The boy who stole her first kiss

Hidden Dancing Shoes

The night of March 15th, I was in the studio with Kai as always and he was showing me the new moves he learned.It was just another fun day with my new friend, when it suddenly started raining. What I hated about rain was that it never gave us any signs or a chance to do just fell,unstoppably fell, I could hear the raindrops from the large window and somehow the empty studio and the sound of rain sent chills down my spine. I was scared,teffied.I thought my fears were drifting away as I met Kai but I think I never overcame them fully.
Kai noticed the way I was shivering and walked towards me "Jane,you alright?" he looked at me with eyes full of worry, I didn't want to tell him. He would be disappointed to hear that I was still a coward. "Hey,look at me...everything's fine right?" Kai stared into my eyes and lightly carressed my cheeks, I didn't really have to say anything, he already knew.

A loud thunderstorm got me back to my senses and a tear drop fell from my eyes. I just couldn't take it..why wont the thoughts stop, why did I keep thinking about mom and dad, why? more tears made their way at the corner of my eyes when Kai slowly picked me up from the wheel chair and sat me down on the warm studio floor with him. "It must be hard" he said holding my hand and still trying to tell me that everything's alright. My words were blocked by the newly formed tears. 
"Jane,please don't cry.I'm right here...nothing will happen to you" Kai pleaded with his soft voice. I wanted to tell him that I dont want this either, but I just couldn't help it, my heart told me to stop but somewhere in the corner of my brain the piece of the accident was still saved and it replayed everytime it rained. 

I was still lost in traumatic thoughts of that night when Kai suddenly faced me and stared deeply into my eyes. He didn't say anything and just moved closer to me. I knew what was going to happen I could read his eyes, I knew but I couldn't stop it when his soft lips slowly touched mine. I didn't even fight and allowed him to enter, I allowed his sweet kiss to take over me. With our eyes closed and the sound that rain made as it fell on the window suddenly felt like music. I suddenly didn't want the rain to stop. I wanted to just get lost in his sweet kiss. It didn't take long before he pulled back...for me it was like the time just stopped, those seconds were like hours for me. I wanted to savour that feeling, Kai hurriedly apologized to me "I..I didn't mean to do this..I just..I just couldn't control it..Jane are beautiful" he just blurted the words out but they sounded so sincere. Slowly a small smile formed on my lips. "F..for how long?" I asked looking into his eyes while he avoided eye contact with me. I should be the one acting that way but he was instead and he looked totally cute doing that. "I..don't know,maybe that day when I saw you..that rainy day" Every word he said it was like he was afraid of hurting me, he was being careful and shy and somehow afraid that I might leave him..well I wasn't going to since I couldn't really walk out and also because I didn't hate the moment we just had. I was unsure if it was love or the mood that we got caught up in, but I wanted this to last.

To light up the mood I just started to joke around with him, I was not going to let this chance of teasing him go, "Hey kai, are you maybe..shy or something" I smirked still staring at him while he was trying to look away. "I...I'm not, why would..I be shy?" "Oh yea,then why are you stuttering" it was fun looking at a totally awkward Kai, he had no words he couldn't walk out either, he was totally shy. "You weren't this way a moment ago when you daringly..kissed me" I mocked him and he was totally flushed. "I..I.." he was about to say something in protest when I started laughing. It was all so funny, I had never seen Kai this way before..he had this super cool boy image but I had no idea this bad boy or as Sehun says 'Jerk' would be such a dork after a kiss.
"Stop joking with me! You scared me Jane, I thought you were mad at me" I just kept on laughing. 
"Is it that funny?" he asked suddenly smirking, "haha yea totally!" 
"Did you have fun looking at me all apologetic?" 
"yea totally"
"Did you like kissing me that much?" 
"Yea wait" before I could say anything he kissed me again. This time it was a different kiss, it was deep and it felt like the caged butterflies were open again. You know when they say that it feels like fireworks inside your heart when you kiss, it does happen. I had this electrifying feeling inside of was just amazing. Kai's soft lips left mine and he suddenly started giving me small sweet kisses on my neck. His warm breath on my neck was sensational, I wanted to stay just like that.
"You know why I acted that way when I first kissed you?" he asked between the kisses. "because you are a dork" I smiled.
"No Jane, it's because it was's because I kissed you" suddenly he stopped kissing me and stared into my eyes. "My heart fluttered when I kissed you, you are special to me Jane, I don't care if you can't walk..I dont care if we wont be able to have couple dances together.I just want you to stay with me, be that some one special to me and let me become the reason for you to start walking again. Can I be your legs and will you be my inspiration?" His words were music, this was fairytale or I must be dreaming. I could never say no to him..he was sincere..he was devoted.

I wanted to say something but words just couldn't come out, I was happy. Truly happy.
"No,Jane why are you crying, did I hurt you..I know I shouldn't have taken it this far..I should've" "Kai..kai you stupid,I'm crying because I'm happy" I said between my tears and then lightly pecked his cheek 
"Yes, I'll be your inspiration and you can be my passion" I smiled.
Love is something unpredictable, we didn't know what would come our way, maybe we'll break up someday or maybe we'll stay like this forever,but no matter what I wanted to save the moments together with him. My first prince,Kai.


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