, 1...Start!"

  "Hey, as some people might know, I'm Cameron Veneva. To all my followers on social media, you all might've heard about me being in Korea and moving from SM Entertainment to YG Entertainment for a new vibe. As a start to a new beginning, I've decided to join in on the wonderful life of vlogging along with my friends Nam Hee and Rowan." Cameron said gesturing to the two ladies beside her. "We'll try to make this as entertaining as possible so hope you guys stay tuned. Bye!" The three waved and smiled before Nam Hee turned off the camera.

   "Now we are officially legit." Nam Hee smiled.

   Cameron walked into YG ready to officially get down to business. She didn't dress anywhere near as fancy as the previous day. She wore a gray long sleeve V-neck with a black knit sweater and blue skinny jeans with gray suede ankle boots. Her hair was still curly but accessorized with a loose gray pompom beanie. She had her small aqua camera in her hand facing her, recording away.

   "Its officially my first day of work so I get to do my thing. Yay!" she said with an excited squeal as she pressed the button for the third floor. "Teddy should be here already so we can be partners in crime."

   The elevator doors opened up and she literally skipped to the recording studio. Her excitement for finally working on something at insane heights. Cameron opened the door to the studio and low and behold, she saw Teddy with Tablo as a bonus. "Good morning, Tablo-oppa and Teddy-oppa." Cameron smiled with a slight bow. She then turned the camera towards the two older men. "Who am I going to start working on today?"

   "We're working on Ha Yi-yah right now." Tablo answered tapping a pencil on the table, possibly producing a beat. Cameron turned the camera back on to her making an excited face before sitting down in one of the chairs in the room. She started to drum her fingers on the wooden table top. After a few more minutes she started to hum a melody before she moved over to the keyboard. Sometime during the next three hours the three starting busting out old school rap songs by 2pac and old Michael Jackson classics, all of which was captured on film. Once the songs started to sound butchered, they decided it would be better to take a break for a little while.

  Cameron decided to go to the cafeteria where she met up with Minzy who was practicing dance moves with Kwon Young Deuk, who was called Deukkie affectionately by the YG family. While Minzy ate a moderate sized bowl of jjampong, Cameron indulged on a plate of bulgogi, her favorite Korean entree, and with some Korean-styled, beef curry on the side. The two stayed and chatted with each other for a  while. They really connected because of their closeness in age and similar personalities. It wouldn't be long before they become inseparable.

   "So Minji-yah, do you have any boy that you like in particular?" Cameron asked finishing her food and leaving the table with Minzy beside her, both putting their dishes in a bin.

   "Not really besides I'm not really allowed to date until my ban is lifted." Minzy answered. "What about you?"

   "I'm also very much single though I don't have any type of dating ban. That was lifted once I turned sixteen and I've been pretty much on the market ever since." Cameron sighed. She didn't count her little one week arrangement with a guy when she was seventeen as a relationship. "Atleast I know I'm not alone. I know Nam Hee has dated and Rowan seems like it to."

  "Don't worry so much about it. Even Dara-unni can't get a date and her ban has been lifted for almost six months now." Minzy revealed and Cameron looked at her in complete shock. Dara? Seriously?

  "Now I'm really worried." Cameron said and Minzy laughed before the maknae remembered something she wanted to ask.

  "Cameron-ah, why did you leave SM?" Minzy asked and the girl in question looked her way. "I mean, you talk so fondly of the trainees and artist. I just wonder, why?"

  "Well it was really just contractual issues. Lee Soo Man-ssi didn't renew it for a full contract and my mom said that she wasn't going to sit around playing could've, would've, should've because I was better than that so I took her advice and walked. I went back to the U.S. to do some business there because I was literally bummed. I really wanted to work more with Exo and even composed some song beats and possible lyrics for them in both Chinese and Korean that would give them a new image perspective but I guess it wasn't meant to be." Cameron explained before she turned back to Minzy with a smile on her face. "But, I'm like super happy that Yang Goon-seonsaengnim scouted me out because I admire basically all of the artist here and I'm honored to be around. Plus I'll get to hang with Big Bang and 2ne1 which is so freaking cool!!!" Cameron added having a minor fangirl spazz moment.

