It was just a thought

The rest of my night was spent dying my hair a proper blonde. It took hours but we finally finished. 

Krystal and I got a lot closer. I learned that she dances like a goddess and she actually wants to be a kpop idol so maybe her sister might be able to see her once again. 

She's so nice. 

At least I know that not all people are evil. 


"Done!" She happily says. 

I look into the mirror to see my hair a golden blonde and choppy and uneven. I petted my new hair and sighed. 

"Thank you.." I say quietly. 

"I'm not done with you yet! You're hair is uneven! Let me cut it!"

My body tenses. People.. cutting my hair..? again.? 

"I won't hurt you.. Please?" She begs. 

I slightly smile, "Thank you." 

Krystal brightly smiles, "I'm really good at this trust me!"


30 minutes passed. I looked into the mirror smiling, this time, a real smile.  I didn't look half bad with blonde hair and Krystal made the look cuter by actually cutting my hair.

"Well.. I'm going to sleep now. I'll wake you up tomorrow okay?" Krystal says yawning and leaving to her room. 


I was alone in the living room with a pillow and a blanket. Even with nothing I felt better than I've ever felt in the hell hole I'm supposed to call home. 

My luggage sat in the middle of living room. I wakled over to it and carefully opened it, inside was all of my clothes, books and my school uniform. 

My cell phone, wallet all gone. 

I groaned. At least I could go to school to see Taemin for the last time. I smiled at the thought of my perfect boyfriend. Hopefully he isn't texting me at the moment. 

I chuckled at the thought of him pouting while staring at his phone waiting for my reply. 


I slipped the covers over myself and closed my eyes forcing the events out of my mind and filling them with Taemin. For once I slept happily in a safe place. 





A beautiful smell of eggs and bacon filled the air. I opened my eyes scared that my aunt cooked and she'll starve me until I remembered, I'm safe now. 

I got up and walked towards the kitchen to see Krystal cooking eggs while humming a song and swaying her hips. 

"'morning." I say as I sat down onto a chair. 

She looked back to me and smiled, "Take a bath! You might be late!" 

I chuckled as I pulled out my uniform and walked into the bath room mentally preparing me to see Taemin and the reality of leaving Korea is finally sinking. 


I stepped out with my hair still wet. I walked over to the dining table and said thanks for the food and started to eat until a gasp escaped Krystals mouth. 

My attention was now averted to her. A squel left as she started screaming for no appernt reason. 




Krystal scoffed, "Well aren't you sassy early in the mornings?" She said sarcastically. 

"Wait.." She said realizing something, "SHINee!!!"

My eyes widened at the group, "Why?"

"They're so hot! JESUS!" She screamed as she let out her inner fangirl. 

"Your bias?" You asked. 

"Lee Y Taemin!" She screamed. 

You felt your presence shrink, "Oh.."

She noticed your awkwardness, "Why?"

"I'm.. Kinda dating him."

Her face turned red as she covered them with her hands. "I'M SO SORRY!"

A laugh escaped your mouth, as she stared at you in embarassement.

"It's okay~" 


After the Krystal finished her breakfast we got into the car. She wouldn't stop talking about topics I didn't really care about but it was different. Something other than silence going to school was something I've never felt before. 

"I'm going to miss you.." Krystal said sadly as she helped you get your luggage out of the car. 

I smiled, "I am too.." 

"Give me a paper!" Krystal demanded. 

I pulled a paper out of my binder and a pen then gave it to her. A few seconds later she passed it back to me. 

Her number was written onto the paper. 

"Call me when your there." 

I smiled, "Of course."

"Oh and here." She pulled out some cash and gave it to me. 

"I can't!" 

"Please take it. A goodbye present from Suho. He gave it to me before we left the clinic last night. He told me to give it to you. As taxi fare to get to the airport."

I stared at the money and smiled, "Tell him I said thank you.. for everything."

"I will.. See you around." She said sadly, tears in her eyes. 



I watched as her car drove out of sight and I felt a small tug on my heart. She after all was the first person who was ever like a mother to me here. 

After shoving the money into my backpack I walked onto campus in hopes of seeing Taemin. 


You heard a loud drop behind you. Your head turned behind and you saw your one and only Lee Taemin. You were about to run up to him until you saw the look on his face. 

He looked at you in horror. 

Your blood froze.

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Chapter 3: This is really interesting(: Keep up the good work ^^