The girl he fell in love with

Hidden Dancing Shoes

"Kai stop day dreaming, it's been a month! how long are you planning on being like this?" asked the annoyed Suho.
"I dont know, untill I dont find her" 

After that night, Kai searched everywhere for her but he could never find her...she never came to the coffee shop again and no one really knew about her,but Kai just knew deep inside that he'll find her one day.

"You don't know anything about her not even her name" 
"Relax Tao, if the boy wants to find his love then let him, he'll realize soon enough that his little fairytale love story is not reality" replied Luhan taking a sip from his vanilla latte.
"You will ruin yourself this way, we are worried about you dude" "you dont have to Tao, I'm fine alright"
"By fine if you mean waking up all night looking for her and missing school then alright we believe you" mocked Kris. 

"Ok you guys how about this, Kai we'll give you a week more...wait for her at the coffee shop or whatever but if she doesn't come then that's just not your destiny alright. You will get back to reality and life and stop thinking about her." suggested the worried Suho staring at Kai with hopeful eyes.

"But you guys..."  
"Stop messing with fate buddy, just accept what's gonna happen ok" Luhan cut him off.

"Arghh,fine one week is all I need, but if I find her then we are fated to be and none of you would say" 
"Deal" they all said in unison,since they knew he would never be able to find her.


Every night I closed my eyes I dreamed about him, his dancing and the kept on going on for a whole month, but I just coulnd't get myself to see him again...I told Sehun about it and he said he knew the boy but warned me about him saying things like "He is a player", "He is wasted","dont even think about going out with him he is not the right guy for you", but Sehun didn't see what I saw, how can some one with those eyes could be a jerk.
I never believed him but somewhere in the little corner of my heart I felt like Sehun might just be right about it and what I saw might've been something I imagined since I often lose my mind during rain.

January 5th, the weather was warm and I wanted to go outside but Sehun had things to do and I didn't want to bug him...or maybe I was forced not to bug him by his extremely caring and protective girlfriend. "I'll take you out for a walk near the cafe dont bother him"

"Thanks Jessica for amm..taking me out,I'm sorry if I m a b.." 
"Don't talk to me, or you'll ruin my mood" she cut me always.

She took few steps further and there I was standing infront of the same coffee shop again.
I started getting nervous,what if he is here again? What if he tries to talk to me? What if he makes fun of me? thoughts whirled around my mind like a tornado. Before I could even think about anything further I was blocked by some one, I looked down and saw that someone wearing nike's lunarglide sneakers and then finally the owner came into my view.

He was the same guy, same guy but he gave off different heart started to flutter like some one just opened thousands of caged butterflies. He smiled at me,a decent warm smile which told alot of stories. 

"K...Kai?" I didn't mean to say his name but it just slipped from my tongue I kept on thinking about Sehun who always used jerk after his name...and it just happened. Jessica had her face on and she looked totally bored by my little reunion with a total stranger who just mesmerized me by his dancing.

"You..know my na.." 
"I'm sorry but who are you?" he was about to say something when Jessica cut him off, times like these when I actually hate her
 to death.



How can my friends be so mean about it, I'm sure they will be same when they fall in love. I was pissed about the whole one week thing I mean something inside of me said that she'll come but then again what if she doesn't?  

Slowly time just slipped by and there was no news on her, was I dreaming...she can't be an angel.
What was I going to do with my life...there were only two days left and I went to the cafe again in hopes that she might just come.."Hey Kyuhyun any news on the girl?" I asked my friend Kyuhyun who worked at the cafe. "No, never saw a beautiful girl on wheelchair around here" he replied bored by my crazy acts.

January 5th, the day when I visited the coffee shop for the last time in hopes that maybe, just maybe I'll find her.
I waited...and waited and waited, but she didn't come...I didn't want this to end like this. With heavy steps I started to turn back..maybe this is it,I'll never see her again...and just as I turned there she was right infront of me. 

I found her.

She looked beautiful just as I imagined her, her big eyes staring at me with a shocked expression..she wanted to say something I knew it but instead she just whispered my name. How did she know my name...the way my name left her lips it felt familiar some how it was like I knew her but I didn't. 
I was about to say something when I got interrupted by some one.

"I'm sorry I amm..I am Kai and the that.." I hated myself for stuttering.
"Are you the guy who? Oh my god! you are the guy Jane's head over heels for but she is prohibited to date you since you are a jerk!" the girl behind her interrupted me with her squeaky voice. 

Wait..did she just say Head over heels...J..Jane was her name, it was beautiful. I smiled to myself just standing there when Jane said something in her soft voice. "I...I..actually I mean I liked the way you danced..the other night and I love dancing but I..mean I can't..soo.."  she then looked down at her legs. I felt an urge of just hugging her tight and telling her that everything will be alright, but I couldn't. Instead I got on my knees infront of her and lightly touched her bandaged leg. 

I thought by my freaky act she would get scared but instead she just smiled at me "it's not that bad really, don't pity me or I'll run over you with my wheelchair" she whispered to me and laughed. It was like every move she made just kept on bewitching me further.

I was never going to let this chance go.


Ever since that day we became friends, Sehun still hated the fact that I was friends with a so called 'jerk' but Jessica got him in control and I thank her for that. 

We always went to Kai's little dance studio near the coffee shop where he always showed me his magical moves.Even though he never really said it but I could feel his passion for dancing, Kai and I created a unique bond where none of us had to really talk to eachother in order to know things...We could just see eachothers eyes and know the whole story though them, but Kai sometimes liked to express them through dancing. 
No one really understood our friendship, I didn't either.

When we were together we hardly talked and just stared at eachother smiling but Kai still knew what my favorite color was. It was fascinating how we always knew what was in the other's mind, but there was just one thing we couldn't guess.
Was this love?
Were we really in love or I was just charmed by his dance and he was just glad to find some one who could see a story through his dance?

None of us really knew the answer to that, but we carried out our strange friendship the way it was...until the night of March 15th.


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