Chapter 9

Family ?
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            The smell that permeated through to the bedroom told more to Heechul than the empty and cold vacancy next to him.  The bed that they had bought together was barely more than a twin sized mattress, it was old and had been used for many a purpose. It's stitching and stuffing was becoming old and worn in its use. The edges fraying and becoming weak. The bed itself was covered in various blankets and pillows of varying sizes and each told a different tale. The red velvety throw was when they had had their first property eviction notice, they had been in a fairly stable community and had been looked down upon by the neighbors for not keeping up appearances in the community. The black worn wool blanket had been a gift to Heechul the first time that the two had a public dispute. The hand-made cotton-wool blend, the graying fabric had been there since the time they had gotten broken into the first time. 

       Heechul pulled the blankets and stood, shivering at the nudeness he was presenting to the world. He grimaced, the pain in his lower back was a testament to the fact that he needed a massage or a steamy and relaxing bath.  He trudged to the vanity that they kept near the door. Its main purpose only to show the chest and down. He knew that looking at his face or Hangeng's would only take a hit at their already low morale. The seedy look that both of them kept, the dull lifeless eyes that could only become because of too many sleepless nights. The pale complexions that they both sported, the lack of nutrients evident. His lackluster hair told more than he would like, the limited amount of water that they had to share. He turned his gaze towards the pile of clothing that had been mismatched and could smell faintly of the unwashed body odour that the two lovers shared. The clothes he had worn the day before would have to do, they were the cleanest thing he had to wear.
             He picked up the soiled linens and put them on, wincing as he slid the pants up. They were slightly baggy as Heechul had lost a few pounds. He walked out of the bedroom to glance around the living room as musty and old as it looked, it still didn't have his lover reclining, so he moved on to take a look into their gritty kitchen. the counter tops soiled with the old fermenting smells of dust and mold. He looked at the coffee stains that had settled into the tiles on the counter, he frowned. It was unsightly, the smell and the look. he noticed the dirty wet cloth hanging adjacent to the counter top was littered with crumbs. he assumed that Hangeng had  some of the old bread that they had from the last time they went shopping.
            He slowly moved over to sit at their small kitchen table with room only for two small chairs that were crammed into place. The table held their simple pleasures. A stack of well used cards which had served them well, they were starting to fold, they also had a small amount of coin chips to play poker with. They often bet against each other just so that the winner could receive some oral from the loser, he grinned. They hadn't played in a while. He looked down and saw a note scrawled on a piece of paper that stated that Hangeng had in fact eaten the last bit of toast and he was off to see if he had gotten the job at the coffee shop and not to wait up for him. Heechul inwardly smiled at that. Does he think that I would just wait around for him all day? I have better things to do, than to wait for his sorry . Heechul thought. In fact I have things I could be doing right now. With that last thought, Heechul stood and found his shoes waiting for him at the tiny entrance which they called the boot room.

           When he had gotten his boots on, he gave the place one last look-a-round before he shut the door and locked it. The only indication of where he was going was when he pulled out his old city map and placed his finger on the location he needed to go.




         The bells tingling in the door indicated that someone had arrived. Hangeng glanced over at the newly painted wooden opening and saw a sandy haired man come through. the man's features were covered by the shaggy and outgrown hair, he couldn't put a face to a name even if he had tried. His attention was however pulled back into place as the barista motioned for him to come to the side.

                "As it looks like, we can only offer you a casual position. Which would mean that whenever one of the boys gets sick or takes holidays that's when you would come in. Now I know that we offered this position a while ago, I'm not really sure that it's the best for you. I mean none of the lads have taken anything off and since it's the beginning of summer, i really doubt that one of them is going to get sick. We could give you the positi

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sheldonkpop #1
Chapter 9: Comments are always appreciated, thanks for reading and I'm a piece of crap for not updating like I said I would.
Chapter 1: OH,SO EXCITED!!...I was wondering if the man that Eunhyuk knock on is Donghae...HEHE,Eunhae of course...Anyway,Author-nim,did a very good job and Hwaiting!!..I will always support and don't give up..Fighting!!
257471 #3
Chapter 7: this one is great, hope u will keep updating this story.
Curious about what Heechul gonna tell??what kind of past he has actually??
wendysiow90 #4
Chapter 7: Pls don abandon this story!!! *puppy eyes plus pout*
wendysiow90 #5
Chapter 5: It's so cute but I'm ah..kinda confused. Pls update soon and more. Author-nim hwaiting!!!
Chapter 3: I love this story. It's really cute.