Careless to be Friendless

Anything less

The plan was simple, only there was a high chance of meeting some hindrances.

All Kris had to do was going to the portal, after doing some small tasks along the way.


1: Drop one of his belongings in the main plaza's fountain and grab something else in return. The reason for this was to test his greed, seeing if he's influenced, but Kris thinks this wouldn't be a problem. He is complete, but it was part of the ritual.



2: Doing a good deed. Suho wasn't very clear about this one or wasn't very specific, but he said that Kyungsoo would help him with this one.



3: And at last, he had to clean himself in the lake of the forest. The reason for that was because he was infected by the world itself (by the air and the woman that bit his neck and maybe later on by other reasons).




After that Kris could only go through by going in the same way like he did before, and that was that someone punched him on his cheek, making him fall through.


To avoid as many people as possible, Suho will call through the intercom that he has the body parts of Kris and will give them available for the first who come. It will attract many people. All the dumb and greedy people, at least.




''Everyone wanders around in the alleyways, so the main road was quite, easy for you to pass by. But now they must be gathering there, trying to find you and later on making their way to Suho. That's why we are going through the alleyways.'' Kyungsoo explained as they walked through the dark narrow place. Darkness took over the whole alleyway. Kris wasn't really scared when it came to horror movies, ghost stories or dark places, but he did felt a shiver run down his spine. He kept walking close to Kyungsoo, who didn't seem to be afraid of anything. He didn't bat an eye when there was a sudden hissing sound from behind them or the loud clashing sounds of falling trash bins.




''What do you and Suho have less? If I may ask?'' Kris decided to break the silence.


''Suho was boneless, but his parents gave him a mechanical skeleton.''


''That's bizarre!'' He said as he tried to picture a Suho without bones, which was impossible. ''It must have hurt a lot, being boneless.'' Kyungsoo respond with a nod and stayed silent.


''I'm guessing, but you must be something like... emotionless?'' He looked at the other, who looked back at him. The dim light of the lamppost they passed could give his eyes the sight of the younger man. Still the expressionless eyes and his lips in a straight line. And his voice.


''Yes.'' Monotone.



Then they heard soft sniffing and sobbing sounds. Kris saw nothing as he looked around. The alleyway was dark and you couldn't see where you were walking. That also meant he couldn't see the pair of eyes following the two.


Kris wanted to ask Kyungsoo about the sound, but he answered before he could ask, saying he should ignore it.


'Ignore it. Ignore it! Like hell I can when the sound only gets louder and louder. Geez, I'm getting goosebumps.'



Kris had enough of it and turned around when he met the next lamppost. The sobbing sound stopped. The alleyway was suddenly awfully silent. To silent.

Then a boy dressed in black clothes emerged from the shadows. He was close to Kris' height and had black bags under his eyes that oddly reminded Kris of a panda. His eyes were red and puffy from crying.


''P-please, don't leave me alone. I'm scared. Please.'' He said with a croaked voice. ''I don't want your body parts. All I want is a friend, please.''


Kris' heart sank. How come this poor boy didn't had any friends? It's because of all the greed, isn't it?

Kris promised himself he wouldn't care about what happened in this world, but he strangely seemed to have a soft spot for the boy even though they just met.


''Gege~. Please.'' The boy grabbed the hem of his shirt and started to give it small pulls.


''Kris, don't. He's-'' Kyungsoo warned, but it was already too late when the boy brought his free hand to his cheek and started to make a cute movement.


''Bbuing~ Bbuing~!''


Not later Kyungsoo watched Kris getting dragged away by the boy.


''Tao's new victim.'' Another boy emerged from the shadows. He stopped in front of Kyungsoo and started staring into his eyes (Or more looking at his own reflection). When he finished fixing his colorful bangs he leaned onto Kyungsoo, slumping his bigger body on the smaller one. It was something he did many times when meeting Kyungsoo.


''If you would let me through Sehun, then I can help the victim.'' Kyungsoo stated and pushed the younger off.


