
Deep Violet Secrets

Pick up the phone~ Pick up the phone~


Sora’s phone rang as it creates vibration on top of the small dining table of her rooftop room, causing her to flinch because of the uproar that it’s making. Knowing that it’s Thursday, Sora’s class won’t start until 11 a.m, which is three hours from now, so she took her time making her lunch for today, another set of kimbap. Hearing the phone rang surprised her. Not just because its in the early morning, but also who and why.


Sora only has a few friends (and contact numbers), sadly, but that’s not the point. Occupied in keeping her scholarship intact and her one and only best part time job ever, Sora decided that keeping in contact with friends is unnecessary, unless if she thinks its pretty important then oh well. But still, who would call at this time of the day?


Sora hesitantly walks over to her phone and takes a peek at the unknown phone number that is currently being displayed on her phone screen.


“Who…” She muttered before answering.




“Annyeong, Sora! It’s me!” Rustles could be heard from the other line before a cheery girl – but not so girly voice - came to her hearing,  


Okay now Sora is very confused. How would she know who ‘me’ is if this person is not even in one of her contact lists?


“Um, I’m sorry but who are you?” She hesitantly asked, not wanting to offend the person or anything.


“Oh. You don’t know?”


“Uh, excuse me?”


“Right, I changed my phone number. Whoops! Forgot!” Giggles could be heard from the other line, slightly irritating Sora because the girl didn’t even bother to answer her question. But before Sora could even snap at the girl, she already gave Sora an answer that startled her a bit.


“It’s Hwayoung! How can you not recognize my voice?” Hwayoung laughed.


It took a while for Sora to remember Hwayoung being her close friend back in High School. Flashbacks of their friendship waved through Sora’s mind right after that. All of their happy moments spent with studying, eating, and hanging out. All of those rushed through Sora’s mind in a second like water gushing down the waterfall. They have the perfect friendship that is even enjoyable to see by the whole school, as Hwayoung is the typical loud but chill girl, and Sora is the mature mother-like friend.


“You! Where have you been?! How are you!? Were you kidnapped?! Gosh I miss you!” Sora bombarded her with questions and ‘I miss you’s.


“Woah calm down, sis.”


“YOU DISAPPEARED SUDDENLY HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?!” Hwayoung flinched on the other line because of Sora’s loud voice. But yeah she thinks she deserves it.


“Sorry sorry… My family sent me to Japan and took away my gadgets without a notice right after graduation. Like, Can you believe that? I couldn’t even do anything there besides helping some distant relatives that I don’t even know about get over their stupid pet’s death! Well, not just that I also had to study there so more reasons not to have my gadgets, yeay! Can you believe that ?! I know i’m studying in Korea again now but I still don’t get why move to Japan. I mean, come on!”


Hwayoung kept ranting about her ‘disappearance’ for (more than) 30 minutes but that didn’t make Sora annoyed or anything. Sora just smiled and giggled as she listens to her friend because she misses those rants and voice despite of how loud they are. Even though it has only been two years, it felt like eternity to them.


“Anyways, we totally have to catch up!” Hwayoung exclaimed.


Sora grinned, “I don’t see why not. This Sunday?”


“Hm I don’t know. I would probably still be taking care of my stuff from Japan by then…”


“Ah I see…”


Hwayoung snapped her fingers; “Ah! I got my schedule for my classes already! I don’t have any classes on Wednesday… So please tell me you don’t either. I would probably be done by that day.”


And coincidentally, Sora also has no classes on Wednesday because she thought that it would be nice to have a break in the middle of the week. All the stresses can distract her so she also thought of having Monday and Tuesday as normal full day college, no classes on Wednesday, have Thursday start quite late and Friday end pretty early.


Sora chuckled as she answers her dear friend, “True friends think alike…”


“I’ll text you the detail, kay? Now bye! Need to settle in da new room.”


“Mmhm, enjoy unpacking, kay?”


“Thanks, sis!”


The phone call ended after an hour, leaving Sora with a huge smile on her face. Oh how she is looking forward to next Wednesday!



