
Good Night, Sleep Tight
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Story number: 3/30

Title: Mattress

Pairing: Kevin-Kwanghee(?) / with hints of Kevin-Junyoung n Kwanghee-Junyoung xD

Song: Only One 4 U



  "I want to be your bed in your room for just a day..."   "Junyoung-ah, can you...stop singing that song, it's just...weird and creepy."   "Sorry Kwanghee, but I can't. I'm determined to win the audition next month and I'm going to practice singing this song whether you like it or not. Haa. Besides this is DBSK. How can you say it's weird and creepy. You're the weird one."   "Okay then, sing all you want and bug off. I'm not going to tolerate and let myself be tortured for another month."   "Yah, how could you say that to me, your best friend? I'm hurt."   "Hahah, if I can hurt Moon Junyoung that shameless thickheaded creature then I'm all great."     "Ommo!!! It's Kwanghee oppa!!!"   Before Junyoung could retort, his friend had already sprinted past the lockers in the corridor, down the stairs and just kept running. Junyoung shrugged and continued his practice. It was a normal sight, seeing Kwanghee running away from his fangirls that emerged after he messed up his singing in an audition on national TV. Instead of being kicked to a curb though, he became an instant hit in the neighbourhood for his 'cute' mistake. Junyoung could never understand. Some people are just meant for fame even if it comes after crazy reason. And even if the person himself doesn't want that sort of fame.     "Aghhh." Kwanghee fell onto the floor ungracefully, on his back, as is the person he bumped with. The sound of stomping pairs of feet made his heartbeat grew wilder. He couldn't think of anything but he knew he needed to think of some ways to escape. He's never a fast runner. Even the boy he bumped with was faster to got up on his feet.   "Hey, please me stall time to get rid of them or something." He clumsily got up and pulled the stranger's arms, begging for help.   "Kwangheeee oppaaaa!!!"   "Quickly!" He yelled in panic, making the other boy scrambled the books in his hands.   The last thing Kwanghee heard while continuing his flight away from the scary swarm of girls were the sound of them scolding the boy and some faint stuttering voice. He felt apologetic, and thankful. But it was the last time he ever heard, seen or think of the boy, since his priority was saving his own dear life and he didn't even know who the boy was, nor remember how the boy looked like anyway.      The boy on the other hand, thought of the encounter as one that changed his life. Suddenly there was a new central subject in his dull school life. Wherever and whenever that person passed by, he would know. It's like, the encounter had planted a radar in him, a Kwanghee detector chip. Before, he knew nothing about Kwanghee, not even his name even if he seemed to be popular considering all the fangirls he had, but after, he came to know everything about Kwanghee, he didn't even try hard to find out, the knowledge just came to him, by accidents, or by fate. And just like that, someone he never knew became the most important character in his daily soap opera, the ultimate star in the sea of people with same clothing, the obsession that grew without a reason other than awareness that came from nowhere.   Unfortunately, he was the only one who noticed Kwanghee anywhere and everywhere. The boy hardly acknowledged him nor even seemed to notice his existence even when their paths crossed, or when Kwanghee came to the library simply to hide from his fangirls, where he's always seated at the counter or arranging books on shelves. Like a fan yearning for his idol to notice and acknowledge him even for once, he wished for the same. Even though he never understood what was so special about Kwanghee to make him a 'fan'. He supposed, it was the aura Kwanghee had.     "I want to be your bed in your room for just a day"   He looked up slightly from his food. It was that boy, the boy who's always with Kwanghee. It seems like this boy really like this song, the boy sings it every time he sees Kwanghee with him. Although this time around, the boy was with another boy, not Kwanghee.   "Ommo, Taeheon-ah, do you know the next lyrics, I forgot it."   "Hmm, no, I don't."   "Ahhh, what to do. The audition is next week. And I'm forgetting the lines now."   "Junyoung-ah!"   "Oh, Kwanghee, here." He immediately duck his head down to his food again, ignoring the glasses that almost slipped off from his nose bridge.     "Yah, how could you guys start eating without me, how cruel!"   'I'd never do that if I were them. In fact, I'd never do that again even though I'm not them.'   "Yah, you're so late. How could you expect for us to wait for you?"   'I can wait for you, if it makes you happy.'   "Tch. Whatever."   "Oh, Kwanghee-ya, do you remember the continuation?"   "What?"   "I want to be your bed in your room for just a day. After that."   "What? Still with that song? Aish...let's see...yah! How would I know?!"   "Oh come on, you always heard me sing!"   "And you always sing it. So you should remember better than myself! Tch."     "I want to make you go to sleep, comfortably, warmly in my arms." The boy avoided eye contact with the three other boys seated before himself and said out the line without any rhythm, cautiously, just as a plain answer to the question that led to the mildly tensed air amongst the three friends in front of him.   "That's it!" Junyoung cried. "Thank you so much! At least somebody remembered."   " problem."   "Yeah, thank you! Now this annoying kid will stop pestering me for the lyrics and just bleeding my ears to death with his annoying singing."   "Hey!"   "Stop it, you two. Break time's over."   The three of them left, but the schoolgirls' craze actually talked to him, and even thanked him. Even though the thank you didn't really sound like one. He made sure to make mental note of the date. He would write it down later on when he got home, he told himself.     