
Neverland -HIATUS-

“Yifan? Hello? Are you listening to me?”

Dark eyes blinked, staring into equally dark eyes. “Sorry Joonmyeon, what were you saying?”

Joonmyeon, with his dark hair, pale skin and brown eyes, sighed. “I was asking if you were going to the meteor shower tonight.”

Yifan shook his head, “No, I’m not. And I thought I told you to call me Kris.”

Joonmyeon rolled his eyes, “Sorry, I forgot.” He closed the door to his locker. “Me and some of the guys are going; you should really come with us.”

Kris shut his locker, “I think I’ll pass.”

Joonmyeon pouted, “Aw come on! It’ll be fun!”

“Right, fun.” Kris slung his backpack over his shoulders. “No thanks.”

Joonmyeon followed after him, “Come on, haven’t you ever heard of peer pressure?”

Kris smirked, “Haven’t you ever heard of the word ‘no’?”

Joonmyeon pouted again, before an idea hit him. “Taemin will be there.”

Kris paused in his steps before continue on. “A-And? Why do I care if he’s there?”

Joonmyeon smirked, “Oh I just figured since you had this obvious crush on him, you’d want to be there.”

Kris narrowed his eyes at Joonmyeon, a tinge of pink on his cheeks. “How did you know about that?”

Joonmyeon pinched Kris’s cheek. “I didn’t.”

Kris’s eyes widened. “What?”

Joonmyeon laughed, walking ahead of him. “So I’ll see you there, right?” he hollered before he exited the building.

Kris sighed. “.”


“Yifan, where are you going?” his mother shouted from the kitchen.

“I’m going with Joonmyeon and some friends to the park to watch the meteor shower tonight! I’ll be back before midnight!” he replied, slipping his shoes on.

Gege!” a little boy called, running towards him.

“What is it now, Zitao?” Kris asked, zipping his jacket up.

Zitao, eight years old, dark haired and dark eyed, hugged his giant panda plush. “Can I go with you to the meteor shower?”

Kris ruffled his hair, “Sorry kiddo, you know you can’t. Maybe when you’re older.”

Zitao pouted, “Gege~

“I’ll record it for you, ok?” Kris smiled at him.

Tao held his pinky out, “Promise?”

Kris locked their pinkies together. “Promise. Now I gotta go. Take care of mom for me, will ya?”

Tao nodded, “Ok!”

Kris ruffled his hair once more before leaving the house. Sending a message to Joonmyeon, he began his trek to the park where they were all supposed to be meeting at.

From: Moonie

We’re towards the back, near that old building. Taemin’s here~ :p so hurry your up!

Kris rolled his eyes. It was so like Joonmyeon to mock him about his crush. Making a face at his phone (not really caring that he looked like an idiot) he hurried his walking. The cold air bit his face, his nose and cheeks red, his hands shoved into his pockets. Trying to bury his face into his jacket without making himself blind, he made it to the park and rushed to the back where his friends were at. He quickly spotted Joonmyeon talking with their friend Eli and made his way over.

“Moonie!” he called out, once he neared them.

Joonmyeon looked over at him and waved. “Hey! You actually came!” he greeted.

Eli smiled at him, pulling him into a one-armed hug. “What’s up, bro?”

Kris returned that hug. “Nothing much. Where are the others?”

Joonmyeon pointed to a group not that far of. “Over there. Me and Eli were just talking about something we didn’t want the others to hear.”

“So Taemin, huh?” Eli elbowed Kris as they made their way over to the rest of their friends.

Kris elbowed him back. “Shut up, Eli.”

“Hey guys!” Joonmyeon called out, “Look who’s here!”

“Hey, Kris came!” Minho, another of their friends, exclaimed.

“Wow, I’m surprised Kris. Usually you ignore our invites.” Zico stated, a cold beer in hand.

“I’m touched~” Kevin laughed, “You do care about us!”

Kris shoved him, “Shut up, all of you!”

Taemin smiled softly at him, “I’m glad you came, Kris.”

Kris ignored the fluttering of his heart. “Yeah well, I figured I might as well. I didn’t really want to babysit Zitao tonight anyway.”

Taemin was what one would call a pretty boy. He had dark hair that reached his shoulders, streaked with blue and green. His lips were plump and pink, his nose small, like a button, with high cheekbones and girly lashes that framed equally dark eyes. His frame was slender and lithe, not too built but not too feminine with slim hips and long legs.

He squeezed Kris’s hand, a small smile on his face. “I’m glad.”

Joonmyeon nudged him, “Hey Kris, I want you to meet someone.”

Kris turned away from the beautiful Taemin to look at Joonmyeon. “Who?”

He motioned for someone to come over. “This is my new friend, Luhan. He just moved here from China.”

Kris nodded at the pretty boy. “Hi, I’m Kris.”

Luhan, with his short blond hair, pale skin and odd grey eyes, smiled at Kris. “So I’m told. It’s nice to meet you.”

Kris nodded, a little weirded out by his eyes before Minho called out to them. “Hey, anyone want more booze?”

Kris took that moment of opportunity to walk away from Joonmyeon and look for a clearer spot to record the meteor shower. He found a spot under a large oak tree and sat down, taking out his phone as he did so.

“Mind if I sit with you?” Taemin asked softly, standing before him.

Kris fought down his blush, “Go ahead.”

Taemin smiled and sat next to him. “Recording for Zitao?”

Kris nodded, “Yeah, I promised him I would.”

Taemin nodded, “How’s he doing, by the way?”

Kris sighed, “He’s…better. Hasn’t had an attack in a few days, so...” he shrugged.

Taemin smiled, “I’m glad he’s doing better.”

Kris looked up at the sky, “Me too.”

They lapsed into silence after that, Kris trying to calm his frantic heartbeat as Taemin scooted closer to him.

