Aigoo Nation: Surprise!

Butterfly Effect (Discontinued)

   Cameron the video camera on her laptop, to show her and Shey laying on her bed in her room. Peyton sat in between them on the bed, chewing on a pink teething ring.

   "Hey~ viewers!" Cameron greeted in a singsong tone. "I hope everyone is feeling fabulous. Aren't you feeling fabulous Shey?"

   "I most certainly am!" Shey smiled. "We just had an incredibly long day at YG, for Cameron it was music composing related while I had to dig deep to figure out where I should go for work. But, after that we did some stuff with Deukkie and Donnie, the dancing twins, that was really fun."

   "Yeah, you guys get to see my horrible dancing skills. We'll upload it later to the channel but first and foremost we have an announcement to make." Cameron said, clearing . "Aigoo Nation has become official partners with YouTube! Yay!" Everyone clapped, including Peyton. "But that's not all."

   "We're also getting a studio here in South Korea to film more segments. Its going to be sponsored by Samsung and Sony for technical stuff." Shey added.

   "And~" said the voice of Rowan, who jumped onto Cameron's bed and into the webcams view. "JustFab, Yesstyle and Calvin Klein are going to help with future fashion giveaways, courtesy of moi."

   "Also~" said Nam Hee, who jumped on top of Cameron, who groaned in return, and into view. "Cammi is nominated for an Oscar because of her work with Adele." Nam Hee said, before kissing the crushed girl's cheek to further annoy her before she got off the teen and scooped up Peyton. Nam Hee then sat on the bed behind everyone, snuggling Peyton like a plush.

   "But the best news of all, is that I'm at my ideal weight now." Cameron grinned and the others sighed.

   "So now your skeleton booty has some meat on it?" Shey asked, humoring her friend.

   "Yes, we y in this piece." Cameron responded. "Beyonce eat your heart out!" Shey and Nam Hee snickered.

   "Skelet-" Rowan started but she was cut off by Nam Hee covering , shushing her in the process.

   "Do not ask or she will go into an in depth explanation using Cameronology. Please, for the sake of my ears, don't do it." Nam Hee begged in a whisper and Rowan nodded, chuckling slightly.

   "So~! To commemorate our many sponsors and personal achievements, we decided to do a little treat." Cameron smiled. "Since we're immersed in the world of Kpop, we thought 'hey why not do a hanging with the idols type thingy' so that's what we're going to do."

   "In two days, we are going to record a special video with~,,,drumroll please!" Shey asked and the other three banged on the bed. "The wonderful ladies of f(x), though Sulli and Victoria are pending because of their own personal scheduled activities." Shey stated. "And the up and coming rookie boyband where every member is super handsome, Exo!" she finished and everyone in the room cheered.

   "It's an SM day, with some of the silliest people I know." Cameron inquired with a smile. "I invited them to come over since my granny and Uncle Mickey offered to cook some authentic Chinese food. It's going to be very cozy but that does not mean we forgot about you guys."

   "We want you guys to send in some questions to ask or nice comments you want to tell the f(exo) crew via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or even Nam Hee's me2day page." Rowan added. "We'll pick out the questions using random selection and give you a shout out while we ask them."

   "The asking will close at 2am Korean Standard Time, the day of f(exo) party time, which is like 12pm in Ohio and New York and some other places. Also 5pm in London and 2pm in Brazil." Shey added. "I don't know them all but make sure you don't miss the deadline."

   "I'm actually kind of excited about meeting these idols." Nam Hee admitted. "I don't get to meet that many people because I'm always doing some acting or modeling project."

   "I'm also admitting my excitement." Rowan added. "It's a nice change of pace to hang with some SM people instead of being around those YG weirdos day in and day out." Nam Hee shook her had in agreement while Shey and Cameron chuckled.

   "Peyton, are you excited to make some new friends?" Cameron asked the little girl, who looked at her young aunt curiously. "Say jjang!"

   "John." replied Peyton earning snickers from the others.

   "You finally get to meet your boyfriend!" Cameron told the baby. "Are you happy?"

   "No." Peyton replied and Cameron laughed, along with the others.

   "Well, that's all we wanted to say so make sure to send in your questions." Cameron reminded. "I have to go to the kitchen now."

   "Why? To eat?" Shey asked curiously.

   "No, I have to go bake some cakes since I channel Grammy Hanna pretty well." Camron answered. "Its my end of the bargain for us getting Chinese food on f(exo) party day."

   The three older women nodded in understanding. "Go ahead and get your Betty Crocker on, then. It would be pretty embarassing if we didn't have any food for a eating get together." Shey replied and Cameron snorted before leaving the room. Shey then turned her attention back to the webcam. "Keep an eye out for the next few videos and we will see you guys soon."

   "Bye!" said all the girls while waving before Shey cut off the webcam.

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Typos...typos...ugh *pout*


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hellabanz #1
Chapter 20: Cool this is great
Guitarlovechild #2
Chapter 19: Thats all I wanted, thank you so much. Do I smell a maknae war coming?
Chapter 19: Loved this chapter, lol at jealous Tao
Chapter 19: This was honestly my fave chapter so far it was awesome !! Cant wait for another update
Guitarlovechild #5
Chapter 17: I'm a little excited about the next.I would be more excited but I'm sleepy and I work overnight so...yeah. But I look forward to when Peyton meet Kris.
BluePhoenix #6
Chapter 4: Um, her weight. Is that a typo, or is she being sarcastic? A person is considered overweight at about 160~180 lbs. even with a lot of muscle, a person can't weigh as much as Cameron said she did without being huge...
Just a thought.
Ashleybook #7
Chapter 13: This was to funny. "Do you want the D".
Guitarlovechild #8
Chapter 13: This is love! The Maknaes fighting over Cammi, love it. Thanks for the update
WhySoSerious_Icicle #9
Chapter 13: Hahahahahaha, excellent update! I love you story btw, and I wait anxiously and check everyday to see if you updated haha, oh god, please Tao, just realize that you like her and go out with her before someone else does! For god's sake that panda is reeeeally slow haha, and I loved Cameron's family, they're amazing, hope you update soon, but don't worry, I'll be waiting patiently for the next chappie :) see ya.