Another Language

Deep Violet Secrets

Sora sighed as she glanced back towards her now perfectly decorated flower bouquet. Plus, since there aren’t any customers in the flower shop yet, she just took her time staring at it, though to her it’s more like admiring the bouquet that she just made.


She tilted her head and thought about the arrangements of the flowers, looking confused, mainly because this is her first time arranging such intricate bouquet like this. Ahjumma specially instructed Sora on how to arrange the bouquet, unlike her other routine that was done with the help of the Internet or by the customer’s preferences as Ahjumma told her to.


She squinted her eyes and observes the bouquet herself. The transparent wrapper was filled with dark-colored flowers such as red tulips and red roses. There are a total of six red tulips and roses all placed in the center of the bouquet, three for each said flowers. The color red usually symbolizes desire and passion, but that’s not the message that the bouquet is saying, and Sora knew about that. The color red is surrounded by pure and innocent white, creating a juxtaposition that may confuse those who observes the bouquet with plenty of thoughts.


Sora then gently ran her hand through the bunch of white jasmines and honeysuckle that were spread around the dark-colored roses. In addition to the white colored flowers, Ahjumma also told her to place a few little bunches of heliotropes and white yarrows in the bouquet, creating some kind of feel to it. Pretty, Sora thought to herself as a smile appeared on her milky white face. But soon enough that smile was replaced by a pout that caused the Ahjumma to chuckle, as she has been observing Sora for a while.


“Something seems to be bothering you, dear.”


Sora looked up from her observation to find Ahjumma leaning close to her with her chin rested on the palm of her left hand and her elbow restraining the weight of her head on the counter.


“Woah, Ahjumma! I didn’t see you there!” Sora gasped and leaned back, teetering before she grasped on the edge of the counter and steadied herself.


Ahjumma chuckled, “Of course you wouldn’t, you were busy admiring the bouquet there!”


“Thought you wouldn’t notice…” Sora smiled sheepishly as she bit her lip, realizing that Ahjumma has been watching her.


“So? Is the bouquet the thing that’s bothering you or is it that good looking young man that just came by to the shop?”

Sora gasped again and playfully hit Ahjumma’s arm, “What? No! I’m just wondering what this bouquet means since it’s new and I haven’t made these kinds of bouquets so you know, I was just trying to figure out what it means!”




“So, Ahjumma? What does it mean?”


Ahjumma took the bouquet and smelled it before explaining the secrets of it. “Basically this is just a bouquet of love,” She smiled. “Do you know the languages that flowers speak, dear?”


“No… Can you perhaps tell me?” Sora returned her smile.


Ahjumma smiled again for a second and placed back the bouquet on the counter before grabbing a chair for the both of them. A mutter of thank you was heard before both of them sat to listen to the latter’s lesson of the flower language.


Ahjumma grabbed the bouquet again and started explaining one by one, “These two red flowers, tulips and roses, speak of the passionate love. Red rose meaning love and desire, and red tulips gives out a sign of the declaration of love.” She brushed her hands against the two flowers and continued, “As for these two, white jasmine and honeysuckle… they represent pure love. White jasmine means sweet love and honeysuckle means the bonds of love,” Ahjumma chuckled. “Quiet cheesy, I know.”


Sora followed the chuckle, “Yep, didn’t know you had it with you.”


“Blame the flowers, dear...”


Sora then glanced at the rest of the unsaid flowers. “What about the rest, Ahjumma?”


“Well the rest are just additional flowers that speak of love,” Ahjumma said as she glanced at the flowers before snapping her fingers, “Wait let me rephrase that, they are the flowers that completes the whole bouquet!”


“Why so?”


Ahjumma pointed at the purple heliotropes in the bouquet, “These heliotropes speaks of eternal love,” And moved her finger towards dark purple yarrows, “And these yarrows speak of everlasting love. Both may mean the same thing but it still completes the whole concept of love.”


Sora then nodded in understanding. But one thing still bothered her mind, “Why did you want me to make this then?”


“Just for fun,” Ahjumma patted her back as she walks her way to the other side of the shop and up the stairs to take a rest, since the shop is directly below ahjumma’s house. But before ahjumma opens the door, she winked at Sora,


“Oh and did you know that Gardenia means ‘You’re lovely’?”


Sora squinted her eyes, “What’s that got to do with me?” she muttered.


“Close up the shop and keep the bouquet, dear!” Her throaty voice then could be heard from upstairs, startling Sora from her thoughts of gardenias. Not the handsome boy, nope. Definitely not.



Sora found herself walking down to her rooftop room with an eerie feeling that night. Ever since she was little, she always has a keen sense of her surroundings. Her eyes will know if there is danger nearby and if something bad or unlucky will happen to her. Not that she has a sixth sense, but her eyes will just automatically scan and observe her entire surrounding, even when there is crowd present. Maybe that’s what made her take forensics and all that investigating stuff in college.


After no more than 20 minutes walking, Sora finally reached her destination and gasped – not too dramatically - because of what’s on her entrance mat.