As said before, Sora’s class started at 11 a.m. and the lecture along with the practical forensic project took more time than necessary because of those who didn’t really pay attention in the lectures and examples that the professor gave, causing them to constantly make mistakes with the fake evidences and make the professor lecture them for another 25 minutes, cutting everyone’s lunch time.


Sora just sighed as she exited the class while looking at the sulking student’s faces. Spoiled rich kids, she sighed. Sora took her lunch box and head to the school garden but abruptly stopped in the middle of her tracks, realizing that she doesn’t have any drinks with her yet. That class is giving me a mental breakdown, I swear!


She could see the many selections of food displayed on top of the counter and beside the cashier register while queuing, almost making her drool. But she can’t. She needs to save money for grocery (and for hanging out with Hwayoung because she will definitely drag Sora into stores)


She quickly ordered a small carton of orange juice and a small bottle of mineral water, paying it with a few cash and quickly walks out of the queue line. She was planning on eating her lunch fast and head to the library to start a project so she would be able to finish it before Wednesday. For the sake of long-time-no-see-exiled-best-friend. But nope. Something has to be in her way.


“Annyeonghaseyo Sora-sshi!”


Sora stopped on her path and tried to find the source of the voice, only to find Xiumin, a few tables away from where she is standing waving eagerly at her. He was sitting in a table that has been added with a few extra tables along with Chen and six unknown people sitting there.


Sora smiled politely and bowed, not wanting to disturb Xiumin and Chen’s six friends. And also because of her plan to start a project. Xiumin and Chen saw her about to leave and approached her in an instant, amusing their friends who have been watching them watching her.


“Sora-sshi, why are you in such a hurry?” Chen asked with a sweet voice, causing her to blush. A barely visible blush though.


Sora bit her lip nervously and replied, “Haha, no particular reason, Chen-sshi.”


Xiumin suddenly grasped her wrist and drag her to his table where six men (boys) are watching them in amusement.


“Sora-sshi, let me introduce you to my friends right here! Well we’re not complete yet but oh well!” Xiumin said excitedly. Oh boy there goes my plan for today, she thought.


“Guys, this is Han Sora-sshi. Sora-sshi, these are my friends!”


She ended up being forced by Xiumin and Chen to sit down with them and get to know them. There were six people so the introduction plus comments were pretty long. She was confused by who is who at first but she eventually got the hang of it after observing each one of them closely.


She learnt that the one with the baby face and deep voice is called Chanyeol. The one that has dark circles with fierce but cute personality is called Tao. Kris is the freaking skyscraper with silly personality. Suho is basically a living angel; Sora doesn’t have any other words to describe him. As for the squishy looking guy that has a mother kind of feel is called Kyungsoo, whom Sora prefers best out of the whole group because they are pretty much alike. And last of them all, Luhan the living doll.


She became friends with them in an instant since their introduction was pretty funny, much to Sora’s delight. Each of them comment on every other person’s introduction and created a few small cute arguments here and there. They talked about unnecessary things that Sora doesn’t even know why, even some of the guys revealed a secret of other boys to her.


The boys stopped using familiarities to Sora ever since they introduced themselves reason being it’s a mouthful to say. They insisted on Sora to stop using familiarities to them too but Sora is too stubborn to agree reason being awkward.


Their introduction eventually ended when Kyungsoo noticed the lunchbox Sora has been holding onto the whole time.


“Oh Sora, is that your lunchbox? You haven’t eaten all this time?”


Spending time with them was like forgetting reality, it’s like she fits there. She found the place where she belongs, same case with her and Hwayoung. She even forgot about eating her lunch while talking to them. Ckck these boys!


“Oh my, I forgot!” She exclaimed as she opens her lunchbox in front of the boys. A lot of kimbaps were placed neatly in the lunchbox with extra decorations on the side, adding cuteness to the lunchbox.


“Woah, you brought your special kimbap again!” Chen stared at her lunchbox with sparks in his eyes.


Hearing the word ‘again’, Chanyeol slapped Chen ‘lightly’ on the shoulder. “Yah how come you get to eat her kimbap before??” He whined ‘cutely’, reminding Sora of Hwayoung.


