When my eyes landed on you, my heart started to race.

Last Words

Luhan had closed the book again, not being able to control his emotions. He let out a few sighs before opening to the very front page. He looked at the inside cover, where the author note Tao was talking about could be read.

This would be my first book and I just hope I would be able to write more. Before anything else, just know that this book would be like a fanfiction. A fanfiction about none other than EXO and Luhan’s girlfriend ‘Hyunmi’. I guess I just really liked the fact that an EXO member got to find true love despite being an idol. It was obvious the couple had hardships, but they went past it until the fans had gotten over the fact that Luhan is indeed dating another fan. This will be in Hyunmi’s point of view.

So the characters in this book would be EXO and Hyunmi. In movie terms, they play the roles of my very own characters in the story. So I do hope you enjoy.

You tried so hard not to mention it’s our story, didn’t you? Luhan asked Hyunmi in his thoughts. He gathered more courage and opened to the first chapter.










When my eyes landed on you, my heart started to race.


Have you ever walked outside on a cold winter night while sick? If you haven’t… don’t. Apart from being weak, it feels as if I would just collapse right on the spot. I was shivering and my teeth were chattering, and I was alone. I can tell you now… it’s a bad idea. And when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, I couldn't feel my fingers so when I tried groping for my phone, I couldn't.

The thick layers of clothes I wore did not help in the cold night, I was still freezing. Why oh why did I have to be sick during EXO’s fansigning event? You see, I was on my way to their fansign – yes, even at that kind of weather and with my condition. I really wanted to see them face to face, and I was sure at the time that seeing them would make me a whole lot better. I just had to be home before the sun sets as it would be really freezing at night.

When I arrived at the fansign venue, EXO was just about to come out, so I waited and stood with everyone else. At last, EXO finally went up the stage and everyone else cheered and squealed. I wanted to, but I couldn’t. Unless I wanted to be mute the next day because I lost my voice from that day, I would’ve shouted along. Besides, I wasn’t even allowed to talk in the first place, so why would I shout?

I admitted to myself that day that the boys were more charming than I thought. They had this indescribable aura coming out of them, but it’s a positive feeling. I smiled as I watched them introduce themselves and then go on to take their seats. The fans immediately lined up; it felt as if there was a stampede in the place. Being weak as heck, the lines were already so long, I wouldn’t have enough time to even reach them and have my album – plus my sister’s – signed by at least a member of EXO.

So I walked home with defleated shoulders and obviously a very disappointed expression plastered on my face. And thus, I ended up being in the situation mentioned above – walking outside on a cold winter night while sick. Every breath I take, there was ‘smoke’, and I entertained myself with that on the way home. At least I got to see them. I thought after getting tired of being entertained by own breath.

But it’s true. I did feel a little bit better just by seeing them face to face. I was even more determined to get better and eventually attend their next fansign.

While I was deep in my thoughts, I obviously became oblivious to my surroundings and the last thing I knew, I was bumped in the shoulder and my body collided with the snowy ground. Fortunately, it was bottom first. A soft groan came from me while the person who had bumped me had quickly apologised.

When I looked up to the person who had collided with me, the shock was very clearly evident on my face. “Hey, weren’t you at our fansign?”

There were twelve boys in front of me, all wearing thick clothing just like me. I don’t really have to say the obvious, do I? It was EXO in front of me.

Luhan had kneeled down on one knee in front of me and asked if I was okay. But his words were just droned out as all I was able to here was my loud heartbeat racing. By then, I was worried that it would be so loud that even the boys could hear it.

Maybe, maybe not. I never really knew.

It was dark and the moon wasn’t bright. Only the street lights were providing us light. I would make a joke that Baekhyun could’ve just shed some light on us, but that would’ve been really awkward if I actually said it out loud.

You and your jokes. Luhan smiled, and then continued reading.

“Are you still there?”

I finally snapped out of my daze and look at the twelve pairs of worried eyes looking down on me. All I managed to do was nod a bit and reply, “Uhhh… yes.”

“You were definitely that girl at the fansign,” Kai stated, his expressions showed he was trying to remember something, “The one who wasn’t screaming or didn’t even line up.”