   Minzy laughed at her. "You're silly." Cameron then shrugged and opened up her camera once more, pulling Minzy closer.

   "I need some footage of the female dancing machine of YG." Cameron said turning the camera on. "I just finished eating and ran into Minji-yah and we bonded. Say what up!"

   "What up!" Minzy said cutely while throwing up a peace sign and Cameron laughed.

   The two went separate ways and Cameron reunited with Teddy and Tablo, focused and ready to get some more work in. They accomplished about two instrumentals for two of Lee Hi's future songs before the three decided to call it a day. Cameron left the building and got in her car, driving off to a bakery not too far away called Kim's Cake. She sent a quick farewell message to the camera before closing it and going inside the bakery. The ajhumma who ran the shop was so nice to her and made a mean mujigae ddeok, or rainbow rice cake, that Cameron couldn't get enough of. She drove back to the her apartment building and went to the top floor, entering her home. Cameron got comfortable and was ready to indulge in her cake when her phone rang. She immediately knew the ringtone and put it on speaker.

   "Hello?" she asked.

   "Wbahedxiewbisiwnia!!" answered the caller.

   "Wazanbjcbhdiedciie!!" Cameron replied while laughing. "What is up, Kris?"

   "Kris? No oppa or gege?" Kris asked and Cameron rolled her eyes imagining his expression. Wu Yi Fan, or Kris as people know him from Exo, was someone she was unbelievably close to. At SM, he was the very first person to come befriend her and the rest was history. They were always joking around and arguing with each other to the point where people thought they resembled either a brother and sister duo or an old married couple. Kris also had a strong tendency to use the age card which Cameron liked to about.

   "I don't feel like it." Cameron whined and once she heard Kris groan on the other end she chuckled. "I must be pretty popular at the moment. I just got through talking to Hyoyeon-unni, Amber, Luna, Kibum-oppa, Bacon-oppa and Luhan on the phone yesterday."

   "You use oppa and unni for everyone else yet not for me." Kris said.

   "Oh really? I didn't even notice." Cameron said trying to sound as innocent as possible.

   "I can't stand you."

   "Oh, you know you love me. Its one of the laws of the universe." Cameron clarified and she heard Kris sigh with a slight chuckle. "So how's everything going for you over at SM? I heard you guys were prepping for your performance at the MAMA's."

   "Yeah, its coming along pretty smoothly. We just got back in the dorm after going to practice earlier this morning. Most of us are sleep but there is something that I actually called to talk to you about."

   "Uh oh. I don't think I'll like the direction that this conversation is going."

   "So about you and Tao..." Kris started.

   "And here we go." Cameron sighed. "Look, there is no me and Tao. It was just a figment of everyone's imagination, apparently."

   "Don't say that! Maybe if you tried to..."

   "No, I tried for nearly two months to reach out to him and got little mediocre responses before all my messages became ignored. I'm just over it now." she said. Huang ZiTao, or Tao for short, was one of the most intriguing individuals to Cameron. At first glance he looked like this mysterious tough guy but when she got to know him he was funny and had a very quiet charm. He became her comrade, her best friend, her person, that is until the last day she was in SM. They had a fight about how it seemed like she was abandoning everyone and didn't even try to stay. Both were stubborn and wouldn't back down. Some hurtful things were said by both parties and that was how things were left. She was over it and tried to reach out to him after a week long cool down but still couldn't connect.

  "Cameron, its just that Tao..."

  "Don't try and make excuses for him, Kris. I would much rather hear what needs to be said from his mouth but that's not gonna happen now, is it? If ZiTao wants to act like a little punk, then he can act like a little punk and kiss my while he's at it. I'm just done at this point and don't give a damn."

  "Cameron! You don't really mean..."