A few pair of eyes glared at the sweet voiced (bastard) troll. Chen saw the judging looks from his friends and put both of his hands up in a sign of surrender then points to his beloved hyung across from him, “Xiumin ate more than me.”


Xiumin just smiled oh-so-cutely, “And I am planning on eating those delicious stuff again today. Can I please, Sora-ya? Please?” He pleaded her with puffed cheeks.


It’s true that Sora is a huge er for cute things (people), but she made more than enough kimbaps for today to finish the seaweed leftovers. Adding more reason for her to give those kimbaps to them.


Everyone reached out for the food almost instantly. Compliments were thrown to Sora but she just replied them with giggles and ‘thank you’s. A serious expression then came to her face in just a few seconds when she sees a familiar tattoo in Suho’s arm. Zeta. Trusting her instincts, she continues to observe the boys only to find another tattoo in Kyungsoo’s arm less than a minute later. Though this time it’s Omega.


Million thoughts came to her mind.


Are they in a gang or something? I’m pretty sure Greek symbol tattoos aren’t really in trend right now. Though it could be a trend. But still! That guy in the shop last week had that too. Not to mention I’ve seen a few passersby’s with that tattoo.


Oh! Does Xiumin-sshi have it? Do the others have it? Ugh so much for being an investigator. This could be a really cool thing to investigate IF it is a real problem. If not? Then what an embarrassment! But seriously- AISH what are you thinking Han Sora?




She drifted her thoughts away when she heard Tao and Luhan called her. She took a brief glance at her empty lunchbox.


“Oh you’re done?”


They smiled, “Yep thanks so much! We should do this more often!”


With a few giggles, Sora pretends to think. “Hm, I don’t know…”


“Oh come on!”  “Yeah, please!”  “Cook for us!”  “Soraaaaaa~”


She smiled, “Okay then.”


They all cheered before packing up their stuff to leave for their next class. Time passed by real quick, leaving Sora only 10 minutes to head to her class and get ready for another lecture. She bid them goodbye and ran. Bumping into some people in the way.



The boys walked in a group towards the school garden as they chat. Most of them are done with their classes because of the similar schedule that they share, and a few particular boys just did a few ‘tricks’ to avoid a class and be with the others.


“Yah you guys seriously need to stop abusing this to come here!” Kyungsoo hissed as he roughly shove both of his index fingers to Chen and Luhan’s Delta tattoo on the side of their necks.


The latters winced in pain by the action. “That hurts!”


“Yah both you and Chanyeol has been abusing your powers on me today. How is that any different?!” Chen complained. He knew well that other people might see it as a simple slap in the back or a simple shove but if people knew their real strength, they would be unconscious by now.


“You all are hypocrites. Stop it already.” Suho sighed.


“Yeah stop it, Chen!” Chanyeol retorted back.


Tao grumbled in annoyance. “Oh, just shut up please.”


The bickering boys glared at their maknae. “Says the person who escapes class with their enhanced speed.” Chen muttered under his breath.


Sensing a fight, Suho stepped in front and raised his voice by a tad bit. “Stop.”


A few sorry’s could be heard before another voice started up on another topic, “Don’t you think Sora is a nice kid?” Xiumin smiled.


Kyungsoo grinned, “Hyung, your motherly persona is coming back again,”


Xiumin just smiled at his dongsaeng’s comment. “But I agree with you, hyung.”


Luhan, whose ears perked up when he heard Sora’s name being mentioned, remembered something peculiarly odd about their encounter earlier, “Speaking of Sora, I couldn’t read her earlier… It’s a first.”


Chen, who has the same power as Luhan quickly agreed on that as they shared the same experience, “Yeah! That also happened to me when me and Xiumin hyung first met her,” Chen then sighed. “It was so awkward staring at her like that, I swear.”


“Her power?” Kris, who has been listening all this time, finally spoke up. The deltas just shrugged, not knowing the answer. “Maybe.” They all knew who she was and what she possesses, but not fully.


“Don’t you think we should just take her and spill the cat out of the bag? Like, I don’t even want to go to college,” Tao grumbled. “Or we could just do it the easy way and talk to her personally and convince her to go with us…?” Tao suggested. But of course, those were not the mission that was given to them, so Tao’s suggestion is a no no and was ignored by some members. “We were given a mission to protect her, not kidnap her and throws all of this to her face.” Chanyeol said as he gestured to his omega mark on the side of his neck.