It was another day. He saw Junyoung and the friend called Taeheon at the cafeteria, and purposely sat near enough to hear them. Kwanghee wasn't there. But he was sure Kwanghee would be there soon. As always.   "Are you sure it's a good idea? I really believe in those...witches?"   "Taeheon-ah, she's not a witch, just a fortune teller who can help change bad fortune to good ones and make your wish come true. That's what they say."   "Sounds like a witch to me."   "Oh, come on...this audition is important and I'm going to win it and show Kwanghee that this isn't a stupid song. Besides, I know he secretly like it anyway."   "Whatever, but I'm not following."   "What?!"   "I don't like witches. They're creepy."   "She's not a witch!...Fine...whatever."     His ears perked at the entire conversation. A lady who could make their wish come true and change their fates? It sounded almost too good to be true. He was very excited by the thought, though he didn't know what wish would he have for himself. He was almost perfectly content with his life. Almost. Except for the part of his unfounded strange obsession with the person he barely knew other than the fact that he saved the guy's from his fangirls, causing himself all the trouble and minor bruises after being pushed and beaten up a bit, without getting a single thanks for his sacrifice. And the only thanks he ever received was in sarcastic tone, for helping Junyoung recall the line he forgot.   Still, he couldn't shake off the curiosity and bubbling thrilling excitement that he ended up following Junyoung after school ended. And they(well, he but since he was following Junyoung...) ended at an average looking neighbourhood, not far from school. Very near, in fact. All the way to the destination, Junyoung was heard, singing his usual song, particularly, that one line.   "I want to be your bed in your room for just a day."     Junyoung came out, looking happier than ever and singing more lines than usual while skipping about like a little schoolgirl who just scored a date with her crush, after about half an hour. The excitement that was there earlier had disappeared though, replaced by hesitation and restlessness. He didn't like the feeling and figured maybe he should go to this lady another day. But before he could allow himself to turn, he thought he heard his name being called. He turned around and saw no one.   'That's odd. Oh well, maybe it's just my imagination.'   "That's right Kevin. Come in, I've been waiting for you."   Hearing that, made him jump, literally. But it was also a reminder that there was no way he could escape anymore. Well, Junyoung came out with a happy face. He could have the same outcome as well. There's nothing to be afraid of.     "So, you decided to come in after all, Kevin, have a seat." He thought the lady would probably be in her fifties, but her modern appearance and elegant makeups made her look like she's just turning forty at most. The house interior as well, showed nothing peculiar or eerie like those black magic women in horror flicks who stays in tents with their crystal balls and some animals in cages with tacky red curtains everywhere. For all he knew, this lady probably couldn't even do any magics and had her little ability hyped up. Though she might have some, considering she knew his name.   "I hope you don't mind though that I'm out of other drinks. I only have this...tamarind juice." She poured the dark brown coloured liquid into the glass before him.   ", it's alright. Because I have sore throat."   "Ah, well...this is good for throat you know." She handed the glass to him, with curious, wry smile.   "Th..thank you."   "So...what do you come here for?"   "You...don't know?"   "How would I know? You haven't told me anything." She raised an eyebrow and laughed. Kevin followed suit and laughed nervously, though he wasn't sure for what reason should he laugh.   "Uhh...actually, I don't know too. Maybe I should go back first and think it over." He finally spoke out after seeing the woman's gaze did not falter at all. She was waiting for an answer.   "You see Kevin, I don't like people who don't know what they want." He thought she sounded angry, but restrained from showing it with her calm intonation.   "Yes, ...I'm sorry." He stood up and bowed.   "What's so special about him anyway?"   That one word, caught his attention to sit back.    Him.   If the woman didn't know anything, she wouldn't simply assume it's about a boy.   "Him?"   "Yeah. Him. You know. That boy that made you come here."   "I...I don't know. I guess, he's like figure?"   "A celebrity? An idol?"   "Umm, something like that, but...not exactly."   "Do you like that boy? I gay?"   "No! No...I'm normal. I mean, I'm straight. I like a girl." He didn't expect the woman would talk so straightforwardly.   "Oh, really? But you came here not for the girl?"   "She probably doesn't like someone like me anyway. She's the type to go know, popular attractive guys."   "Like him?"   "Yeah...but, not really like him. He's not that type of attractive. Not the type girls like her go crazy about, I think."   "So, ...have you told her that you like her?"   "Uhh...I...haven't seen her for...quite sometime. A month...I guess. Anyway, can we not talk about her?"   "A month, huh? May I know how long have you met this...interesting guy-but-you're-not-gay?"   "Around a month...? ...but Really okay. I'm not interested in that way. I'm just...strangely obsessed, and curious. Like...I don't know what's so great about him, he's not even polite, and he always scolds his best friend and never encourage him, but strangely everytime I hear them talk, I'm always on his side even though I know it's wrong. It made me want to know what's so great about him. Get a little closer
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wow..yesterday i was just listening to a song n got an idea for a story,today i forgot which song it was n poof the idea disappeared T^T lol.