“It’s cold out here, huh?” Taemin laughed softly, hugging himself to try and keep warm.

Kris noticed that and took his coat off, draping it over Taemin’s shoulders. “Here.”

Taemin smiled softly, wrapping the jacket tighter around himself. “Thank you.”

Kris looked away, his face feeling warm. “I-It’s nothing.”

“Hey Kris?” Taemin spoke after a few more minutes of silence.

Kris looked over at him, “Y-Yeah?”

“I…I heard Joonmyeon saying that you…liked me.” Was that a blush on Taemin’s face?

Kris awkwardly coughed, “Y-You did?” Wow, did it just get hot or what?

Taemin nodded, “Yeah, and…um…I kinda…” he trailed off.

“Y-You kinda, what?” A part of Kris wanted to know but the majority of him was terrified.

“I kinda like you too.” He whispered, his face ablaze.

Kris felt his heart stop. “W-What?”

Taemin took a deep breath and looked up at him, “I like you, too.”

Kris swore he died and went to heaven. “You do?”

Taemin nodded, “Uh-huh.”

Kris felt like a schoolgirl, with how fast his heart was beating and how red his face probably was. He wanted to say something to Taemin but a bright light zoomed through the sky.

“It’s starting!” he vaguely heard Minho yell.

The world seemed to be spinning and he felt a little ill. Something was wrong.

“Kris, look!” Taemin squealed out. “It’s so beautiful!”

Kris nodded, shaking his head to try and shake off the feeling of nauseousness. “Yeah, it is.”

“I heard that if you make a wish on one of these, it’ll come true.” Taemin mumbled, staring up at the sky with eyes full of wonder.

Kris felt dizzy. The more meteors that fell from the sky, the more he felt like something was wrong.

“Aren’t you going to make a wish, Kris?”

Kris shook his head, “N-No. Um, I’ll be right back. I…I have to do something.” He quickly got up, feeling rather lightheaded all of a sudden.

“Kris? Are you alright?” Taemin asked worriedly.

Kris nodded, “I’m fine. I’ll be right back.”

He hurriedly walked off, trying not to fall flat on his face. No matter which way he looked all he saw was blurry figures and spinning trees. He felt his way around, stumbling into trees and nearly tripping over rocks before an uprooted vine tripped him. He groaned, not knowing where he landed or how far he was from everyone. Slowly he got up, cursing the vine that tripped him before looking around. He was still in the park, the playground not that far off from where he was.

He rubbed his temples, “Man, what was that all about?” he muttered to himself.

Rising from the ground, he dusted his pants and shirt off before turning to go back to his friends only to jump back in shock.

“! Luhan don’t scare me like that!” he cursed, hands flying over his racing heart.

Luhan smiled, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

Kris waved him off, “It’s alright, just…don’t do that again. Like ever.”


When Kris tried to walk around Luhan, he would just block his path.

“Uh, could you move? I kinda need to get back now.” Kris tried again only to have Luhan block his path once more. Kris scowled, “Luhan seriously, move.”

Luhan crossed his arms, a smirk on his face. “I don’t think so.”

Kris wasn't in the mood for any games, “Look, I just met you and I don’t want to leave a mark on that pretty face of yours, so could you just-” he growled as Luhan continued to block his way, “Argh! Move!”


Maybe it was the way Luhan said it, or the way he seemed to radiate authority, but something made Kris look into his eyes.

Green. “Where your eyes always that color?” he asked, a little confused. Weren't they grey?

Luhan’s smirk only grew. “What’s the matter Kris? You look a little pale.”

“Gege, do you believe there’s a Mítú nánhái?”

Kris shook his head, “W-What's going on?”

“Gege, look! A unicorn!”

“That’s just a cloud, Yixing.”

Luhan tiled his head in mock confusion, “What do you mean?”

Kris took a step back, one hand holding his head. “M-My head…it-it hurts.”

“Yixing? Where are you?”

“Boo! Ha-ha! Scared you Yifanny!”

Luhan took a step towards him. “Aw, maybe you should sit down.”

A vine tripped Kris, making him fall on his back. “Ow.” He grasped his head. “A-Ah!”

Luhan kneeled before him, “You sure you’re ok, Yifan?”

Kris looked up at Luhan, his vision getting blurry. “H-How do you now my-my name?”

Luhan’s eyes seemed to glow. “I know everything about you, Yifan.”

“W-What?” the pain in Kris’s head grew.

“Shh.” Luhan cooed, running one hand through Kris’s hair. “It’s alright. Just go to sleep. Everything will be alright in the morning, Yifanny-gege.”

“W-Wha-” then Kris’s world went black.

So so so so so soooooo sorry about the long update! I just had NO idea how to move it on and  that I DID get it going, I think, well I hope, I can update regularly. (But don't make any expectations). Anyways, Happy Christmas! (If you read this and it's after Christmas then...happy after Christmas). Hope you liked it!

P.S: Sorry about the whole Kris/Taemin thing. I just needed something to get it moving. And you'll understand about Luhan later on in the fic.


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Chapter 3: e u e;;; LoL... what happened?
Chapter 3: I'm confused and where is yixing? what happened to him? o.o
Chapter 3: @yDeathEater ....
yeah we both are confuse ...
Anyways ..... Im looking forward when channie and kris meet ......
~waitin' for your next update ....
Chapter 3: I'm just as confused as Kris xD
Chapter 2: ohmygooooooood so goooood!
Chapter 2: .this is so daebak!!!!
.waiting for your next update !!

/swims inside the fic

suppai #8
Chapter 1: Wow! This is a kind of awesome! i will wait for the next updates ♡
Chapter 1: This is fantastic!
Chapter 1: awww lay is very cute!!! >.< chanyeol is like peter pan~