A bouquet of Gardenias and a card that reads,


“We will meet again when the time comes… Our lovely Sora.” 



A shiver ran down her spine as she remembered Saturday night’s encounter with the familiar bouquet. Sora had just finished one of her science lecture and is currently walking down the hallway to eat lunch in the college’s garden, where she usually eats lunch.


Sora always cooks her own lunch instead of buying it from the college’s cafeteria. She thought that it’s better to buy ingredients that can be used for days instead of just buying one expensive meal for lunchtime. She had bought ingredients such as vegetables and rice on Sunday for the next seven days. So for the week, she decided that the menu should be Bibimbap, fried rice, or kimbap and as for today, Sora decided on kimbap because it’s simply her favorite of the three dishes.


It is 12 o’clock right now so she sauntered, knowing that her classes won’t start until 1:30, passing the crowds, groups of friends, and couples that are also wandering around the campus ground. She was in deep thoughts though, because she seems to find the card that was found with the bouquet odd. ‘Our’ it says, she thought. Is he a kidnapper? With his friends or something!?


Before she stepped on the entrance of the garden, a wind blew on her face, causing dusts or some unknown thing to enter her eyes.


“Ah!” She yelped and quickly took off her contact lenses, forgetting that she is still in a place with people because of the discomfort in her eyes. She stood still and rubbed her eyes with the back of her wrist.




Another cry could be heard then, except this one is in the form of a man’s voice. Sora quickly looked over to her back and found a guy with cute cheeks and light brown hair sitting on the ground with papers, folders, and book scattered all over the place with his friend (who has the perfect jaw-line) standing beside him laughing.


“I told you not to bring all of those at once hyung,” The friend slapped his back before handing him a hand. “I even tried to lend you a hand earlier, you should’ve accepted it~”


The man down there pouted, “Well I didn’t know this would happen!”


After a second the man gasped and looked around, “I thought I bumped into something earlier,” His eyes then landed on Sora’s figure that was looking down at the mess. “Oh my god, I’m sorry!”


“Oh no! I should be the one saying sorry! I was occupied with something earlier!” She apologized and bowed 90 degrees angle. But before the man could deny her apology, Sora quickly stood back.


“Oh god, my contacts! I dropped them!” Sora gasped and kneels down to look for her contact lens.


“Oh let me help!” The man offered before looking back at his friend, “Oy, you help too!”


“What? Why?!”


“Just help.” The man glared back but was soon replaced by a smile as he found something just in front of him, “Is this the contact lens?”


A smile came up to her face, “Yes, thank you!” She squealed and came up to him to get her contacts. “Thank you so much! I’ve caused you trouble and there you are helping me!” Sora looked into his eyes and thanked him, feeling grateful of the man.


No reply was heard and instead, she found him and his friend staring at her face. Sora waved a hand in front of their faces, “Excuse me…”


“Your eyes…” He noticed one of her eyes is now glowing in violet while the other is still brown because of her contacts.


Sora’s eyes widened and quickly took the contact lens from the tip of his finger. “You were not supposed to see that.” She chuckled nervously.


“They’re pretty!” He squealed.




“Wow this is my first time seeing those kind of eyes…” She heard his friend say.


Sora chuckled nervously for the second time, “Well thank you. But I’m gonna have to keep it hidden,” She pointed to her eyes. “This is not normal.”


Sora was about to put her contacts back when the man held her wrist back, “Uh, you should go to the infirmary and put eye drops on your eyes first,”




“The sides of your eyes are really red.”


"Oh." Sora huffed and put her contact lens on first before looking at him, “Thanks, I’ll go there now.” Her eyes then landed on his hand, mainly his palm. “Oh my, come with me!”


She quickly grabbed his wrist and dashed to the infirmary, forgetting one more person dumbfounded.


“Yah, what about these papers? What about me!?”



“Once again, I am so so so so sorry for your injuries!” She apologized as she treats the man’s bloody palm that has a lot of scratches. “It’s my fault that your hand got cut by the steps in the garden!”


“Stop apologizing, this wound will probably heal in no time.” He chuckled. Sora then smiled in relief, “What’s your name, by the way?”


“Han Sora, from the forensics department.”


“Oh the scholarship student, I’m also from the same department!”




He blew on his hands after Sora finished treating his wounds. “My name is Xiumin.”


Sora raised an eyebrow as she puts the first aid kit back on its place, “Chinese?”


“Nope, just my name in this campus.”


Sora nodded in understanding. A few seconds later the door flew open, revealing a panting man with papers and books on his hands. The two looked to the door, “Oh and that’s Chen! My best buddy!”


Chen put the stuff on the bed of the infirmary, “Best buddy my .”


Sora realized what happened and bowed for the nth time today, “I am so sorry for leaving you alone over there!”


Chen looked to Sora and smiled, “Nah it’s okay.” And plopped himself on the bed.


Xiumin cooed, “Aw Chen being a softie to a pretty girl!” Chen glared to his best buddy. “I’m Han Sora, sorry for not introducing myself earlier.”


