You're a Monster

I love you, Noona

Your P.O.V (continuation)=====================


I couldn’t swallow what I was eating. I felt something in my throat that I couldn’t describe. Is it because mom failed to prepare the breakfast for the first time, or is it because of the guy sitting in front of me? Ah~ Maybe the last one.

I focused my eyes, eating the cold pancakes that I left when I opened the door a while ago. I darted my eyes on it, as if I had microscopic eyes and I could see the bacteria that settled there for the past few minutes. I couldn’t eat. Well, how would you eat if there was someone watching your every move? Am I paranoid? Gahh~ what is happening to me? Is he looking at me?

While I was experiencing this kind of dilemma, my mom and Gongchan was talking nonstop, as if they were the only people in the dining area because they didn’t bother to ask me if what I had seen in my pancakes and I looked very interested on it. I continued to listen in their conversation. They were talking about the recent developments for discovering cures for viruses and stuffs that made me dizzy. Gongchan also said that he already settled his enrollment in the school which he would attend in the upcoming school year. He seemed to be nice to Mom, but I had a distinct feeling that I should not believe what kind of attitude he was showing to her, because the kissing scene a while ago was still bothering me.

I started to think about the kiss happened between us. Do Japanese kiss each other when they greet? I thought it only happens in America. I wondered for a while, playing the pancake in my plate as I dribbled some strawberry syrup on it. My pancake was 85 percent syrup, 15 percent pancake. I pouted as I glanced in the plate between me and Gongchan, there’s no pancake left.

 I looked at him and I saw him looking at me. I felt anxious as I started to eat. Ahhhh~~ It’s really awkward. I suddenly heard he approached me.

“How are you, Noona?”

I glanced at him, he was smiling.

Holy crap! Why so cute?! I controlled myself not to flail in the middle of having breakfast.

I straightened myself. “I’m f-fine. Y-yeah.”

He nodded. “I’m fine too, if you’ll ask.”

“Ahh~ I see.” I answered awkwardly.

There had been silence. . . . for ages. WAAHHH! WHY IT’S SO AWKWARD! ?

I looked at mom who was starting to look at both of us.

“Ahh~~ I think you both feel awkward since it’s been a long time when you seen each other, right?” Mom laughed uneasily. “Maybe you two should finish your breakfast and you can usher him ____ to his room.”

My eyes widened as I looked at mom, like I was scandalized. “W-w-what??!”

“I said you lead Gongchan to his room.” My mom said. “I’m going to the market to buy food for our lunch while you help Gongchan sort his things in his room. Yeah~ That’s right, so you can talk to each other.”

I stopped playing the pancakes and threw looks at my mom. I really doubted her idea. I dunno why. I frowned, which she ignored. Deymmit.

“Noona looks like she doesn’t want to accompany me in my room. . .” Gongchan said, hearing a tone of sadness in his voice. “I thought she missed me.”

He pouted after, a pout that no once could resist.


“_____.” Mom glared on me.

“O-of course, I-I am!!” I squeaked.

I saw Gongchan lift his lips hearing what I said.

“Ahh! Ok! Get up. You lead him to his room, ____. Leave the plates; I’m going to wash it later.” Mom got my empty plate, while I was looking at her: pleading look that she ignored for the nth time. Gongchan, who was beaming widely, helped mom with the plates to place it in the sink. I got up in my chair and walked sloppily to Gongchan’s baggage in the living room.

I frowned. I didn’t know why I was so uncomfortable with Gongchan. I held the baggage up, but it was too heavy. Then I felt something pushed my hair in my back, a warm breath brushed in my neck. My knees weakened, it trembled. A hand swept down my arm to my hand, then it held the baggage.

“I’m going to carry this, _______. . .” He whispered in my ears. I felt his warm breath, which automatically made my knees quivered. I shuddered and fell in the floor.

KYAAAA!!!! My stomach churned on what he did. Y-you’re-----you’re teasing me!!!

“Noona! What happened to you!!?” He said as he helped me to get me up. I stumbled backward, resisting him to touch me.

Y-You’re a-a m-monster.

“What happened?” My mom dashed from the kitchen. She raised a brow. “What are you doing, ____?”

“I-I fell.”

“What for?”

“Ahhh~ Noona, I’ll help you up.” Gongchan held my arms and got me up. I didn’t refuse because mom was there. Mom said to me that I should be nice to Gongchan, and I promised that, so I didn’t refuse. “You should be careful while walking. You’re hurting yourself.”

“T-Thanks.” I stammered and pursed my lips after.

He released me and he brought his baggage again. He walked in the stairs as he waited for me. “C’mon.”

OMG! What will happen if it’s only the two of us?

“I’m going to leave you two here. Okay.” Mom marched towards the door and went outside.

Now, it’s only the two of us.I could feel my heart thumping fast, like an idiot.


