Meeting him again



'I was looking for you,' he said. 'Well, now you've found me,' I replied. 'I guess I have. Aren't you supposed to be in the practice room? And just in case you have forgotten, you promised to perform for me.' I rolled my eyes. 'I'm on my way there now... And... I've already performed for Yang sajangnim so you're kinda late,' I retaliated. 'I met Hyun Suk hyung on the way here. He said that your performance wasn't really satisfying and he wanted me to evaluate you instead.' Him? Him?! Why him? I must've looked bewildered because he quickly added on to what he said. 'I am, after all, Gdragon.' I tilted my head and looked at him, mouth agape;looking puzzled.'Hold it. Don't tell me you don't know who the Gdragon is... You're a korean aren't you? So have you been spending your whole life in the mountains? Or have you been living in a cave, under a rock?' I was starting to hate this attitude of his. 'Yes, I'm korean, but I was raised in America so you can't blame me for not knowing you, Gdragon.' 'I-I,' he started. But I had already pushed past him and was continuing my walk back to the practice room. Then, I remembered. 'Oh and sorry for bumping into you just now,' I called. He didn't move. He just stood there, like a stone statue on a cold winter day. 
The room went silent as I entered it. Everyone's eyes were on me as I walked towards one of the benches and quietly set my bag down. Then, somebody else walked into the room. 'Annyeonghasaeyos'' could be heard everywhere. Don't tell me it's him. Don't tell me it's him. Don't tell me it's- it is him. I let out a soft grunt. He smiled at me, and said, 'Hanmi ssi, Hyun Suk hyung is giving you another chance. He's letting me evaluate you.' I don't know whether that was a blessing or a curse. 'So are you ready?'he questioned. I nodded. 'I'll be anticipating your performance. Do well and don't disappoint me.'he added. I got into positions and started singing the song that I had prepared. This time, I had decided to sing 'Halo'. When I was done, he looked at me and smirked, obviously impressed. He cleared his throat and said, 'That was not bad. Let's move on to the dance shall we?' I danced to SHINee again. But this time, it was to 'Lucifer'. By the time the song had ended, I was huffing and panting and trying my best to breathe properly. 'Okay uh...'he said while puffing up his cheeks and blowing air out of that mouth of his. He took out his Parker's pen and began writing on the evaluation sheet. Then, he handed the piece of paper to me. 
It said: 
Dance: 7.5/10
Singing: 8/10
Overall: 15.5/20
Total: 31/40 
Evaluator: Gdragon
Comments: Her singing wasn't bad. One could hear that she use the voice from her stomach and not straight from which is good as this helps a lot when performing live. Her dance can improve and should improve. Although she did pretty well as a trainee who hasn't even started  training yet, one could see her legs wobbling and her actions were not big enough. It did not give me the burst of energy that one must give the audience when performing on stage. Her facial expressions were good as she was able to change them throughout the whole performance. Overall, I feel that she did pretty well but she should work harder in order to achieve better and much more gratifying results. 
I returned the paper back to him. He stood up and gestured for me to follow him. 'Come on,' he beckoned. 'I'll take you somewhere.' 'Where?' I asked. 'Don't worry... I'm not gonna or kill you or anything,' he assured. Strangely, I found myself grabbing my bag and following him out of the door. He lead me into a lift and we went up to the sixth floor. YG's office. 'Stay here while I submit the evaluation sheet,' he said. I obeyed and watched him walk into the office. He came out moments later and lead me into the lift again, down to the first floor and then down a flight of stairs, into a basement. 'I didn't know that there was a basement here,' I said. 'It'd be strange if you did,'he chuckled. 'This,' he continued, 'is the place where BigBang records its songs. This is also the place where I compose and write songs together with some other people who work in YG. Lydia, Teddy, Choice, Tablo and some others. So the only people that are actually allowed in here, are the people I mentioned before. Which also means that you're the first outsider that has ever stepped into this place.' I explored the huge room, fascinated by it's modern technology. Everything was well-organized and so neat. 'Why did you take me here?' I queried. 'I needed to tell you something,' he said. 'Actually, I wasn't supposed to show you the evaluation sheet. So... Be sure not to show any signs to indicate that you know what was in that sheet. I just need you to pretend that you are totally clueless and know nothing about it. Okay?' I didn't answer his question. 'What happens if someone found out that I know what is in that sheet?' 'Well, I'm not trying to scare you or anything but... Er... First of all, I will be punished... But that isn't the most important thing... That evaluation sheet will be invalid and since YG had already evaluated you the first time, he would use that in the meeting with the other trainers to see if they want to train you or not. YG would normally accept trainees if he sees that they have passion,potential and determination but the public is rushing him so he needs someone to debut soon. Female. And the new girl group isn't ready yet.' 'Why can't YG just accept me as a trainee and pick someone else to debut?' 'YG does not need anymore female trainees at the moment. Just note that you are pretty much dead if YG ever finds out that I had let you see the evaluation sheet.' I pouted and nodded my head. 'Jiyong ah,' someone said from above. 'Oh crap, Hyun Suk hyung is here.'he muttered under his breath just loud enough for me to hear. He pushed me into a storeroom and closed the door to hide me. One thing he didn't know. I was claustrophobic. 
My apologies that this chapter is a tinsy bit shorter than the other ones.... Anyways, thank you for the 10 precious subbies! Love ya'll! Please subscribe and comment too~ <3 
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ChuffyCheesecake #1
Chapter 4: Oh no! Hanmi!!! I hope she will be okay
suyeeaung #2
Chapter 2: GD my babe
ChuffyCheesecake #3
Chapter 2: Ooh I can't wait to find out!!