''Like I care.'' Sehun huffed.


''When it comes to Tao it seems like you care. You know what, you're coming with me. I have something to do for you.'' Kyungsoo grabbed Sehun's wrist and pulled him along. He didn't need an answer, since he knew that the younger didn't care.






Kris still couldn't believe that he fell so easily for the trick. Here he was, tied to a chair in the 'cute' boy's house. The boy however wasn't that cute anymore, now that he's holding a knife and smirked as he twirled with the object.


', why did I have to have a soft spot for cute things!'


''What's your name, friend? Mine's Tao.''


''Uh, I'm Kris...'' He decided to play along, because who doesn't when a psycho trapped you and threatens you with a knife.


''Kris gege~! I like that. I know we will become best friends forever.'' He giggled as he slit the knife against Kris' flesh. He hissed, watching a drop of blood sliding down his hand.


''Why are you looking at me like that? Aren't you happy to be my friend?'' Tao pouted and let the tip of the knife touch the side Kris' neck.


''Why are you doing this? Is this how you would treat your friends?'' Tao answered with a nod.


''But unfortunately, no one seemed to understand how friendship works. Looks like you don't either. Might as well hang you up next to the others.'' The boy looked to his left and Kris followed, feeling the knife cutting his flesh softly. But the pain was fast forgotten once he saw the lifeless body's hanging against wall. All of them had lots of cut wounds and the dried up blood was still sticking on the slowly rotting flesh.


''They are great punching bags when I practice my wushu skills.''


Kris eyed Tao, seeing how the smirk was still plastered on his face. He needed to think of something quick or else he would end up next to them.


''Let me tell you what I think of friendship. I will be very happy if you let me and I know for sure you'll also be happy to hear it.'' It was the first thing that came into his mind, really. He hoped he could buy time that way and find a way to escape, or that Kyungsoo could rescue him.


''Hmmm~... Alright, but that doesn't mean I'll let you free, you know?'' Tao grabbed another chair and seated himself in front of Kris. His action was a good sign, noting that he really anticipates it. Kris better make a good story now he has the chance.


''Friends treat each other nicely, like family.. So friends are comfortable around each other. And the important thing is that friends take you for who you are. You shouldn't accept people who don't accept you. In my opinion, you shouldn't cut them to dead, they are a waste of time and not worth it. You deserve a good friend (if you stop the bad habit).''


''Sounds like something like the Gramps would say.''




''But you're blind. Family doesn't exist in this place, only greed, hatred and pain. Someone like you from the other side wouldn't understand..'' Water started filling Tao's eyes. He looked anywhere but Kris, and said man was internally smirking. He found a weak spot.


''I'm all ears, Tao. Tell your story and I'll tell you mine. Let's see which of the two got the roughest life.'' He hopes that the boy would get along with him to buy him time and even better, make him lose the intent to kill him.


''Ha! Yours will be nothing compared to mine. My purpose of being alive, my existence is a shame. My parents didn't want a child to take care of. Hell, they didn't even love each other. They only wanted me for what they had less. When I was born, I had the feet my mother needed and the hands my father wanted. I was raised and protected with what I thought was love, but it was greed.'' After the words escaped his mouth the tears rolled over his cheek. He quickly wiped them away and put on a stern look, but his though image was ruined by his pouting lips.


''That's harsh.'' Kris would love to comfort the boy now, but being in the situation he's in, he couldn't.


''Right. The fact that they lied to me is the worst thing that happened in my entire life. My trust, broken into pieces after finding out. And that's why the only cure to my wounds is a friend.''


''You're different from the others Tao. True, I might not have seen and know as much as you did, but I have a feeling that you could be a part of changing this world.''




''Of course. If only the other people could get convinced that all of this is madness. But first we have to help you before helping others. So think about the future and forget the past. It will get better and leave the ones who aren't worth your time.''