“Just be patient and wait for the headmaster’s orders, Tao.” Kris smiled and ruffled the panda’s fluffy blonde hair. Tao pouted but soon agreed by giving his favorite hyung a smile.


“I sense Taoris…” Someone whisper, almost barely audible after seeing their friends’ affectionate brotherly actions.


A minute passed by with all of them just sitting in the grass of the school garden, enjoying the breeze and the newly bloomed flowers. Some were just listening to the sounds of nature around them, some laid on the grass and watched the clouds as it moves and trying to recognize the shapes of it, while others just look at their friends with warmth. The peaceful day made them realize that today is the beautiful spring day and not the rainy and damp spring day.


Just then, Suho spoke up in a serious tone, “Our mission is to protect her… and I think we need to be extra cautious and vigilant from now on,” Suho sat up from his relaxed position to a sit up position so he could look at his friends properly, his eyes clearly solemn. “Kai informed Kris and I that they have visited her house recently when he dropped that bouquet of his.” Suho muttered the last six words.


“Oh so that’s why Kai, Sehunnie, Lay hyung, Baekhyun hyung are not here right now.”


“But them? What do they want from her?” Luhan, who is sitting next to Xiumin, asked in confusion. “Maybe something that we, or more like the headmaster, wants.” Kyungsoo answered with uncertainty.


True that they all know their mission, but that was just it. The so-called head master never gave them the information that they want to know and just gave them the information that they need to complete the mission. It was a bit frustrating and disappointing at the same time but they had to deal with it.


“For what? Her powers? This is no longer the imperialism period, goddamn.”


Tao then gasped rather loudly after hearing Chen’s statements, “What if she’s really powerful and they want to use her as their ultimate weapon and all that?”


“That’s… not a bad guess. But then again,” Suho furrowed his eyebrows, “What would the head master want from her?”


Xiumin listened to his dongsaengs’ conversation intently. He was curious as of his head master’s plan, but it was too much to think at that time. “Let’s just… think about it some other time.” Xiumin said as he stood up, brushing off the grass on his pants.


“Yeah… I’m getting kind of tired,” Kris followed suit. “Let’s just go home for now.”


The others muttered a bunch of agreement words after hearing the duizhang’s suggestion. They too, were tired. Going back and forth to their world and the human world just to report about their mission is a hustle. Some wished that the mission would end as fast as possible (considering that they are not used to being in this environment), and some is slowly getting used to living here. But constantly get home sick.


The EXO boys (as the head master calls them) raced to their home using their respective powers. Some powers were at disadvantage, but it could be very useful for other times too. They spent the rest of the day resting and taking turns keeping watch on Sora. Why? Because there is a certain rival breed that has been watching her too.



Hey my dear readers! Here's a chapter! Sorry I don't update very often but at least I still update right? *puppy dog eyes*

Anyways, how was it? Oh and have you guess who the rival breed is? Hehe stay subscribed!

Comment too! I wanna know what you guys think of my fic :((

Oh and comment for fanfic recommendations! I've been wanting to read a decent grammar exo fic or vixx fic. AND YES I GOT INTO THE VIXX FANDOM I SWEAR TO GOD THEYRE SO CUTE.

Recommend me some vixx fics pleaseeeee (psst i prefer thank u)

heheheheehehe love u all <3

Follow my tumblr btw! http://jae-hwanie.tumblr.com

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Chapter 5: Really nice plot! :) Looking forward to the next chapter :3 Update soon~ :D
722DolDeer #3
Chapter 5: thanks for update
Frenshyiiz4 #4
Chapter 4: Silent reader here to give my opinion xp.
I'm a er for harem stories so obviously i want to read about an OC/EXO12, but in the end it's your story, you're the author so it's your choi. Waiting for your next update :-)
Chapter 3: UPDATE :D
miss u :(
Maddynevergivesup #7
Chapter 3: Yay update soon
Maddynevergivesup #8
Chapter 2: Update soon