Tea with the doctor

Anything less


After a while he reached a village, looking a bit too unwelcoming. It looked creepy and all, but he wondered if it was still the same like Chanyeol said.


''I don't know what they were, but they weren't normal humans. One missed an eye and both his ears and the other some fingers and a leg. They said they were going to take me and replace their missing body parts with mine. I know it's crazy, but you never know what they are capable off. Just now we know why we shouldn't go through the portal.''



While thinking back at his words he was silently wandering down the streets. They were a complete mess and there was no one to be seen, until he entered the next street, where he got greeted by a young woman.


''Hello handsome. Can I take you to my home for the night?'' She asked with a flirtatious wink. Kris thought there was something off about her but couldn't place what. He shook his head and decided to find someone else for help, but she didn't let him go easily.


''You dare to say no to me? Now you ask for it!'' She jumped onto his back, wrapping her legs around his waist and started to bit his neck. Kris screamed in pain and tried to pry her off. After a struggle he could finally grab her arm and pull at it. Her arm came off with a plop sound. Kris stared at the plastic arm he had in his hand. So that's what's wrong with her.


''Give me your arms!'' She yelled and bit in his shoulder. He hissed and grabbed her legs, another attempt of prying her off.

Then a knife pierced through the female's head. Her body went numb and fell off Kris. He rubbed his neck and turned to his savior.

It was a boy, or a young man, with a blank expression on his face. He was smaller than him an noted, judging from his clothes, that he must be higher in rank than the woman was.

The stranger pulled his knife out of her head and pointed it to Kris


''You know you shouldn't wander around behind the gates, unless you want to end up losing a body part.'' He said monotone.


''Gates? I don't know what you're talking about. I came from the portal and I need help to get back.'' Kris explained, hoping this person could help without attacking him. It looked like the boy's eyes widened a bit. While remaining silence he grabbed Kris' wrist and pulled him to follow him. Kris resisted at first.


''It's not save here. Follow me, please.'' And he ran off, soon followed by Kris, because what other choice did he really have?




After running down the main road, passing by the gates the boy was talking about, they finally reached the destination. It was a big house and was a lot cleaner compared to the other houses.

The inside gave off a different vibe than from the village. A bit more welcoming, but still slightly creepy.


''Kyungsoo, I see you've brought a guest with you.'' A young man came down the staircase, wearing a doctor coat and glasses.


''He's from the other side.'' The boy, which was apparently called Kyungsoo, said. The young man looked surprised, but quickly it turned into a warm expression.


''My my, I already thought so. He looks to intact to be from here. But were are my formalities. It's been a while since we had a proper guest. I'm Suho and this is my lovely assistant Kyungsoo, who you've already met.''


''I'm Yifan, but call me Kris.''


''It's a pleasure to meet you. Someone from the other side. Could you tell me, how is it there?''


''Uhm, different from here. People don't randomly attack you on the street trying to get a body part.''


''Haha, well yes of course. Unfortunately you didn't got a warm welcome, but that's how our place is.''


''Could you tell me what's going on?''


''I can and I will. How about something to drink first?'' Suho lead Kris to the living room and didn’t wait for an answer. ''Kyungsoo, could you bring us some tea?'' The boy nodded in response and walked to the kitchen.


''Well, let's start at the begin.'' Suho said while sitting down on a chair. Kris did the same.


''Many years ago, both our villages were one, until something terrible happened. The center of the village got burned down and people from your side got killed. This was all our side's doing. A magician putted a curse on this side, separating it from the other. This side was doomed to have anything less.''


''Anything less? So you mean the one misses an eye and the other a leg?''


''Exactly. Missing a part of the body. And the worst is: you can't kill yourself. You only die from age or diseases but you have to live with the pain. That's why people got more greed and no one will stop until they get what they want. No wonder the curse isn't lifted yet.'' Suho finished. Kyungsoo came back from the kitchen with the tea and poured the cups for both men.


''Is there a way then?''


''No, not that I know. But I guess there is one... No, there must be one.''


''But are we going to help him?'' Kyungsoo asked, looking at Suho and then at Kris.


''Of course we're going to help. Besides, if he stays here to long he might not make it back in one piece.''


''Why that so?''


''Kris, you got attacked for a reason. You are complete and they aren't. Everyone will hunt you down if you don't leave now. Rumors and stories get around quick here and definitely when it's about someone from the other side.''


''The moment you came through the portal, the clock tower started chiming, a sign that someone came entered our world. It's been a long time when the last one came by.'' Kyungsoo explained.


''What happened with them?'' Kris asked, though the answer might have been obvious. Suho let his finger slit across his neck. ''You may find his body parts on someone else's body.''


''How do they do that anyway? Do they go to a doctor for that?'' Kris asked this only to confirm his thoughts. Another obvious thing, but he would rather be safe than sorry.


''Why yes, they do. In fact, you're standing in front of one.'' And Kris was right. He stood up and took some steps backwards, ready to run for it.


''Don't be afraid. I have my own rules and I'm not going to kill someone to make profit of it. The patients have to bring the piece they want on their body.'' Suho reassured.


''Let's not wait to long. We have to set the plan in motion.'' Kyungsoo interrupted. Suho nodded to that and explained the plan, something he must have thought of before judging by how accurate it was.


''I wish you good luck. Hopefully you will make it back Kris.''


''Thanks Suho. And may you find a way to lift the curse.''


Suho waved the two off and took a sip of his tea. He looked over at Kris' tea that was left untouched. He sighed and took out a notebook, scribbling words on it.


''I'm sorry Kris. Things might not turn out the way you want.''

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Dalliance #1
Very impressive. The beginning is good and the storyline looks nice.
I like it! Keep up the good work.
I'll be waiting patiently for the next update. ^-^
Chapter 2: omfg update sOON OK < 3
this is just wow.