Chapter 16: Unadorned

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Minji walked into Ian's office to find it empty. They didn't agree on meeting today, but Minji had hoped he would be there, at least. It's been a while since she last met with her “teacher”. Both had been busy with their coursework and thus were unable to have their “lessons”. Truth be told she just missed Ian. Sighing, Minji turned the other direction to look for her uncle. Maybe he had work for her to do today.


“Did you see that? That June person, she's really something, even Ian-ssi, how shameless. Such a-”


Minji drowned out the expletive the intern walking behind her referred to June as. While she may have been thinking the same thing, there was really no reason to say it out loud. At least now she knew where Ian was too. How was it that June was able to take everything away from her? First Junho, then Junsu, then Namyong, then now Ian, too? She even took her hairstyle!


She almost growled to herself at the frustration. At first she was just jealous because Junho liked her, angry because she kept getting compared to her, now she was just frustrated at herself. Maybe it was Minji who needed a concept change. She was not June, and she would never ever be.




She twirled around hearing her uncle's voice. “What is it?” she asked.


“You're free tomorrow right? Awards show, we need more hands. I'll meet you at the boys' dorm 8am.”




And with her uncle's ever so loving parting words, Minji found herself in front of 2PM's doorstep the day after, already in her best stagehand attire. She didn't bother knocking, she just stood on the other side of the door waiting for the boys to come out. It didn't take long, after another fifteen minutes, Minjae finally emerged from the door, 2PM right behind him.


“Woah, Minji-ah, good morning.” Taecyeon greeted her, his usual toothy grin on his face.


Minji nodded at him, and at Nichkhun who had come out after him. She counted off the boys one by one, grinning at Chansung, and giving Junho a small tight-lipped smile. She followed them out to the van and sat in the backseat after much contestation from the maknaes.


“Where's Junsu-oppa?” She finally managed to ask, she had noticed the eldest's absence from when they first left their rooms, but it was only now that Minji had managed to address the issue.


“He left earlier with Ian-hyung.” Chansung replied, “I think they had to do something first. He said he'll meet us at the venue. I don't know how he managed to get permission though.”


Junsu and Ian together? Could it have to do with the song they were doing? It didn't surprise her as much to know they were working together, though it came as a shock to others. Minji kept to herself for the rest of the ride to the office and all throughout make-up and wardrobe. She wasn't really in the mood to play around with the others. She wasn't exactly thrilled to be another stagehand for Minjae. She had a strong dislike for these gatherings, all the beautiful people, the glamorous dresses, all the sparkly and shiny things to see. Minji hated them all, because she knew she would never be one of those beautiful people. She would forever remain a stagehand backstage, a minor supporting role not meant to be seen by the audience, a role created to make the leads look good.


She was snapped not so gently out of her reverie by a hand waving at her face, it wa

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Chapter 22: That's a pretty cool story :3
coming-on #2
nice poster!!
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
:'( Minji-ah, I'll love you.<br />
Junho is such a douche. Bleh.<br />
I loved this story. It's by far the only one that's made me cry since...... forever!<br />
Great job.
wow, i truly really liked this story~<br />
it was very good it kind of made me cry .. just a bit tho<br />
it was very well written ^^
I forgot to comment.<br />
Ahem.<br />
So I finally finished =D<br />
I like how this gives a different view on Unglam. June really didn't change to much for me cause I think I always looked at her from another person's pov.<br />
I like the intense irony you have here with Ho, Minji and Chan. I'm glad you played down Chan's feelings, or else I would have been really sad. Maknae needs some love.<br />
<br />
>.< *spaz* I don't know what is is when I read your Unglam and Unrequited...but i feel so.... It's like being in another world, hah. The staticdream-universe
hey, may i ask if you're a filipino cause you used the song by updarmadown???
Genius ;) Love how you linked this with Unglam, Caught in a moment and Exception of the rule XD ahahah i hope there aren't other ones because i think they're the only ones i've read so far and so i can recognize.
So I need to read this. Soon. <br />
After exams. =P