I closed my eyes and turned a shade of pink. Oh… so they saw.

“You mean to say you saw her too? I swear, my eyes were glued on her,” Xiumin added.

Everyone’s eyes were glued on you, Hyunmi. You just stood out.

“Come to think of it,” Kyungsoo started, “Why didn’t you scream or line up, not that I’m being rude or anything.”

I hesitated to reply, but I didn’t want to upset my idols, right? “I’m sick,” My voice was so faint it was barely audible. But that was all I can manage to say.

“Well, you can’t be that sick. You still managed to go to our fansign.”

“I only forced myself to,” I tried to be as polite as possible, even though I was pretty much the same age as their oldest members.

“Don’t interrogate her anymore, it’s making her uncomfortable,” Luhan told them and gave me a warm smile. My cheeks immediately heated up and suddenly, I couldn’t feel the cold anymore.

“You’re right, I’m sorry,” Xiumin apologised. By then, my burning cheeks were slowly dissipating.

“Here, let me help you up,” Luhan had offered his hand to me. My hands unconsciously took it and he pulled me up. He was quite strong, that I won’t deny. Luhan looked at his hands after he let go of mine, “You’re hot,” He remarked, shocking s.

“Hyung, you can’t just say that!” Sehun exclaimed in response.

You have no idea how much I forced myself not to turn red that time. Sehun, you’re such a bold brat. Luhan commented in his thoughts.

“No, I didn’t mean that hot,” His eyes then met mine, “You’re burning.” Luhan had then placed his palm on my forehead, “You have a fever.”

“Oh really, hyung?” Tao asked, his eyes wide as saucers in shock.

“You shouldn’t be out in this condition,” Kris told me, “But you did anyways so you can go to our fansign? You shouldn’t do that.”

“I had to,” I replied, “I just moved here and this would be the first time I get to go to your fansign,” I continued.

“Well, we can’t let you go home by yourself,” Suho said, “Is your home far away?”

“Only a few blocks away,” I replied; and soon after, they hissed.

“You should stay at our dorm, it’s nearer,” Suho suggested. I immediately refused the offer.

“No, it’s okay, really.”

“Please accept it,” Chen pleaded, “We won’t be able to sleep thinking that something may have happened to you. Like maybe collapsed in the middle of the road.”

“And the sasaengs are out, too,” Chanyeol continued, “They may have noticed you during the fansign just leaving, so they’ll be really mad. We know they’ll be here because they’re the very reason we’re walking home.”

An eyebrow of mine raised, and the boys obviously noticed the confusion in my face, “They blocked the way to our vans and we couldn’t get in. So they started chasing us and we had to run away,” Lay explained, having me nod in response.

From a distance, I heard faint voices of girls. ‘Where are they?!’ ‘Which way did they go?!’ And immediately, the boys became worried, “They’re here!” They sounded so petrified and they started to panic.

“Quick! Hide!” The boys had separated; some went behind the vehicles parked in the vicinity and some hid behind walls. Luhan just happened to have pulled me along with him and we ran a few metres to find a good hiding spot.

And because I was sick, in addition to not being athletic at all, I felt so tired and when we had stopped and had turned right to another street and hid behind a vehicle, I had passed out. Everything went black.

Luhan bit his lip, a tiny smile crept onto his face. You remembered every single detail during that night, Hyunmi-ah. His eyes became red and watery, and soon, his tears threatened to escape. I’m glad you did. Because I remember it the same way.


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Last Words | 'One Year Later' started playing. EMEGED ;A;


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Chapter 3: I cannot!You had me at, 'It started with Good morning and ended with Goodbye.'
I love the chapter and the plot is really good.
I'll be waiting for the next update and updates to come! XD
Mjrocks421 #2
Chapter 2: WAIT WHAT HAPPENED!!!!! did hyunmi die? I'm really curious!! Please update! I really like the plot of this story!!
Chapter 1: So sad yet so, OMG. I can't handle this but I'll be waiting for the update. It's a really good chapter, lurv it!
Update soon! Hwaiting .. xD