“Oh yeah, hi.” He replied to her shortly while struggling as he tosses and turn in the bed, trying to get into a comfortable position. After he finally got into a good position he took a few seconds to look at Sora properly. Well more like staring at her intently. This made Sora, who has been watching Chen since his struggle through the mirror in the sink blush.


Xiumin then remembered something, “Didn’t you need to put eye drops on your eyes? There are some on that shelf.” He points towards the shelf near the sink. “Oh right, thanks.”


Sora got the eye drops and took off her contacts from the cabinet near the sink, and then she heard Chen says, “Shouldn’t there be a nurse or something here, by the way?”


“We don’t know,” Sora replied. “It was empty when we came here.”


“Well it’s not high school after all, we can take care of ourselves here.” Xiumin said as a matter-of-factly.




“Ah Sora-ssi, were you about to eat your lunch in the garden before we came here?” Chen asked politely, not wanting to create any sense of suspicion. Sora had just put her contacts back in and were just trying to get comfortable with it.



“Oh great! Do you make your own lunch?”


“Uh, yes…” Sora replied, unsure of Chen’s intention with the questions.


Chen grinned, “Can you share your food with me? Cuz I am super hungry!”


Sora just stood there. She was confused of Chen’s behavior since they just met not more that half an hour ago, and here Chen is asking her to share her lunch whom she never share it to. She was about to decline politely, but seeing Chen’s face, she bit her lip. Who can say no to that face, Sora thought.


 “I guess…”




Sora looks over to Xiumin, “Um, Xiumin-ssi, are you coming with us?”


Xiumin looks up from his reverie and smiled, “Of course! I wouldn’t dare to miss a girl’s cooking anytime.”



Later then, Sora went back to the college garden along with Chen and Xiumin. They sat under the tree in the place that Sora usually sits. It was a comfortable place to be in since there aren’t many crowds there, only a few people chatting and reading books not more than a few feet away from them. Chen and Xiumin were very friendly towards her, even when they had just met her. They chatted about college stuff and food, smiling and laughing as if they had been friends for years.


They frequently complimented her cooking and ate it until it’s gone, leaving Sora with only two kimbaps to eat. She didn’t get mad though; instead she just smiled and replied their compliments with thank you’s and modest remarks.


After eating and chatting, they all bid their goodbyes and went to their respective classes. Though it seems that another two people had just came and joined Xiumin and Chen under the tree for a chat.


“Aren’t I a genius, Hyung?”


Xiumin raised an eyebrow at his dongsaeng before extending his injured palm and focus his concentration on it, “You? Why?”


“To push you and ask to join her for lunch, of course.” Chen smiled in satisfaction.


Their friend with eyes that are slanted downwards slap his back while pouting, “You sly bastard! Could’ve invited us, we were dying in the cafeteria!”


Their other friend with eyes that are as big as an owl’s agreed while chuckling, “I know right. I want to know her better before the time comes.”


“Well you will,” Xiumin smiled as he looks at his now perfectly un-injured palm that has no scratches left. “Eventually.”


“Oh yeah, Kai gave her some kind of a scare with flowers and on the weekend.”


Chen snapped his fingers, “Oh yeah, I remember!” His brows then knitted together in confusion, “I tried to read her mind and see her reactions about it earlier, but I couldn’t,” He sighed. “Not even a thought! Weird!”


“Maybe that’s one of her powers.”


The other friend sighed. “Guess we’ll just have to find out when the time comes.”


Xiumin agreed as he glanced at his watch, “Her eyes are the prettiest things that I’ve seen… Too bad she covered those beauties and keep it hidden," He pouted. "Well, we gotta go to class.” Xiumin and Chen quickly gathered their belongings and wave to their friends.


“Bye Baek! Kyung! See you at home!”




I'm back! Hehe I know you don't miss me cuz I don't update... I'm sorry... And sorry again for the boring chapter... At least she met some members already, oh well hehe.

Anyways I have a question... I still don't know whether to make this story a reverse harem story or just simply a story that has the oc end up with one guy.

What should I do? Should she end up witht the twelve of them or just one guy?

Help! Eeek! >.<

Anyways, comment, subscribe and upvote!!! /Please/

Comments are needed to answer my confusion by the way... all of you silent readers... and my dear subsribers... help... TT-TT

Hehe thanks for reading. See you when I see you!

Oh, oh and add me as a friend :D


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Chapter 5: Really nice plot! :) Looking forward to the next chapter :3 Update soon~ :D
722DolDeer #3
Chapter 5: thanks for update
Frenshyiiz4 #4
Chapter 4: Silent reader here to give my opinion xp.
I'm a er for harem stories so obviously i want to read about an OC/EXO12, but in the end it's your story, you're the author so it's your choi. Waiting for your next update :-)
Chapter 3: UPDATE :D
miss u :(
Maddynevergivesup #7
Chapter 3: Yay update soon
Maddynevergivesup #8
Chapter 2: Update soon