Chapter 3

Save Her

Yongguk chuckled as she stomped her foot in frustration. She was suppose to be pouring the batter in to the cupcake tray but it was going everywhere instead.
"Just slow down and take your time." he told her.
She set the bowl down and wiped up the newest mess she made. Then grabbed the batter once more and carefully poured it. Slowly. A few splatters but successful this time and into the oven it went. Then she busied herself while she waited for it to bake. When the buzzer went off, she hurried over and pulled them out while smiling, happy they came out good.
Once they cooled off, she decorated them with frosting. Then she grabbed one and stuck a single candle in it before walking over to the table. He followed her and sat in the opposite chair as she placed the cupcake down. Then she lit the candle.
With a heavy sigh, she watched the tiny flame and her hand went to her chest. Grabbing the diamond ring that hung on the necklace she never took off. "Happy anniversary Yongguk."
"Happy anniversary love." he replied even though she couldn't hear him.
He watched as she absently played with the ring, her eyes looking out in to the distance as she thought. Maybe she was picturing him? Then a tear rolled down her cheek.
"Please don't cry." he said. "I don't like seeing you cry. Please smile."
Then she shook her head and took a deep breath before wiping the tear away. Forcing a smile on her face, she blew the candle out.
"Thank you."

His prayer must have been answered. She was living her life again and he watched her happily from the sidelines. There were a few tears of course and some long nights, but no more screaming or throwing things. There were more smiles and laughs. More time with friends and less lonely nights spent at home.
So she was standing in front of her mirror and looking at herself. The dress fit her perfectly and complimented her eyes. Her bright, shining eyes. He watched as she fussed over her hair and makeup for the hundredth time.
"You're perfect." he said with a chuckle.
Then he watched as she faltered. The bright light fading from her eyes as she shrunk in on herself. Frowning, he took a step closer and poured his heart out in to his words. "Don't." he whispered. "I'll always be with you."
Her hands went to the diamond ring around her neck as she closed her eyes. She took several deep breaths. Then opened her eyes and let her hands drop away.
"That's my girl."
Then he watched as she grabbed her purse and looked one last time in the mirror. Bringing a smile on her face. Then she was out the front door.
A small smile formed on his face. "Go get him beautiful."

"I'm so sorry!"
"No, no, no! I'm sorry!" she exclaimed as she knelt down to pick up her things. "I was in a hurry and didn't see where I was going."
Yongguk knelt down and helped her pick up the stuff she had dropped. "Is that a normal thing?"
She stopped grabbing things and blinked at him in surprise, making him blush. "I mean..."
Then she laughed and he didn't bother finishing what he was going to say. Instead he smiled at her.
"Unfortunately." she confessed. "It's my friend's birthday and I'm buying the gift last minute. Like usual."
He chuckled as he handed her the shopping bag and then they both stood up.
"Thanks." she said and went to turn away.
"Wait." he uttered without thinking.
She stopped and looked at him.
"I... I... Um..." he swallowed nervously. "I mean... Can I walk you?"
She stared at him thoughtfully before shyly smiling. "I'd like that."
"Great." he said and fell in to step beside her. "Oh, let me." he quickly said and grabbed the shopping bag.
"Thank you." she replied with a small blush.
He felt his heart flutter as they continued walking down the sidewalk. Stealing glances at each other with shy smiles.



Song Inspiration: Saving Amy

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RinaBelle #1
Chapter 3: And I forgot to say, the song fit perfectly with this story. I doubt if you wrote this piece as you got inspired by the song.
RinaBelle #2
Chapter 3: It was sad but also beautiful. I even teared up, imagining myself in Yongguk’s shoes.
Chapter 3: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ sad yet beautiful
Chapter 3: Awwwwwwwww... ♥
abcd20 #5
Chapter 3: It was sad but beautiful, really well written thanks!!
Wonapham #6
Chapter 3: Ah...I'm crying again.
Chapter 3: Sobbing like a little girl with this story...Its was very well written Author-nim thanks for all the emotions =)
Chapter 3: Omg wow god job. I normally don't cry reading sad fics
Chapter 3: what is this????!!!!!! </3
it's the second time YOU made me cry for this day.
loodaa #10
omg crying so much right now