Chanyeol x OC

Kpop Drabbles

Dedicated to the face of our group  Jess_jane143 



Chanyeol lifted his arms on his side and fanned his underarms rapidly making him look like a chicken flapping its wings. He was sweating so much due to the nervousness he was  feeling.


He was wearing a black graphic shirt, jeans and black Converses, his ears cutely sticking out from under his hair.


AIsh! I’m such a pabo! Why did I choose to wear a shirt that would attract more heat?!  Chanyeol told himself and looked around to see if anyone was watching. Thank goodness, nobody was paying much attention to him.


Today marks his first date with his first girlfriend Choi Sungchan and he was patiently (and nervously, although he would never admit it) waiting for her on a bench. The couple had chosen to go to Lotte World and Sungchan was currently in the toilets doing girly things that girls do in the girl’s bathroom.


“Oppa! What in the world are you doing?”


He quickly dropped his arms and spun around to his girlfriend openly laughing at him. He didn’t know what to do and so he stood there smiling embarrassedly, showing off his white pearly teeth, secretly hoping that his cute smile would make her forget what she saw him do.


“Ayyyy, you look like a constipated statue!” Sungchan scrunched her nose and poked his arm. “C’mon, I wanna go ride on the ferris wheel! I know you wanted to ride on a more manly one but I won Paper, Scissors, Rock fair and square!”


Chanyeol let out a shaky sigh and laughed at the straight forwardness of his girlfriend. That was one of the reasons as to why he fell for her. Although was the perfect height, had the best eye smile, silky straight dark brown hair, the adorable and sweet side she sometimes showed, it was her straight forward nature that pulled him in.

“Y-yah! Wait for me!” he yelled, his voice accidentally breaking as he ran after his beloved girlfriend. Aigoo, can I be any more embarrassing today?!




Chanyeol sat rigidly on his seat, both hands clamped tightly around the bar on either side of him, and prepared for the ride to take off.


Keep your cool, Chanyeol. Be a man! He thought to himself as he heard the person in charge of the ride tell them that it was ready to go soon.


Sungchan, who was sitting in front of him, eyed him worriedly. “Oppa, are you okay?”

“Y-yeah. Of course I am. Why would you think I’m not?” he asked, trying to keep his voice as non-shaky as possible.


“Because you once again look constipated. You’re acting like this is a dangerous ride!” she laughed.




“Oppa, calm down! It’s a ferris wheel ride!” she laughed even harder, clutching her stomach.


“EXACTLY! Do you know how high these things go?! The wind can practically whip us away at the top!” Chanyeol shrieked, his face turning red and his knuckles white from the tightness of his grip.


As the ride slowly started going higher and higher, Chanyeol’s face got whiter and whiter.


Slowly, it went higher and the wind at the top was getting stronger..


TSIK TSIK TSIK (A/N: ehehe, like my rattling/shaking noise? xD)


Sungchan jumped at the sudden sound of the rattling of the rails that surrounded the ferris wheel cart they were in. With a thumping her she turned her head slowly on the side to see that it was shaking fiercely...



because of Chanyeol.


“OMMAAAAAAAAAAA!” he wailed, his eyes shut tight. The poor boy was sweating and shaking madly. This time not because of the butterflies that his girlfriend was giving him but because of the butterflies he got from his fear.


When their cart finally reached the bottom again Chanyeol came stumbling out, his legs shaking madly.


Sungchan laughed and helped her boyfriend get up from the ground, hugging him tightly to stabilise him.


“Okay, Oppa, I think you’ve had enough manliness for the day. Let’s go to a ride that’s more suited for you,” she said sweetly, keeping Chanyeol close to her.

“Arrasso, arrasso.” he replied hoarsely.




“You could have picked a more manly ride, you know.” Chanyeol whispered as he sat on the saddle of a pretty pink and white horse.


Chanyeol pinked in embarrassment and tried to bend over to hide his face and keep his ‘manly’ image but he just ended up looking even more ridiculous. Does he really think he can hide his tall self on that tiny horse? Aigoo!


Sungchan and laughed at the sight of her boyfriend. “Wae? You couldn’t even take the ferris wheel! I think this is manly enough for you. So just be happy, neh?




Author's Note:

I actually don't know if Chanyeol has a fear of heights or amusement park rides but let's just pretend that he does for tha sake of this drabble xD


I hope you enjoyed this one ^^

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Good night/good morning/good afternoon wherever you are!


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Chapter 4: I saw kookie in that gif hehehe only half of him tho D:

Good oneshot unnie!!*starts singing oneshot by BAP*
Jess_jane143 #2
Chapter 4: HAHAHAHAHA XD OMG that was really good KiraKinz!!! Even I fangirled for Chaeri
Good job *thumbs up*



that ending YESH

and that gif man

Chapter 3: And now I understand why a certain someone was crazily fangirling XD
Chapter 2: Ohhhh that's why last night a certain someone kept saying "They should have kissed!" while reading this chap XD HAHAHAHA
Jess_jane143 #6
Chapter 2: Kyaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!! OMG!!! Thank you so much Keyra! I love you! Mwaaah!
Chanyeol oppa u big eared hunk :P Saranghae Keyra and chanyeol! <3
He's so cute when he's scared hehe!! Oppa Saranghae! Kekeke!
I want him to be my boyfie hehe and someone else ;) if you know what I mean hehe :)
Chapter 1: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH UMMA! <3

I died the second I saw his face >///<


This story really get me coz I can really relate to it :') But I doubt anything like this would happen to me in reality~ ><
