Chapter 1 - Sudden Proposal

The Forced Matrimony


"Jaejun, I have decided that I will name you my heir. Only if, you agreed to marry Aria," said Shin Jaehyuk while casually sipping his tea. It has been his dream to make Aria as his daughter in law. Not because of her wealth, but because of her character, because her manners, because of her perfection in his eyes and his wife's eyes. Heck, he even made a deal with her parents to join their businesses by marrying Aria and Jaejun. Jaejun would reign their family business together with Aria on his side.

"What?! No dad, no! I will never marry her. Do you already forget she's the one who killed Thea?" Jaejun snapped. He felt that his father's condition is absurd. Didn't his father know that he hates her?

"Don't you dare say that, Jaejun. She's not the one who killed your sister. It was an accident. She has nothing to do with it. Besides,I do not care, I want you to marry her, Jaejun. Your father and I have already made a promise with Aria's parent to marry both of you. We always hold onto our words." added Minhye, Jaejun's mother.

"Mom, I do not want to get married to Aria. There are plenty of women out there, but why her, mom?" Jaejun said firmly. He was holding his tea cup so tight that it might break anytime soon.

"Fine, tomorrow we will tell your grandfather that you have no interest to be his successor. That you no more care about Zeus Hotel So he can name your cousin, Kyle his heir." threatened Minhye to her son. He was stubborn but she is more stubborn. She knows how important Zues is to her son. He dedicated all of his life for Zeus.

Jaejun looked at his mother. He almost lost his mind. He knows he can no more defy her. But what is so special about Aria until everybody like her? He just can't understand. Though he has to admit that the girl is beautiful. No, not beautiful, she's breathtaking.
"If that what you want, okay. I'll marry her," said Jaejun after a few moment of silence. He silently curses his parent for making him agree on this. He sees his mother, Minhye smiles in satisfaction. Jaejun finally concede. Victory is hers now.


Jaejun went up to his room and he takes his iPhone. He looks up for a phone number in his iPhone. Then he realized that he had never saved Aria's phone number. Jaejun directly approached his home phone and find Aria's name. A moment later, he found what he was looking for. He dialed the number.

"I want to see you tomorrow. At the garden near your neighborhood. 10.30 am." Jaejun say. Well, more to demanded. His arrogance never fail to piss people off. Aria was confused and mad. She does not know who is calling her at the time like this.It was freaking midnight. And that man even dare to order her around. "Who are you? And why should I meet you? I don't even know you." Aria ask with a groggy voice as for she was sleeping before. "It's me, Jaejun."

"Jaejun?" It has been a long time since she heard his voice. "What do you want with me?" Aria can not help but to wonder why he called her because she knew that Jaejun hated her with all his might. "I have something important to talk to you." he said shortly before as he hang up the phone.
"Hey, wait." Aria tried to ask more, but she could not because the phone line was disconnected. That night, she can't help but to think about Jaejun.

Aria's POV


"Marry me, Aria Kim," Jaejun asked me. I was surprised. Well, who wouldn't? Your arch enemy just asks you to marry him. I look at his in disbelief. "What?" I frowned as I stepped back a little. I looked for any sign if he's lying but I can't find any. I almost stumble down but he caught my hand to help me balance my body. His touch is firm but gentle. "I can only be my grandfather's successor if I marry you. So, marry me," said Jaejun while still holding my hand. I was taken back when he said that the only reason he wants to marry I was to be his grandfather's heir. I shook my head and tried to free my hand from his grip but he just tighten his grip. He was hurting me.

"No. I'm not going to marry you." There is no way I would marry him only to be hurt by him again and again. I can clearly see him getting mad at my stubbornness. "Just marry me. It will solve all the problem. " He said while rubbing his temple. I know he's mad by his gesture but I don't care. Just because I did something wrong to him before, I need to pay with my life, my freedom. It's not going to worth it.

"Solve your problems, you selfish arrogant prick. Wedding only happens once in a lifetime. I don't want to regret it later. " I can tell his hatred burning inside him. How can I marry someone who hated me? "Either you want it or not, you have to marry me. Our parents have made promises to one another to marry us. It is already decided that you will marry me. They've made arrangements for this. So there are no escaping this. Or else, all of your parent's wealth will become mine." He state. He gaze at me like a predator watching its prey.

While me, on the other hand, froze in my place not knowing how to reacted. His statement hit me like a truck. I open my mouth but no words come out. I can't believe Mom and Dad did something like that. How could they? They don't even bother to ask me for my opinion. I fell betrayed. They know I can't defy them. Jaejun is right. There is no escape from his. There's no way I would let dad's hard work become vain. I've seen how much he work to make the Armada Global become what it is now. I was left with no choice except to agree with this arranged marriage.

"I will. " I said finally the two words that will probably change my life forever. I look up to see Jaejun is smirking at me. He had this satisfy look in his face. He then turn his back on me and start walking toward his Maserati Ghibli. What has I gotten myself into. I pinched my nose bridge as I follow him. Dear God, please don't make me regret this.



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sorry if i made grammar error. well,english is not my first language. i hope you guys will enjoy my story.