Chapter 1 – Our first meeting

You, Me and Our Secrets


“YURII~ Good morning! I’ve missed you so much!” A cheerful greeting followed by a massive hug from her best friend Im Yoona, nearly knocked Yuri off her chair.

“Morning Yoona,” A black-haired beauty said while struggling to escape from her friend bear-hugged. “C-Can you please let go of me now? I think I’m running out of oxygen here”

“Causing ruckus in early morning. How typical of you, Yoona.”

Yoona let go of Yuri and stuck her tongue out at the girl who stood behind Yuri’s chair. “Bleh. Whatever Taeyeon. I can still see that you haven’t grown an inch since the last time we met.”

Sensing the upcoming war, Yuri immediately cut in between the two. “Ya, ya you guys. Aw come’ on, don’t make that face Taeyeon, you know that she is just joking around. You too Yoona, stop teasing her already or else I swear your life will end soon.”

Both girls looked at each other and said in union, “Fine.”

Yuri sighed at the sight of her friends, “And to think that the two of you are best friends since childhood.”

“Aren’t you used to it? You’re our best friends too.” Yoona smiled while walking to her seat, which was on the left side of Yuri’s seat.

“Best friends or not, if you make any comments relating to my height again I swear I will smack your head,” said Taeyeon who chose a seat in front of Yuri.

Kwon Yuri, Im Yoona, and Kim Taeyeon - these three girls were popular among their friends due to their looks and their abilities.

Im Yoona, a cheerful and bubbly girl with porcelain skin and beautiful face. She was voted to be the most desirable girl in the whole school. Many boys confessed to her but she always politely rejected them. Yoona excelled in acting, and had been in drama production since she was in primary school.

“Always-so-serious Kim Taeyeon” is what Yoona liked to call her best friend. Despite her cute baby-faced, Taeyeon was the oldest and the most serious one in the group.  Taeyeon hated it when someone called her “short.” Taeyeon excelled in sports. She had proven that she was able to run faster than all the boys in her year. Taeyeon may seem cold and hard to get along at first, but she's actually kind and cared about her friends a lot. Taeyeon and Yoona were best friends since primary, even though they liked to bicker a lot over unnecessary things.

The last but not least is Kwon Yuri, a beautiful girl with perfect body. She had long legs and well-proportioned body. Yuri transferred to this school at the first year of high school. She became friends with Taeyeon and Yoona quickly due to the fact that they were all in the same class. Yuri's very smart and had been a class president for two years. She's also part of the student council committee.

“Ahh~ I can’t believe that we are already in the third year of high school. I can’t wait until we graduate from here,” Yoona’s eyes were sparkled in excitement.

“There’s no point getting excited. You have to pass the final exams in order to graduate. Didn’t your maths’ grade dropped down?” Taeyeon said teasingly.

“Hey~! That was last year! I still have time to improve! What about your English? I heard your grade was not so good either!”

“T-That…” Yoona hit Taeyeon in bull’s eye this time. Everyone here knew that Taeyeon’s weakest subject is English.

Yuri who felt that this (useless) argument is going nowhere (again) decided to speak up, “Taeyeon-ah, you went to London this summer right? You must have learned a lot of new words so why don’t you tell us some of them?”

“Oh right sure, umm…” Taeyeon bit her lip; a bad habit that she hated but still does it unconsciously every time she felt nervous, “A-Amajjing?”

Both Yoona and Yuri blinked their eyes.

What did she just say? Yuri thought,  “Sorry Taeyeon, can you say that again?”

“I said…A-Amajjing”

Awkward silence filled out around all three of them until Yoona started to giggle, “Hahaha~ what kind of word is that Tae? I’ve never heard of it before.”

But then Yuri understood.

Uh…could it be that she was trying to say that? Yuri felt a sudden guilt rushed through her body. Knowing Tae’s Engrish, maybe I shouldn’t have brought that topic up. Even though she felt bad about embarrassing her friend, Yuri felt that Taeyeon needed to know.

“Tae…the word that you were trying to say…is it ‘Amazing’?”

And with that, Yoona burst out laughing while Taeyeon was trying so hard to keep a straight face even though her cheeks were as red as tomato.

Yuri couldn’t help but laughed along with Yoona, soon after that Taeyeon joined the two and admitted that despite staying in London for two weeks, her English didn’t improve at all, and might as well be worse by now.

The girls chatted about random things and updated each other about their life over the holiday. Ten minutes later, their homeroom came into the room and asked everyone to go back to their seat.

 “Good morning everyone. My name is Nam Chaeyoung. I’m your homeroom teacher for this year. I believe that everyone here knows about me already so lets get down to business and let me introduce your new classmate. Jung Yunho, you may come in now.”

The door opened with a tall figure stepping into the room. Immediately after everyone saw his face, a commotion occurred.

Most of the girls started to whisper excitedly to each other. While some girls just stared at his face with a dreamy expression. The boys were obviously annoyed by this but didn’t do anything besides making faces and mumbling under their breath.

Yuri studied this ‘new classmate’ carefully. Jung Yunho definitely stood out compared to the other boys in her class. He had a perfect jawline, straight nose, thick eyebrows and dark-brown eyes, which Yuri found them to be strangely captivating. Yunho’s also tall and has a broad shoulder.  To sum up, he’s like those handsome models from fashion magazines.

Yuri tilted her head and looked at him again, “Seems like this guy doesn’t like to smile.”

Oh well whatever, not like I care anyway, Yuri thought. I’ve got more important things to do, as long as this guy doesn’t bring me troubles then I’m good.

But boy, who knows how wrong she was.


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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first YunRi fic at asianfanfics :) This chapter maybe a bit boring because I want to introduce the characters, things will get more interesting in the next chapter ^^ 

Comments are appreciated! Thanks! ;)

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KimTaein #1
Chapter 2: What is Yunho's secret ? A part-time job,too? I'm curios
Authornim update
milezzYul #2
Chapter 2: authornim,,,update soon,,,,
Plmokn #3
update soon
update please
BlackPearl_Goddess #5
Hi! New reader here... ^^ It seems that you have gone MIA for a few months... Are you still intending to continue this story.. Frankly speaking, I love this story... The mysterious the story, the more I'm drawn into... Don't abandon us, author... ^^
sakura_yuri9 #6
I love KAICHOU WA MAID SAMA TO DEATH!! in the first chapter when it was said that yuri was part of the student council i suddenly thought of kaichou wa maid sama actually! although, i do hope u make it a bit different from the actual manga/anime! update like REALLY SOON! XD
New reader here. It's a nice story so far. I'm really curious to read what happens next! And what Yunho's secret is as well.<br />
Good luck with the story! :D
subscribed. new reader here. yes! yunri. next chapter please! can't wait for taesu.. haha.. btw, good luck for next chapters!! xD
YAY!!! another great YUNRI story,,of course i subscribe :DD