It's Exober Things !!! [collection of one shot series]

AnnyeongHaseyo! This is Krisber34.. Thanks for liking my stories...This time I'm making my second favourite of the exober shipping .. HUNBER!!..  I'm so SORRY for the late update.. I hope you guys enjoy it.. Let the story begin.. 


   "Why I'm so shy to tell my feeling to Amber-noona?" Sehun asked to himself and he ruffled his hair. He been making many plan to tell Amber that's he love her since the first time he saw her at the hall school. The reason he like Amber because of her unique style and also she is really kind." I thought I want to cancel all my plan." Sehun sighed and rested his head on the table.

   "Hmm.. Why are so shy just tell her it's not really hard." Chen said while he eat his food. Xiumin and Luhan nodded their head as they were agreed with Chen's idea. Sehun sighed again.

   "How about you just stop thinking about Amber for awhile and eat your food or you want me to eat your food." Chanyeol said tried to make Sehun eat his own food because he know Sehun doesn't when someone eat his food. Sehun quickly rise up his head from the table and eat his food but he kept sighed.

  "Sehun! Stop sigh and eat you food. You look like someone who out of breath." Kris glared at Sehun because Kris doesn't like to hear someone sighed.

   When Sehun saw Kris's eyes he quickly stop sighed and eat his food politely. All the member on the table burst into laughter because of sudden changed of Sehun behaviour. But they quickly stop laughed because Kris gave a dead glared to them and they also eat the quietly. After thirty minutes, all the member already finished with their food.

   "Okay, when are you going to tell Amber?" Kris suddenly asked and that's make all the member was shocked and they looked at each other like 'Is Kris just ask that question'. Kris never help people who has trouble with love because Kris also has trouble  with his own love story. They just kept quiet especially Sehun because he don't know how to start his words to Kris. Kris sense that's his friends is really in state of shocked "Don't be so shock. I'm not that mean till I don't want to help the youngest of our member." When Kris said that words, all the member became more shocked. They can't believe that 'the cold guy' can have such a warm heart.

   "Wah! Our cold guy have change." Chanyeol shouted jokingly and all of them high-five but Sehun and Kris just looked at them 'Can they stop playing now.' The member just kept making noise that make Sehun shouted because he annoyed with the member.

   "Hyung! Stop it! You guys is so noisy. I need your help now. So help me." After Sehun shouted, all of his hyungs exclude Kris stopeed making a noise and looked at Sehun apologetic..

   "Sorry Sehuna." All the member said unisonly.

   "Okay, so tell us what is your idea?" Kris asked and Sehun was about his word when Suho interrupted Sehun word.

  "Hah! Hun, how about you just tell Amber by using a phone because you so shy." Suho said satissfied with his idea. All the member nodded they head but Sehun just looked at Suho blankly like he don't really agreed with Suho's idea. Kris saw by Sehun's face that he don't really agreed with Suho's idea so Kris smacked Suho's head.

  "Yah! What that hit for?" Suho said while he rubbed his head.

  "Can you see that Sehun is not really agree with your idea." So all off them turned their head to Sehun. Sehun still have blank face like he just saw a ghost behind them.

  "Owh.. I'm forget that you can even talk to  Amber... Sorry.." 

  "But you still can text to her.." Lay suddenly shouted out of nowhere that's make all of them a little startled.

  "Yah! No need to shout.." Baekhyun said annoyingly. Luhan and Xiumin nodded their head. " And you two stop nodding.." Baekhyun added. Then,Xiumin and Luhan stared at Baekhyun blankly that's make Baekhyun scared at them. "Don't looking at me like that." Baekhyun hide behind Tao.

 "Sehun, I think you should do like what Lay said if you really shy to Amber-noona." Kai wrapped his arm around Sehun shoulder. 

 "Do you think I have a courage to send a text to her?" 

 "It your choice..or you want us to tell her for you." D.O said simply.

 "No!" Sehun shook his head and added "I'll do it but I can promise you guys when."

 "You don't need to promise at us anything.. You just do it when you have a courage.." Kris smiled at Sehun. Then, Sehun smiled back at Kris.