I walked slowly, pacing the stairs upwards as he waited for me in the top. He smiled at me; an innocent smile. I grudgingly smiled back.

“This will be my room? This looks grand.” He exclaimed as he sat in the comfortable bed and lied.

The room was mostly covered with green, blue and white: colors that he liked. My mom was very fond of him back then, and he was spoiled when we were little so don’t doubt why she treated him that way. There were books in the empty shelves before; I filled it with books I used when I was in high school, some paperback novels and unknown textbooks. There were laptop, microscope, files and envelopes in the study table, which his father packaged to us after we told them that we approved him living with us. The room used to be a guest room, which we rarely use and mother decorated it right away, when she knew Gongchan would be living with us.

I turned back as I placed his baggage near the cabinet. “If you need something, just tell me. I’ll be------------------”

“The bed is so huge!” He suddenly exclaimed.

I stared back on him: he was sitting comfortably on his bed, his arms supporting his upper body his legs unfolded. He was looking at me and smirking: seductively.

I flushed red and looked at the cabinet. What is he doing!?? KYAAA! I would go insane if he’d continue to do this. I opened his baggage and started pulling out his clothes. I was stunned, I was holding his briefs; his bikini briefs


I immediately threw the briefs inside the cabinet while I heard him chuckled. I continued to pull out his clothes and pushed it hastily inside the cabinet. I need to finish this and I will go suicide in my room. MY GOD!

“You have lots of clothes--------------”

I was stoned when I felt him holding my hand. He was in my back and I felt his body behind me as he pushed himself closer to me.

“Let’s try how huge the bed is.” He whispered in my ears.

I was stupefied. My heart made me deaf; it was beating fast that I couldn’t breathe. I tried not to glance back but his hands were tracing my curves. I straightened myself but my knees went feeble as jellies. He was holding my waist while his lips were near at my neck. I could feel his breath. I supported myself from falling by resting my hands in the cabinet. I was panting, though I was just standing.


“Noona is scared to try the bed.” He teased me and laughed seductively.

I’m going to faint. OMG! I can’t control it.

“WAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!”  I screamed as I sprinted from Gongchan’s room to mine. I didn’t think of anything, I just wished to be out of there quickly. I slammed the door closed, locked it and sat behind it. I panted, thinking what Gongchan was doing to me. I put my hands in my face, it was so hot. I bet I was so scarlet. I breathed hard for I was running out of air a while ago.

Then I heard he knocked in my door.

“Noona, are you fine? Why did you leave me? I thought you will help me to fix my things.” He asked innocently from the other side of the door. “I t-thought you said you miss me. I want to see you.”

WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!I continued to scream foolishly in my head. Why you’re doing that?!

“Noona. . . . . can you hear me? Do you want me to wreck this door? Are you fine?” He continued, hearing him like he was as harmless as a cute little puppy.

“I-I’m f-fine!” I answered him before he could actually smash the door open. “I-I j-just need to bath.”

“You feel hot?” He asked again, innocently.

Waaaahhh!!!~ why he’s acting like an innocent child? GAHD! I wanted to pull my hair out.

“Y-yes. You can go n-n-now. I’m f-f-fine.” I pursed my lips to stop my lips from stuttering.

“You should tell me earlier.” He said. “I could make you well.”

How will you---------AHG!!!~

“No. Really. I just need a bath.” I insisted before he could pollute my mind thoroughly.

“You’re still going to help me right?” He asked with pleading voice.

“Ahhh~~~about that?”

This is………………………insane.

“You will, right?”

“Ahh.. O-okay.” I answered just to make him stop.

I heard him walked to his room.


I held a long sigh as I dropped myself in the bed. I covered my face with pillow and screamed like being gang-.  What is he doing? Why he’s teasing me? Why he’s flirting with me? I’m his Noona for Pete’s sake! Why he’s acting like that? What’s his motive? Why? What? WAHHHH!!!

I didn’t want to think of anything. Ahhh!! This is really crazy. Ughhh~



I was laughing so hard while typing this. Like a lunatic. LOLs~

Gongchan!! WAAAHHHHH!!!

So far, it's still ecchi ne~ I dont know if it'll became a NC-17 fic.

*Gongchan fan glares*

*waves white flag*

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 7: awwwwwwwwwwwwww..........cuteeeeeeee :)
Chapter 7: Sequel !!!!!!!! :D
I'm a dongsaeng too...But the story was daebak :""""")
I'm a dongsaeng tho, But I did like your story <3
nothing_girl #5
Annyeong! I was just wondering if there was a PDF file for this story.. is there?
;___; I'm a dongsaeng tho... OTL

Umma! Wae you make me think that Channie has an alternate personality now?! ;__; My image of Channie is now officially ruined OTL ㅋㅋ
jeanniejung #7
LOL? Sequel? Hmmmmmmm~~~
I dunno. I will think of a good plot first~~
this was a good fic *o*