




That day onwards Minji did avoid Yonghwa. She did what Hongki told her.. At school,every time Yonghwa's calling her or texting her,,she avoid all of that to give a responds for Hongki not to be angry with her..


It was friday morning.Hongki and his friend are walking at the hall way of the school when he spotted Yonghwa walking to his direction..He excuse him self to his friends then walk towards Yonghwa. When hongki is just three steps away from him he ask him(Yonghwa) to follow him(Hongki)at the school rooftop..Yonghwa follow him. ..


when they are now at the rooftop Hongki explodes..Hongki pulled Yonghwa's collar


"WHAT DO YOU THING YOU'RE DOING JERK!!!"Hongki roared...Yonghwa just starred at him grinning..he doesnt even think his position or Hongki might punch him or something. He's just enjoying the fact that his plan on making Hongki more angry and annoyed using Minji is working. Cause he barely knows that Hongki is falling for her to and that's part of his plans from the very start.


"Can you please take off your ing hand on me"Yonghwa finally spoken up..instead of Hongki loosen his hold on him he throw a punch on Yonghwa's face that make him stumble on the ground...""Yonghwa curse when he fall on the ground. He hold his right cheek where Hongki punch him then stand to punch Hongki back...


"What do I think I'm doing....don't you know.."Yonghwa said massaging his right hand that he use to punch Hongki..."I'm doing that because this is not our plan.."He added.


"PLAN...PLANS...are you ing kidding me...the bet says make her fall for me..and that's already over..can you hear me already over.."Hongki said standing wiping the blood at the side of his lips...


"Why??...don't tell me you fall for her too..if that's the case this will be more exciting.."Yonghwa said as if he deosnt even know that Hongki's relation with Minji is getting deeper and deeper....


"What fall for her are you nuts..she's not even my type why would I fall for someone like her...I'm not that desperate to a girl..."Hongki lied...


"Ohhh..really..then what are you waiting for why don't you just break up with her already so that you can prove me that I'm wrong...and why do you always get angry every time I'm with her..I just remember you said I can do what ever I want to her.."Yonghwa fired in...there is a scared thing that pushing Hongki to lie more to protect Minji ...


In the way Yonghwa asked him questions make Hongki tense up...but he manage not to make Yonghwa notice that he's tense..


"Break up..why would I???..I haven't taken what I want to her...and I'm just making her fall for me more so that if ever I break up with her she's going to beg for that way do you think I like her...planting some evil plan on her.."Hongki said in an arrogant and devil way...but of course he's just lying. Cause he knows that if Yonghwa know that he already loves Minji he's not going to stop making his like pissed and annoyed..


"Really...that's a good Idea Hongki-ssi...if that happen I will congratulate you for doing that....that's the Hongki I know a player and a jerk one"Yonghwa said then walk through the exit door..


but before he go he turn around and said "good luck"to Hongki in a teasing way then he disappear...


in the other hand Hongki felt guilty about all the things he said to Yonghwa...but he's still happy that Minji doesn't be able to hear all of those cause he was sure that he's going make Minji hurt by his word...he sigh before he goes down to meet Minji and other to the cafeteria....


but he doesn't even know that Yonghwa record the talk they have in the rooftop and he's planning to make that record as his ace to his enemy.





a very short update...

i really dont know what happen

i think this story is so boring to read..

what do you think...

feel free to leave some comments..






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ah... I don't want this to end. I love this story! Anyway, good job authornim!
Chapter 39: aww... they're together again!
Chapter 38: poor Hongki. Let them get back together!
Chapter 36: oh I hope they'll get back together again!
Chapter 34: yay you updated! Happy Birthday authornim! Love ya!
Chapter 33: take your time authornim. I'll be waiting for your update!
Yeah!!! Too short but maybe later or tomorrow I'll update ahhaha...thanks for reading..even though my english is not that lots
TikTok09 #8
Chapter 27: update again...
this too short..