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AyeeKon #1
Chapter 5: kekekee that was really cool! I suffered cuz Kwanghee ;; <33 poor soul ;;
Keep it up! Loved it <3
Chapter 5: a literal interpretation of the song lol... It does become clear eventually, but I admit I was confused initially with all the dialogue. Actually this fic reminds me of the movie Sixth Sense, although it is indeed more sad than scary. Still... Heecheol sees dead people O_O
Chapter 5: Awww poor Kwangie... and as for the friend, sometimes i imagined it as Siwan and sometimes as Kebin. Like in the friend's mid sentence the image in my mind suddenly changes and then it changed again lol.
Chp4 - Aghsvxbbdbdbxv Taemin ma heart. Wae. Just wae. Too much sweetness in a candy filled story. Though i also only ship them as brotthers, nothing more lol. And Minwoo's poverty make me feel that i am sooo so much more luckier.
Chp 3 - You have a twisted imagination. Seriously. You do.
jlee21231 #4
Chapter 1: I just wrote about your story in an essay, hahahaha. Hope my essay doesn't
Chapter 3: You have a disturbed imagination, you know that right? that was such a creepy ending... but funny too lol
I like how Kwanghee becomes famous from making a mistake in his audition (and then he's quite self conscious because of it) and how Junyoung keeps repeating the prophetical lyric throughout the story.
Anyway, I enjoyed it, thank you :)
Chapter 2: that is just purely beautiful ;; though it makes me a little worried if my lover would cook up my cat like taht orz
Chapter 2: my god. that was beyond creepy. when i first read it i thought it would be a normal love story so i wondered why would you rate it. then sbshjdbjvjs if youbsaid kevin was creepy in my story, well Siwan is just as creepeh. *shivers*
Chapter 2: whoa, that's messed up... I should have seen it coming though lol. You got the creepy just right, well done. But it was also quite sweet and romantic at times too. Ah, poor Heecheol...

I liked the fic about Hyungsik and Dongjun too, that one was really nice ^^
Chapter 1: Wahhh this is great !