
Neverland -HIATUS-

“A fairy is a type of mythical being or legendary creature in European folklore, a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical, supernatural or preternatural. Fairies resemble-”

A young boy snorted. “Fairies? Please. Those things are just a myth.” He muttered to himself, tossing the book rather harshly to the ground.

A soft gasp drew his attention. “Yifan-ge, you shouldn’t say such things about fairies!” a gentle-looking boy lifted the book off the ground.

Yifan snorted again, folding his hands behind his head. “Don’t tell me you actually believe in those things, Yixing?”

Yixing, with his doe eyes and brown locks, nodded, a smile on his face. “They do exist, Gege.

Yifan rolled his eyes, “Oh that’s right, they do. Along with all those ponies that you so dearly believe in.”

Yixing pouted, “They aren’t ponies. They’re Unicorns. And they do exist!”

Yifan scoffed, “You are seriously delusional if you believe they exist.”

Yixing held the book close to his chest. “They do! I believe they do!”

The door to their bedroom opened and their mother poked her head in. “Boys it’s time for bed.”

Hǎo ma.” They chorused, causing their mother to smile.

Yixing crossed the room and climbed into bed, placing the book gently on his bedside table, while Yifan just snuggled into his blankets.

“Window stays closed at night boys, you know that.” Their mother crossed the room to shut the window.

“Mama, why do we have to keep the window closed at night?” Yixing asked as his mother tucked him in.

She kissed his forehead, “Because the Mítú nánhái will take you if it’s open.”

Yifan rolled his eyes, “That’s just a myth you adults use to scare us.”

His mother chuckled, kissing his head and tucking him in. “If that’s what you believe, sweetie. Now get some sleep.” She turned the lights off and closed the door on her way out.

Yifan snuggled deeper into his blankets, his eyes slowly beginning to shut.

 “Psst, Gege, psst.” Yixing whispered to his brother.

Yifan sighed, tuning on his side to face Yixing. “What now?”

“Do you believe there’s a Mítú nánhái?” he asked.

Yifan scowled, “No, I don’t. Now get some sleep, Lay.” He turned away from his brother, his eyes shutting.

Yixing bit his lip and looked at the window, staring at the stars in the darkened sky. “I believe there is.” He yawned, “I believe.” His eyes fluttered shut, sleep taking him away.

A shadowy figure crept along the walls, jumping from building to building, their dark eyes glowing with glee and mirth. They landed on a high rooftop; one that over looked the city roads below.

“I believe.”

The person tilted their head, a smile breaking out on their lips. A believer. Looking at the small glowing figure beside them, the person floated off in the direction they heard the words. They stopped in front of a window and peeked in, smiling at the two boys that lay sleeping in their beds. They flicked their wrist, the window sliding open with ease. Floating inside the room, the shadowed person looked at both boys. They rubbed their chin and looked at the small glowing figure that flew towards one of the boys. The small glowing figure made a jingling sound.

The shadowed person flew over the boy, tilting their head before poking the boy’s cheek. The boy’s eyebrows furrowed, but he made no move to wake up. The shadowy person tried a few more times until the boy groaned and fluttered his eyes open.

Yixing didn’t want to wake up. He was having such a wonderful dream about unicorns and pixies and he really didn’t want to leave it. But since someone was poking him, he had to. His eyes widened in shock, staring at the boy hovering over him.

“W-Who are you?”

The boy raised a hand to his lips, making a shushing sound.

“W-Who are you?” Yixing whispered, careful not to wake his sleeping brother.

The boy smiled and floated away from Yixing. “My name’s Chanyeol, what’s yours?”

“M-My names Y-Yixing.” he sat up, “H-How are you doing that?”

Chanyeol, the boy, smiled. “You’re a believer, aren’t you?”

Yixing blinked. “A-A believer?”

Chanyeol nodded, floating in place. “You believe in the mythical.”

Yixing’s eyes grew wide, “Like unicorns?” his eyes swelled with hope, “They exist?”

Chanyeol nodded again. “They do. But not here.”

“Where?” Yixing asked.

“Where I live.” Chanyeol replied, “I can take you there, if you wish.”

Yixing gasped, “I-I would get to see a real life unicorn?”

Chanyeol’s smile grew, “Uh-huh. So what do you say? You wanna come with me?”

“B-But what about Yifan-gege? A-And my family?” Yixing asked, glancing at his sleeping brother.

“Do you really want to see a unicorn?” Chanyeol asked, his smile never faltering.

Yixing nibbled his lower lip. “I’ll really get to see one?”

Chanyeol nodded, “You’ll get to pet one, too.”

Yixing giggled softly. “I bet their fur is so soft.”

“Softer than you can ever imagine. So, do you want to come?” Chanyeol stuck his hand out.

Yixing glanced once more at his brother before nodding. “Yeah!” He took hold of Chanyeol’s hand.

Something flickered in Chanyeol’s eyes, one that went unnoticed by Yixing. “Off to Neverland we go.”

A gentle breeze blew in the room, rustling the curtains and blankets on the empty bed that was on the left side of the room. The book lying on the bedside table flipped open, the pages moving until they stopped on a random page. The sound of children laughing echoed in the room.

So here it is. The prologue. Just a little insight on what makes Kris such a non-believer.

Mítú nánhái - lost boy

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Chapter 3: e u e;;; LoL... what happened?
Chapter 3: I'm confused and where is yixing? what happened to him? o.o
Chapter 3: @yDeathEater ....
yeah we both are confuse ...
Anyways ..... Im looking forward when channie and kris meet ......
~waitin' for your next update ....
Chapter 3: I'm just as confused as Kris xD
Chapter 2: ohmygooooooood so goooood!
Chapter 2: .this is so daebak!!!!
.waiting for your next update !!

/swims inside the fic

suppai #8
Chapter 1: Wow! This is a kind of awesome! i will wait for the next updates ♡
Chapter 1: This is fantastic!
Chapter 1: awww lay is very cute!!! >.< chanyeol is like peter pan~