
Who you?
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During 25 years of my life, I’ve never thought that I’m gonna say that I’m glad I’m an orphan who has no one in this world. I would never say that I’m glad I’m alone. Always wanted to be around people, to be popular at school, then at work. But now, all I dreamt about was to hide and be left alone.


It all started just few days ago, when my boss gave me a ticket to Korea and ask me to negotiate with our company’s new partner. He said that I’m the best for that job, because he knows that I’ll do the best, and… because I’m Korean. my life. I don’t even know Korean. Never been there even. But that didn’t matter for him. I’m Asian so I’ll be better than my Caucasian colleagues… so what was I supposed to do? I packed my bag and the next day I was already in the plane, heading miles from nowhere with 3 different English – Korean dictionaries in my hand.


At the very beginning of my journey, I should know that something is wrong and I should run away in the next possible plane back home. When I landed people were staring at me, some girls were taking photos of me with their Samsungs – seriously, do they sell any other phones than Samsung here? – they were screaming something in Korean that of course I didn’t understand, so I was just smiling and bowing – I’ve read that Koreans bow. A lot. In every context. So I did, hoping that the author of the tourist guide I’ve read during flight wasn’t joking. I took the first taxi and showed my address to the driver. Thankfully, beside eyeing me suspiciously from the rearview mirror, he didn’t say anything.

When I was already in my hotel room, I called to the guy that I was supposed to meet the next day. He offered me a night out, but I excused myself saying I’m tired and jetlagged. I ordered some food to the room and while waiting for it I the TV. I was starring at the screen for more than 10 minutes, trying to recall the language of my ancestors that was never used by me and the people around me. But all I could hear was senseless babble. you stereotypes! It’s easier to understand dogs than this language! I cursed in my thoughts and changed the channel to the only English one – which was called How it’s made. Great. I’ve always wanted to know how to make lawn mowers… ;/


Next morning i took the bus to head to the meeting location. I wore dark sunglasses, and put my headphones on, enjoying the view of sunny morning while watching the view of Seoul behind the window. In just a split of second i thought i saw a giant poster of me on shopping mall. But before i could look at it more and reassure the bus turned left and the building disappeared from my view. I thought i still had jetlag and was tired, overwhelmed… call it as you want. Whatever. There was no rational reason of my seeing right. I couldn’t see myself on that building. Yeah. That would be crazy… But i would still blame all that on my tiredness and apparently eye problems, if not the other things that have happened soon after.


“Mr Kevin Dorn, nice to meet you”. A guy around my age greeted me in front of the building. “You slept well, sir?”

“Please, call me Kevin. And i think I’m still a bit jetlag. But that won’t disturb me in our meeting” I smiled to him and we both entered the lobby.

“I’ve heard you’re really serious about your work. Hope we’ll be able to sign a good–” he paused and squealed when turned to face me for the first time after we entered the building and i took off my sunglasses. He immediately hide his mouth with his hands, still starring at me with widen eyes.

“Is… something wrong?” i asked him surprised at his sudden reaction “Do I have anything on my face?” I joked and touched my face

„You…you are Kevin Dorn??” I raised my eyebrows at that question

“I thought we’ve already se

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ozwalkr #1
Chapter 4: Not sure who I feel the worst for right now. Jiyong who is obviously in a personal crisis, Kevin, who is stuck in the middle, in a foreign country, or Big Bang who are lost and desperate to find their missing leader, both for business and personal reasons. Hope to see more of this one!
Xiossi #2
Chapter 4: I really look foward reading more of this story. So far is really funny :)
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 4: Ahhhh! You're back! I loved the chappie!! I hope you are well!
Chapter 2: Please please update this is is new type of concept and I would like to see were it goes from her.
XenaHelly #5
Chapter 2: Update soon : )
Chapter 2: Ih, I love it! It's funny and I'm really courious what will happen next!
Thekatsmeow #7
Chapter 2: I like where this is going!!
Chapter 2: lol this is great!! it's the first time i read a fic written in a male POV but i'm already in love with it!! <3 keep it going nana! like Frosty_Maiden said, this is super fresh and original!! :DD Looking forward to your updates!! (actually, i should work right now but your stories keep distracting me from my work haha)
Chapter 2: lmao....i wish this would happen, it seems so bizarre it might actually be possible!!
i love your male POV though, this story is amazing and it really shows how far you have come.
well done on something so fresh and original Nana!
kimboomboomkim #10
Chapter 2: Every time I imagine this in real life it just cracks me up XD
Well done, unnie