''Then I'll start with you, since you made me cry and feel horrible.'' Tao stood up, making his chair fall backwards, and slowly entered Kris' personal space with the knife. Kris almost thought that he could convince the boy, but who was he kidding. It was a place full of insane people, so no wonder the boy won't listen. Kris still hadn't found a way of escaping.


Then the door swung open, revealing Kyungsoo with someone behind him. When Tao turned his attention to his new guest he suddenly switched his character.


''Oh hi Kyungsoo~! So you're finally interested to become my friend now?'' Tao started to do a lot of aegyo and turned his image to a cute fluffy panda. That's what Kris saw.


Kyungsoo didn't respond to Tao's cute gestures and pulled the person behind him into the house instead. ''Here. Have a Sehun.''


''But Kyungsoo, you know he doesn't care about me. You know I want someone who cares!!''


''Than he's the perfect guy for the job.''


''No, he isn't!''


''Tao, he is.'' Kris interrupted. Tao turned to him and glared.


''What makes you think so? You barely know him. This kid is careless, cares about nothing.'' He pointed at Sehun who was looking at the ground with a dull look in his eyes, clearly not giving a f*** about what happened around him.


''Didn't you remember what I said? A friend should take you for who you are. If he's careless, then I expect that he doesn't mind the way you will treat him and have you ever asked him to be your friend?''


''Well, no, but-''


''You know that Sehun wouldn't mind.''


''Hmmpf, we'll see.''


Tao walked towards Sehun, forcefully grabbed his arm and slightly sliced his skin. He looked at the other his reaction, but there was none.


''Whaaaa~, his reaction is different from the rest. How about another cut?''


''I don't care.'' Sehun replied followed with a deep sigh. Tao made another cut in his arm and when he still didn't showed any pain, he let his smile take over his face.


''So you'll be my friend?'' Tao asked excitedly.


''I don't mind.''


''Isn't that great, you made a friend.'' Kris beamed from his chair.


''Yeah, but he still doesn't care about me. No one cares about me!''


''I-I... care.'' Sehun mumbled.




For the first time in a while Sehun lifted his gaze from the ground and looked at Tao with a determined expression. In a fast movement he swung his arms around the other, pulling him into a tight hug.


''I care about you.'' He repeated with a blush on his cheeks. Tao dropped the knife as he slowly started shaking and tears blocked his vision. He grabbed Sehun's shirt with shaking hands, barely believing that it's true. He isn't dreaming, this time it's real. Tao wrapped his arms around Sehun and buried his face into the crook of his neck, sobbing out loud. The tears weren't from sadness, but from happiness and that's something the two of them would be from now on.






''So careless Sehun became friends with friendless Tao.'' Kris got freed by Kyungsoo and both left the two alone. They are back on their way to bring Kris home. ''But if Tao has a friend now, what will he be less than?''


''Tao doesn't has anything less anymore. And for Sehun, he isn't careless anymore. He has Tao now, someone to care about. But Sehun wasn't careless to begin with.''




''He acted like he was careless, but originally he was-''


But the boy got interrupted by the speaker post that was standing next to them.


''Ladies and Gentlemen, Suho speaking. I have a big announcement to make. As we all know, a complete human entered our world, giving some the hope to become complete. And some of them can come true now that I posses the human's body. Since I have no interest in it.. First comes, first goes.. Don't take your time or else you won't make it.''


When the message ended they turned to each other.


''We should have been by the gates right now.'' Kyungsoo said.


Kris grinned. ''We got a bit delayed.'' Kyungsoo glared at him shortly before turning away. ''Let's get moving.''


'Wait, did he just glared?' Kris thought. Maybe it was his imagination, because it was impossible for the other to show an emotion, so he silently followed the other, since he wanted to get home, quickly.



A/N: Sorry for the late update OTL

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Dalliance #1
Very impressive. The beginning is good and the storyline looks nice.
I like it! Keep up the good work.
I'll be waiting patiently for the next update. ^-^
Chapter 2: omfg update sOON OK < 3
this is just wow.