Chapter 2 – What She Does After School

You, Me and Our Secrets



“…That’s the end of our meeting today. Thank you for the hard work guys, see you tomorrow.”

When the head of student council signaled the end of this meeting, Yuri immediately started to pack her things and getting ready to leave.

It had been three weeks since the first day of school. Everything was going smoothly like Yuri had anticipated. Yuri worked with the student council after school, Taeyeon joined track and field club, while Yoona continued with her drama club like the previous years. The only thing that changed was the fact that this was their last year, meaning more work and more responsibility. Yuri had become the vice-president of student council this year. Taeyeon would be participating in running competition and Yoona had this drama performance coming up at the end of this year.

“Eager to go home? You always left so quickly after the meeting.”

Knowing the owner of the voice, Yuri lifted her head up from her bag and smiled at the person in front of her, “You know I love it when you hold these kind of meetings, Sooyoung.”

“Oh please, then you must be the only one. Did you see that Sunny fell asleep AGAIN? That girl sure got some nerve.”

“You can’t blame her. The poor girl didn’t get much sleep these days. Schoolwork is piling over her head.

“Tsk. She won’t get away with it next time.”

“Haha~ you are always mean to her, Sooyoung. Anyway, I got to go now. I need to pick up my little brother from his school.”

Sooyoung looked at Yuri in surprise, “You have a little brother? Ah, no wonder you always left so quickly everytime.”

“Yep. It’s my job.”

“It must be tiring doing that everyday. Have I mentioned that you look kind of pale today?”

Yuri unconsciously touched her face, “Really? I didn’t notice that.”

Now that I think about it, I did feel kind of strange today.

Sooyoung sighed, “Yuri, you ought to take care of yourself more you know? You are always pushing yourself too hard, sometimes if just worries me.”

Yuri gave her friend slash head of student council a reassuring smile, “Thanks Sooyoung, but don’t worry! I rarely get sick. See you tomorrow then! I really need to go!” Yuri waved goodbye to her friend before dashing off to the school gate.

Eek~! At this rate I’m going to be late for sure!

Just when she thought about how to get to her destination faster, rain started to pour down from the sky.

Yuri mentally slapped herself. Oh great, suddenly it rains. Why didn’t I bring my umbrella with me today? Ugh, whatever. There is not enough time. I’m just going to run under the rain like this until I reach the café.

Yes, that’s right. The place that this black-haired beauty was heading to was not her little brother’s school.

It was a café.

To be more specific; a Maid Café.

This was Kwon Yuri’s hidden secret. No one knew about this except her family.

Yuri lived with her mother and her brother. She lost her father since she was little so ever since then Yuri’s mother started her own little business to make a living for the family. However, the business went bankruptcy couple of months ago, leaving large amount of debts for Yuri’s family. This made Yuri decided to take a part time job in order to help her family. 

Unfortunately, there was a rule in the school that all students must not take part-time job outside school, thus she kept this secret to herself and decided that she wouldn’t tell Taeyeon and Yoona about it. Yuri hated doing this to her friends but she didn’t want to worry both girls with her problem.

Saying that she needed to leave early to pick up her brother was a lie. Yuri used this as an excuse in order to not be late for work, while in reality she had already asked her brother’s teacher to drop him off at home for her.

It was tiring and she hated lying to everyone but this was the only thing she could do to help her precious family.


“I’ll be taking my leave now. See you tomorrow,” Yuri bowed to her manager and waved goodbye to her co-workers.

The weather was still gloomy outside but at least the rain had stopped now.

I should wash this immediately after I get home, Yuri thought while taking a peek inside the paper bag she was holding.

Inside the bag lay her maid outfit, covered with brown stain from coffee. The accident was her fault so she insisted to take the outfit home and wash it herself.

While Yuri continued walking along the pavement, her vision started to blur.

Eh? She shook her head. That’s weird, what’s happening to me?

The second thing Yuri experienced was that the headache she had during work became more severe.

She walked unsteadily to the nearby bench but her consciousness was drifting away further and further.

Ugh, this is bad.

Yuri felt her body trembled downwards but before she hit her head on the pavement, someone had caught her body from behind.

“Oi, are you – ”

That was the last thing she heard before everything around her went pitch black…


Disinfectant smell…?

Yuri slowly opened her eyes and found herself in an unfamiliar white room.

Is this a hospital? What am I –

“Oh, so you’re finally awake.”

Startled by the unknown voice, Yuri immediately turned to her right. Her eyes then widened in surprise when she saw who was sitting beside her bed, “J-Jung Yunho?”

“You fainted. The doctor said you have a high fever and that is your medicine,” Yunho said, ignoring Yuri’s puzzled face and pointed his finger to the medicine bag on the end table. “I’ve already dealt with the payment. They said it’s fine if you go home now.”

D-Did he carried me all the way to here?

Yuri felt her cheek turned red.

“T-Thank you,” She called out to the tall figure that was about to leave the room. She noticed that he had stopped walking. Yuri thought of it as a good sign and continued talking, “If you hadn’t help me

But before she could finished her sentence, Yunho who still had his back her cut in, “That outfit in your bag, it’s yours right?”

Yuri felt her heart stopped beating.

Her secret had been found out.

Yunho had left the room soon after he said that to her. Yuri had no idea how long she stared at the space where Yunho used to stand.

Her heart was now racing with anxiety.

What am I going to do?


- -

A/N: I really have no idea if high students in Korea are allowed to take part time jobs or not. So for my story I will just assumed that it's forbidden ^^; I got this maid cafe idea from the popular manga called "Kaichou wa Maid-sama" If you like anime or manga, you'd probably heard about it before :) 

Anyway, please tell me your thought on this chapter!

Thank you! :)

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KimTaein #1
Chapter 2: What is Yunho's secret ? A part-time job,too? I'm curios
Authornim update
milezzYul #2
Chapter 2: authornim,,,update soon,,,,
Plmokn #3
update soon
update please
BlackPearl_Goddess #5
Hi! New reader here... ^^ It seems that you have gone MIA for a few months... Are you still intending to continue this story.. Frankly speaking, I love this story... The mysterious the story, the more I'm drawn into... Don't abandon us, author... ^^
sakura_yuri9 #6
I love KAICHOU WA MAID SAMA TO DEATH!! in the first chapter when it was said that yuri was part of the student council i suddenly thought of kaichou wa maid sama actually! although, i do hope u make it a bit different from the actual manga/anime! update like REALLY SOON! XD
New reader here. It's a nice story so far. I'm really curious to read what happens next! And what Yunho's secret is as well.<br />
Good luck with the story! :D
subscribed. new reader here. yes! yunri. next chapter please! can't wait for taesu.. haha.. btw, good luck for next chapters!! xD
YAY!!! another great YUNRI story,,of course i subscribe :DD