It was just a thought

You walked in the halls alone.. for once. Your wonderful boyfriend was still in class, so why not hide right? It would be funny to see him run around and look for you. 

His name was Lee Taemin. The dance king of the whole high school. He's the most perfect, handsome, y, cute-- I mean an amazing boyfriend. 

Whoops. My inner fangirl girlfriend popped up. 

The entire school dubbed us as the perfect couple who will forever stay together and have '12481347 kids', only freaking Key would ever say that. 

He's in a dance group with a bunch of other guys. They're really weird and everything but man! They're talented and dayum, their vocals + dancing skills are amazing!

To my right I heard whispers. I looked to see other girls and some boys whispering, She's so pretty! So that's the famous girlfriend of mr. Lee Taemin. Oh god her hair is perfection!!

For some reason people find my hair to be 'perfection'. It's honestly just a light brown that falls to my mid back. Nothing special. I've walked around this campus and seen people with much more beautiful compared to mine but.. oh well. 


I smiled as I reached the desination of my hiding spot, the roof. I pulled the door open to be greeted by the one and only Lee Taemin smirking. 

I face palmed. 

"I found you~" He said cutely as he pulled me into his arms. 

A blush found their way onto my face, "Damn it I thought you wouldn't find me here." 

Taemin chuckled, "Don't swear. And isn't this one of the obvious places you could go to?"

I slapped his stomach causing him to clench his stomach in pain. I stuck my tongue out at him then ran out of the roof top and made my way down the stairs giggling. 

As soon as I made it out the school I was picked up and swung around by my ever so romantic boyfriend. 

Uncontrolable giggles left me as he started to nuzzle his face to my neck breathing in my scent. "I love you~" He screamed as he proclaimed his love in broad daylight causing people to stare at us. 

I jumped out of his arms and raised a brow, "Even if I were to cut my hair and dye it blonde?" 


He cupped your face and kissed your lips and smiled. Your face started to turn red to his amusment. He interwinded your fingers and started walking you home. 


"Taemin..?" You called out to break the silence. 


"What would you do if I left you?"

A silence filled the air as he looked at me hurt. 

"W-what are you talking about..?" He asked in a voice so sad. 

Tears started falling from my eyes, "We're in half way done high school. My aunt thinks it's time for me to go back to the states.." 

"That's bull ! Just because your half american?! Who cares about english!?" He screamed. 

I felt my presnece shrink as I looked at my angry boyfriend. I wrapped my arms around him, "Please just answer my question.. Don't make it any harder.."

"When are you leaving..?" 

"Please.." I begged in a voice barely audioble. 

"I will always love you." He cooed as he wrapped his arms around me, "No matter what.."

I kissed him on the lips as if it was the last time we'll ever see each other then I ran the rest of the way home. Tears falling from my eyes, all the pent up anger, frustration and sadness leaving as I run. 

Taemin didn't bother running after me, he knew it was something that didn't have any saying over. So he just walked to his house. 


I faced the door of hell. My aunts house, the place where I'm disregarded as a human. I took a deep breath, If this is my hell, Taemin is my safety. 


I opened the door. 


The smell of achohol filled my lungs. I ran to my room quietly hoping not to get caught. I opened the door quietly and hid my bag and put on a baggy shirt and shorts then ran down the stairs to cook my aunt breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

I cook and clean in return she houses me. She wants me out until late and to return when she's asleep so she won't see me. So I cook until late at night then leave before she wakes up which is very early. 

I'm out of the house before 5 in the morning. I go to a mcdonald then order a small drink and walk to school from there. Not that hard right..? Wrong. It's hell. 


After an hour of making dishes she jsut had one more to make. As she poured the egg onto the frying pan she heard the sound of foot steps. 

My blood froze. 

My aunt was standing a meter away from me with a bottle of beer in one hand and in the other an envelope. She threw the envelope at me straight into the face. 

I bent down to pick up the envelope. 


Big mistake. 


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Chapter 3: This is really interesting(: Keep up the good work ^^