





"I'm home guys"Hongki said as he close the door behind him carriying a paper bag...


"Hyung wheee have you been??? You're out early in the morning"Seunghyun asked sitting in the kitchen eating some bread with Jaejin and Minhwan.


"I just meet Minji...where is JongHoon anyway??"Hongki ask as he sit in front of the three..


"Jonghoon hyung bought some food its dinner time already.. He said he's to lazy to cook so he decided to buy some food to eat...he just left a minute ago.."Jaejin aswered..


"Ahhh...can you call him to came back I have some food..Minji cook it.."Hongki said then put the paper bag that content the said food...


"Really Minji noona cook that ... I'm so hungry hyung can we eat now??"Seunghyun ask then take out the food..he smile as he saw a delicious food infrot of him..


"Call Jonghoon first"Hongki said .


"I already texted him hyung.."Jaejin reply...after about 15 minutes Jonghoon came back then join the three maknea who's eating happilly..


"Hongki did you and Minji talk already.."Jonghoon ask now they're now at the living room watching t.v while the three are so busy cleaning the kitchen..


"Yes we talk already"Hongki said eyes are focus on the t.v..


"Did you tell her already.."Jonghoon ask again looking at Hongki..


"Tell her what..??"Hongki look at Jonghoon without any clue of what he's talking about..


"About the bet.."Jonghoon point in..


"Ahhh..about that...I'm not going to tell her...I just found out that I'm getting happy everytime we're together.."Hongki said remembering what happen when they were walking at the street...




"Minji-ah why are you so quiet.."Hongki ask Minji..


"Ahhh..nothing."Minji said eyes are glue at the ground..


"I'm not mad at you stop acting like that.."He said then Hold Minji's hand tightly swaying it back and frort while they're walking...


"I'm just...I'm just a little bit guilty for what happened yesterday...I really felt so sorry about that...I feel like I cheat on you then you caught me.."She said sadly but she notice that Hongki is looking at something...


"Hongki-ah...are you listening to me"Minhji pulled Hongki at face her...


"What are you looking at..."She added..


"This one.."He said pointing at the poster of food..


"This..what about that" Minji ask curious..


"Do you know haw to cook??"Hongki ask still looking at the poster..


"Yes" Minji honestly answered...


"Really...then can you cook me this one" Hongki said cheerfully then pulled her to the near grocery without her answering...they are now inside the grocery buying some ingredients when Mina call Minji...


"Hello"Minji answer..


"Minji-ah...I left home..I need to visit my have a key right.."Mina said to the other line..


"Yes I have...I'm sorry if I can't go with you. I'm with Hongki.."Minji said while taking some vegetables...


"Its okay...I need to go now...text me if anything bad happen okay.."Mina said...


"Okay..take care tell aunti that I miss her.."Minji said then drop the call...


"Who was that"Hongki said after putting the chicken in the cart...


"Its Mina...let's go "she said then start pushing the cart through the counter...after they pay for the grocery they went sraight at Minji's House...they enter Minji's house .Minji went straight into the kitchen to start cooking while Hongki is roming the whole house...


"Sorry if the house is small.."Minji said from the kitche..


"No its okay its cute though"Hongki reply then went to the kitchen to watch Minji how to cook...


After about 30 minutes of cooking Minji place the food on top of the table then place some food on Hongki's plate..


"Taste it...tell me if its good or not" Minji said after puting some on Hongki's plate..


Hongki grab the spoon then start to taste what Minji cook....after a spoon full he place the spoon down then there is a undescribable look on his face......


"How is it"Minji said nervously..


"It's...It's good....It's delicious.."Hongki said then start to eat again.....but after about 3 spoon full of food Hongki notice that Minji is not eating...instead she's just watching him eating while smiling..


"Why you're not eating??"Hongki asked while chewing his food..


"I'm okay..just eat..." Minji said..


"Here eat this.." Hongki said then put the spoon just near ..


"No it's really okay..Im not hungry anyways.." Minji said then push the spoon away to here mouth..


"Eat....If you dont eat this I'm going to stop eating and im going to get mad at youo.."Hongki warned her then put the spoon again to feed her.....Minji cant do anything but to do what Hongki wants....after that they happily eat while chatting with each other....after eating Minji wash the dishes then pack the leftover food just to give to the othrs(ftisland boys).....Hongki refuse to take it but Minji urge her....


"I'm going now".Hongki said now they're standin outside Minji's house hand are connected with each other....


"Okay..take care on your way home.." Minji said then let go of Hongki's hand then push him to go.....But Minji was shoke when Hongki plant a lingering kiss on her lips...


"Bye.."Homgki said after he pulled out on the kiss...


"Okay.."Minji said blushing...




"Hongki-ah you really need to tell her" Jonghoon said to the running Hongki........Hongki went to his room then lay there holding his phone.....typing something then send it..



Minji-ah...are you sleeping??? I just want to tell you that the boy like the food you cook..GOODNIGHT..see you on manday..  :)


A minute later Hongki hears his phone beeps..he happily read the text...



Really....they like it im about to sleep when i see your text..Goodnight too.. :)



I love you





after exchanging text with Minji Hongki put his phone just beside his pillow then driffted to his sleep with a smile in his lips..




How is it...Do all my readers find it still good..

I dont know..

leave some comments for me to know ... 


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ah... I don't want this to end. I love this story! Anyway, good job authornim!
Chapter 39: aww... they're together again!
Chapter 38: poor Hongki. Let them get back together!
Chapter 36: oh I hope they'll get back together again!
Chapter 34: yay you updated! Happy Birthday authornim! Love ya!
Chapter 33: take your time authornim. I'll be waiting for your update!
Yeah!!! Too short but maybe later or tomorrow I'll update ahhaha...thanks for reading..even though my english is not that lots
TikTok09 #8
Chapter 27: update again...
this too short..