   "Sehun you can do it.. Sehun you can do it.." Sehun said to the mirror while he still thinking should he send this text. After been stand infront of the mirror for ten minute to make the decision, You can do it,Sehun. Just send it to her. Sehun thought to himself. He swallowed hard and pressed the send putton. After he press the send button, he throw his phone away to his bed and looked out the window. Oh no.. I think I made a bad decision.. No.. You not.. Yes.. No.. Sehun thought deeply till the 'tiktoktiktok' noise came from his phone. Sehun quickly ran to his bed and take up his phone. He open the inbox..

   Hello! Sehuna ^ ^..

  After Sehun read the replied to Amber gave to him, he felt a little sad but when he thought back, why he should be sad because just now he just send 'Hello.' to Amber. So he quickly replied to Amber.

  What are you doing now, noona? 

  Sehun lay on his bed and waited for Amber replied. Then he phone received a replied.

  Hmm.. Nothing..

  What do you eat for dinner?

  Chicken and apple..^^ .. How about you?

  I hasn't eat yet.. Do you have a nice day today?


 That's good to hear.. Do you have a mood today?

  Why do you suddenly ask me? Is there something wrong? :/

  Nah.. Nothing actually happened to me.. 


  Sehun looked at the ceilings as he create a words in his head. Then he wrote the messages and he send

  Actually I want tell you something really important to you..

  Important to you.. Hmm.. Okay tell me.. I'm so curious now~~ :D

  Sehun shallowed and wrote the feeling of him to Amber

  Amber-noona, I love you.. Do you love me??

  Sehun think hard if he should send this to her but if he don't tell her now. When are he gonna tell her. So he just pressed the send button. But he waited for 5 minute for Amber replied. Suddenly he received the replied from Amber but before he open the inbox, he prayed to god hoping that Amber love him too. When' he opened open the inbox, the smiled from his faced dissapeared.

 Meet me at the park now.

 Sehun hauled from his bed and took his phone too. He quickly went out from his house and went to the park..

   Sehun searched for Amber at the park. Then, he found Amber seated on the swing and he went toward her.When already in front Amber, Ambe looked up to look at Sehun. Amber get up from the swing.

 "Do you really meant it? What you just send the text to me?" Amber asked curiously because she afraid if Sehun just playing with her. 

 "Yeah.." Sehun answered simply.

 "That's great.." Amber smiled and added"But...I'll.." Amber stop her words.

 Sehun looked at Amber "If you don't have a same feeling as me.. It's okay." Sehun smiled slightly

 "But I'll accept you if you just asked me.... face to face.." Amber walked away from Sehun.

 Sehun stayed there and thought to himself So does she want me to ask her now or she actually don't have same feeling as me.. Sehun felt like his head want to exploded but he already made a decision he will tell her now. So he turned around and shouted with his eyes closed " Amber I Love You!!!". Sehun didn't heard any replied from Amber so he open his eyes and he don't saw Amber on the park. She just leave me alone.. Sehun felt his heart just torn apart. Suddenly, Sehun's phone received a message and he took out from his pocket. When, he looked the name of messanger it from Amber so he quickly checked what Amber send message to him. The messages he just read make him chased after Amber. The messages Amber send to Sehun is.....

  YES!! I LOVE YOU TOO!! (Why are you so coward.. <3)


 So what do you guys think?. I think my idea for the one-shots is become weird and weirder...English is not my first language so it will have many error.. Btw I'm really sorry for the late update.. :-(.. I think after this hunber one-shots.. My update for all my story will be on semi-hiatus because next year I'll have a important exam.. Sorry guys.. but I will not leave all my fanfic.. hmm.. I want you guys to choose next pairing for me..



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nymphDew88 #1
Chapter 3: Is it too much if i want more for this taober... T_T
Chapter 16: Aweeee this one was so sweet >.<
ortkvol #3
Chapter 16: Chapter 14: I wish you make it into a story because it's way freaking great!
Chapter 10: HAHA >///< Sehun just faints after the kiss ^^ too cuteeeeeeeee
Chapter 2: too cute the Two happy viruses of the bands get together ^^
Chapter 9: Awe this was so sweet :)
Chapter 3: this reminds me of the Dream High drama ^^
Chapter 16: Ok, now.. I want more Xiuber, or Hunber or Taober. And of course, the next chappie of the Krisber.
Authornim and co authornim FIGHTING!!!
Lukber #9
Chapter 16: cute very cute kyungber story
adelliaar #10
Chapter 16: wohoo~ kyungber!! *-*