Chapter 2 - The Big Day

The Forced Matrimony

Aria's POV


This is it. Today, I'll be married to Jaejun. The man who hated me with all his might. If 10 years ago someone ever said that one day I'll be marrying him, I would probably be so happy, but now all I feel is blank - no scratch that - I don't feel blank, I just don't feel as happy as I imagine I would be when I was still a teenager. I don't know why but the idea of marrying him seem so surreal yet here I am, standing in front of a very big mirror staring at my reflection. I don't want to be cocky or something but I have to say that I look stunning in my wedding dress. I was told that Jaejun is the one that chooses this dress. It is a white dress with gold lace. It is beautiful. Well, I gotta admit that the guy do have a brilliant taste. My brunette hair was styled in waterfall braid while my makeup was simple yet still elegant.

As I was admiring myself, I hear a soft knock from the outside. I walk to open up the door only to be greeted with a sight of my mother, Sohyun and Jaejun's mother, Minhye. They gaps when they caught the sight of me in my wedding dress. They even shed tears. Drama queen much. "Oh god, look at you Ri. I don't realize how much my baby has grown. I must say that I am very happy for you. I've waited for this day ever since you were born." My mom said as she gives me her infamous bone crushing hug. "What, can't wait to see me go?" I joke to my mother. She hit my shoulder playfully while Minhye giggles at our mother and daughter's attic. Minhye then comes to me and she hugs me. She even put a very beautiful emerald necklaces around my neck.

"It's my wedding present for you. Emerald suits you. They matched your green eyes." Minhye said. I can see that she's really happy with this wedding. I guess I could try to save my relationship with Jaejun. I honestly want this marriage to last. Why don't give it a chance?
"Enough with all those bonding
moment. You guys can do it later. Now, let me see my one and only angel." My dad, Nathan Kim said as he walk inside the room. His eyes began to fill with tears as soon as he sees me. What's wrong with all this people. Don't they know that whenever he cry I'll start to cry too and I don't think my makeup artist will appreciate it if I ruined her piece of art?

"Come on. It's time for me to walk my only daughter down the aisle." My dad said as he offer his hand to me and I take it. We walk together toward the hall which lays my fate.
Jaejun'S POV

What takes her so long? I was about to ask Lucas, my best man, about it when the doors open. I look up from my place. I froze in my place when I see her. God, she looks so beautiful. So breathtaking. For once in my life, I feel like no bad thing has ever happened to us. I watch her walk hand in hand with her father down the aisle.
All eyes are on her. For some weird reason, I feel like murdering every man that look at her. She mine. Get your damn eyes off her. "Calm down, bro. No one's gonna take her now. We all get it. She's yours." Yunho said to me. He clearly enjoying me tormented like this. That jerk even had
audacity to laugh at my face. "Shut up" I hiss at him for I can't stand him keep on making fun of me.


I remove my attention back to my wife. Well, wife to be. But who care. I was so busy looking at her until I don't realize she already there at the altar beside me. I let go of my breath I don't even realize I was holding. She looks at me shyly. She must be blushing because her cheek was so red but it look cute on her.
The priest clear his throat taking our attention. Or more precisely, my attention as I was so busy staring at my beautiful blushing bride. "Shall we start?" The priest ask and I nodded. I can't really hear what the priest is saying as I was stealing glances at my bride. I was brought back to earth when Aria look at me with that cute eyes of her. 'The vows', she whispers to me. Oh yeah, the vow. I clear my throat and start to reciting my vows.


"I, Shin Jaejun take you, Aria Kim to be my lawfully wedded wife. I vow to protect you from all the danger out there. To be with you whenever you need me to. I promise I will lift your sorrow. Your cup will never be empty as I will be your wine. I will light your way in darkness as I am your candle. I will try to best for you." I can hear Aria's chuckle as I finish my vows. She must have know where did this come from. "Really, did you just insert The Corpse Bride's vow?" She says softly only for me to hear. I smile at her. The priest then nodded at Aria as a cue for her to start.

"I, Aria Kim take you Shin Jaejun as my lawfully wedded husband. I take you as my best friend for life. I promise to honor you. To respect you. I promise I will lift your sorrow. Your cup will never be empty as I will be your wine. I will light your way in darkness as I am your candle. When the world is against you, I promise I will stand for you and fight with you." With that, she finishes her vow.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." I smirked at her as I draw her close to me. Before kissing her, I whisper " Finally you're mine, Mrs. Shin."













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sorry if i made grammar error. well,english is not my first language. i hope you guys will enjoy my story.