Chapter 2

Save Her

Yongguk stood in her bedroom, watching her as she lost her mind yet again. She was throwing things around the room while screaming and he wanted to scream with her.
"No baby please don't." he pleaded with her, reaching for her but not touching her. Knowing he couldn't just like his words never reached her.
She grabbed some books and flung them before grabbing her hair and pulling it.
"Baby." he begged and followed her as she paced around the room.
Then she collapsed on the floor, hugging herself while crying. "Yongguk!"
He swallowed before taking a shaky breath, feeling as if he was crying with her. He reached up to touch is cheeks to see if they were wet but like always, he didn't feel anything. Do ghosts cry? Seeing her curl up on the floor though, withering in pain, it had to be true. Because seeing her like this was making him go just as crazy.
"Yongguk." she whimpered and clawed at herself.
"Don't." he quickly said and knelt down by her. "I'm right here. I'm with you."
"Why?" she quietly sobbed. "Why'd you leave me?"
He closed his eyes and looked away, those words ripping his heart apart. "I didn't mean to. I didn't want to." he whispered.
Then he quickly looked back at her as she screamed again, her hands over her face and the diamond ring still on her finger. That ring that she still hasn't taken off. With a strained whine he threw himself at her, desperately wanting to hold her and make the pain go away. His arms went right through her.
She pressed her arms close to her as she shivered and then reached for the blanket on the bed. She pulled it off before pulling it over her, hiding herself from the world underneath it and crying.
He scooted back away from her. Then he screamed as well. Over and over again. In sadness and in frustration. Unlike her though, no one heard him.

She sat on the floor, leaning against her dresser and held her precious treasures in her hands. Love letters he had written her as they dated. He sat on the floor and let his gaze wander over her. The sleepless nights and lack of food were taking a severe toll on her. Her once bright eyes were dull and lifeless. Her skin no longer had a glow to it and her hair didn't look soft anymore. It couldn't tell for certain though because every time he tried to run his fingers through it, he couldn't. Then she would shiver and he would move away.
She stirred and looked down at the letters, her eyes skimming over the top one. Then she looked away as a single tear rolled down her cheek.
"No, no, no. No more crying. Please." he pleaded and crawled closer. "You can get through this. I want you to. Be strong. For me."
Then she dropped everything and brought her legs up, curling in to a ball as she rocked herself. Crying.
He hit the floor but didn't feel it. Nor did any sound fill the room as he cursed loudly. Then he sat back and continued watching her. Crying. Or at least he thought he was.

She laid in her bed and murmured in her sleep. He stepped closer to her and watched her. Her lips moving as her jaw quivered. Another restless dream and he sighed. He sat on the edge of the bed with his back to her.
He turned and looked her, no longer surprised when she whispered his name while sleeping. He hoped it was a good dream at least. Maybe about the night he asked her to marry him. She was still wearing the ring.
"I'm right here." he said. Then pressed his lips together.
Slowly, he leaned down and brought his lips to her cheek. Kissing her like he wanted to so badly. He didn't feel her skin against his lips though and she shivered instead, huddling under the blanket more. He closed his eyes and forced himself not to cry. There's been enough crying.
He stood up and moved away from the bed. Then after a few moments, her body uncurled as she got warm again. He turned away and stared out the window. A starry sky greeted him and looked to them desperately.
"Please." he prayed. "Don't let her keep living this way. I can't do anything to help her and she needs help so just please. Please save her."
The stars twinkled back at him and he hoped they heard his message. Then he turned away and walked over to the dresser before perching on it. He didn't sleep so he would watch over her throughout the night. Every night. The picture by the bed caught his attention, the two people in the frame smiling.

"Come on!" she laughed and begged him.
"Why?" Yongguk whined.
She huffed and stuck her lips out in a cute pout. "Cause I want to."
He couldn't help but laugh at her. "I'm going to need a better reason than that."
Then she smiled and battered her eyelashes at him. "Pretty, pretty please?"
She groaned and rolled her eyes. "Yongguk!"
He chuckled. "We've only dated a couple of weeks so why is it so important to you?"
She blinked at him in surprise. "Because it feels more like a couple of years."
He stood there frozen as he stared at her but he felt like he was reeling. Then he nodded. "Alright."
"Yay!" she cheered and grabbed her camera. She stood close to him and held it up, getting ready to take the picture. "Smile!"
He wrapped an arm around her and smiled happily as she took the picture.
She quickly looked at and let out another cheer. "It's perfect!" she declared and showed it to him. "I'm going to keep it forever." Then she was running off, taking pictures of the flowers and the birds in the park.
He watched her as his heart pounded in his chest. "Forever." he whispered, the words sending a sense of euphoria through him. It was at that moment he knew. He loved her.

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RinaBelle #1
Chapter 3: And I forgot to say, the song fit perfectly with this story. I doubt if you wrote this piece as you got inspired by the song.
RinaBelle #2
Chapter 3: It was sad but also beautiful. I even teared up, imagining myself in Yongguk’s shoes.
Chapter 3: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ sad yet beautiful
Chapter 3: Awwwwwwwww... ♥
abcd20 #5
Chapter 3: It was sad but beautiful, really well written thanks!!
Wonapham #6
Chapter 3: Ah...I'm crying again.
Chapter 3: Sobbing like a little girl with this story...Its was very well written Author-nim thanks for all the emotions =)
Chapter 3: Omg wow god job. I normally don't cry reading sad fics
Chapter 3: what is this????!!!!!! </3
it's the second time YOU made me cry for this day.
loodaa #10
omg crying so much right now