  "Yifan Wu, Jialeng Li, Kris, Kevin or whatever the hell your name is this week, if all you're gonna do is chastise me about this stupid , then we can just wrap up this conversation right now. I could be doing something like eating my damn rainbow cake instead of getting ing lectured about this ..."

  "You did not just go there?! I know you did not just use all my government name like that! Girl, I don't care how angry or insane you feelin' right now, you better come back to sanity." Kris said in his diva tone he inherited from the girls in Canada. Cameron chortled slightly imagining his 'face' in full effect at the moment. "Tryna sound just like my mama. You are three years younger than me, kid."

  Cameron laughed harder. "Okay, I'm sorry. Cameron just departed from the ratchet station now you can stop acting like a mad black woman."

   "Now you sound like the semi-normal Cameron I know."

  "Semi-normal? Gee thanks." Cameron said sarcastically which made Kris chuckle. "Look, when ZiTao is ready to come reach out to me, I'll be more than willing to listen but I'm not taking the initiative anymore. Also don't force him to say anything because this is between me and him no outside source included. I'm blessed to have friends that I can call my own but I'm used to other friends coming and going so its no big deal. Really. It's a part of life. I'm just going to keep doing me and whatever happens, happens."

  Kris sighed not really liking her answer but respecting it nonetheless. He didn't believe her words nor liked them in the slightest bit because he knew how close the two were. "Alright, if that's what you really want, I can respect it."

  "Thank you." Cameron responded. "Now on a brighter note, I was talked into making a vlog on YouTube and you should come record something with me when you have time off."

  "Okay, that sounds cool. I'll do it." Kris said. "Now I'm going to have to go because I'm getting hungry so I'll talk to you later."

  "Okay. Bye bye, Kris-ge." She said sweetly yet teasingly which made Kris laugh before they both hung up. She ate her rainbow cake in peace, spiting Kris in her mind because now she couldn't stop thinking about Tao. They had so many fun and memorable times together and it was super unfortunate that this is the outcome. Besides the other members of Exo, she was lucky enough to get to know him and he was a truly beautiful person that people overlooked but the personality was there to be discovered. The year that she got to know him, Cameron found herself falling in love with him and it especially now.

  She went into her kitchen and threw her trash away before making herself some tea. As she boiled the water, Cameron sighed as she leaned against the front of the sink, sighing deeply. She didn't expect him to return her feelings because she was still relatively awkward when it came to stuff like that but she atleast hoped they could continue to be good friends. Maybe its better to just let it go and if he comes back he was meant to be a part of her life. But catch and release seems easier said than done sometimes, huh?

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Typos...typos...ugh *pout*


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hellabanz #1
Chapter 20: Cool this is great
Guitarlovechild #2
Chapter 19: Thats all I wanted, thank you so much. Do I smell a maknae war coming?
Chapter 19: Loved this chapter, lol at jealous Tao
Chapter 19: This was honestly my fave chapter so far it was awesome !! Cant wait for another update
Guitarlovechild #5
Chapter 17: I'm a little excited about the next.I would be more excited but I'm sleepy and I work overnight so...yeah. But I look forward to when Peyton meet Kris.
BluePhoenix #6
Chapter 4: Um, her weight. Is that a typo, or is she being sarcastic? A person is considered overweight at about 160~180 lbs. even with a lot of muscle, a person can't weigh as much as Cameron said she did without being huge...
Just a thought.
Ashleybook #7
Chapter 13: This was to funny. "Do you want the D".
Guitarlovechild #8
Chapter 13: This is love! The Maknaes fighting over Cammi, love it. Thanks for the update
WhySoSerious_Icicle #9
Chapter 13: Hahahahahaha, excellent update! I love you story btw, and I wait anxiously and check everyday to see if you updated haha, oh god, please Tao, just realize that you like her and go out with her before someone else does! For god's sake that panda is reeeeally slow haha, and I loved Cameron's family, they're amazing, hope you update soon, but don't worry, I'll be waiting patiently for the next chappie :) see ya.