Chapter 12: Uninvolved

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The water was refreshing on Minji's skin as she waded deeper into the sea. The area had been closed off and she felt relieved she could spend time with Chansung without worrying about crazy fans and reporters with no lives. She looked back to see him following after her, a life vest in his hands.


“Junho says to wear this.” he said, handing it to her.


Minji just stared at the gray and yellow vest. She honestly did not want to be encumbered by the bothersome vest, but Junho was glaring at her from behind Chansung so she ended up taking it anyway. Junho finally caught up to her and he slapped her hands away as she tried and failed to buckle the straps properly.


“Aish this girl, do you like the sea so much? Always going in unprepared. If something happens to you Minjae-hyung is going to kill me.” Junho muttered as he strapped the vest tightly around Minji.


She let him fuss over her as he always did, or used to. She wanted to push him away, but if Minji was being completely honest with herself, she was happy to have Junho and Chansung with her now. Her earlier foul mood had finally dispersed on their way to the beach and she was now enjoying herself very much.


“I wish Jinwoon and Min were here.” she said, smiling.


Junho nodded at her, even though his thoughts were saying the opposite. He didn't want Jinwoon or Min here, he didn't even want Chansung here, he just wanted to spend time with Minji. Just the two of them so he can finally talk to her about everything he wanted to talk to her about, but why was it so hard to get hold of her lately? He let her run off further into the water when he was satisfied with the buckles on her life vest. She was like a child, laughing as she splashed the water around with Chansung.


He remembered the last time they were at the beach. They had been filming for the Cass CF and Minji had been there to assist the coordinators.


Junho sped up even more on the beach buggy he was on. He made the sharp turn and pulled on the accelerator as he made his way back to the base camp to monitor his film. Technically, they were done filming for the morning, but the director followed him around for one last run before leaving him alone to play. Junho stopped by the tent searching Minji out, Junsu was on the other motorcyle, and knowing him, well, let's just say Junho didn't want to have to spend the rest of the day in a foul mood.


“Minji-ah! Yah! Minji!” he yelled. As soon as Minji turned to look at him, he waved at her frantically, “Oi! Hurry up, come here!”


Minji bounded towards him, her face spelling question and confusion. “What is it?” she asked.


“Come on,” Junho said, leaning down and grabbing her arm, “It's fun.”


Minji let Junho pull her up on the buggy and she took the seat behind him. Junho took her hands and wrapped it around his waist, “Hold on tight,” he said, and Minji nodded in reply.


They sped off into the beach, and Junho smiled brightly when he heard Minji laughing behind him. He was enjoying herself, and he was glad. “Minji-ah, don't be mad anymore okay?” He muttered, he doubted she could hear him, but he had to say it. “Sorry I couldn't spend as much time with you anymore. I've been busy, but that's not a very good excuse is it? You've been busy too...I guess...I really just missed you.”


Minji nuzzled her nose on his back, aware of the intimacy of the act. She had heard everything he had said to her, and that was the only thing she could think of doing to return his words.


“Junho, heads up!”


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Chapter 22: That's a pretty cool story :3
coming-on #2
nice poster!!
That was really great^^
i loved it <3
:'( Minji-ah, I'll love you.<br />
Junho is such a douche. Bleh.<br />
I loved this story. It's by far the only one that's made me cry since...... forever!<br />
Great job.
wow, i truly really liked this story~<br />
it was very good it kind of made me cry .. just a bit tho<br />
it was very well written ^^
I forgot to comment.<br />
Ahem.<br />
So I finally finished =D<br />
I like how this gives a different view on Unglam. June really didn't change to much for me cause I think I always looked at her from another person's pov.<br />
I like the intense irony you have here with Ho, Minji and Chan. I'm glad you played down Chan's feelings, or else I would have been really sad. Maknae needs some love.<br />
<br />
>.< *spaz* I don't know what is is when I read your Unglam and Unrequited...but i feel so.... It's like being in another world, hah. The staticdream-universe
hey, may i ask if you're a filipino cause you used the song by updarmadown???
Genius ;) Love how you linked this with Unglam, Caught in a moment and Exception of the rule XD ahahah i hope there aren't other ones because i think they're the only ones i've read so far and so i can recognize.
So I need to read this. Soon. <br />
After exams. =P