And the gender is…final

Daddy Min one-shot collection

I was now lying on the exam table, waiting for the ultrasound tech to come in so we can see the baby.  We then hear a knock at the door before the tech enters.  “Good Morning! Are you ready to see your baby again?” she says cheerfully and moves to set up the machine.  “Ok, if you could please lift your shirt,” she says and I push my shirt up showing my belly to her and at this point Changmin has moved from his spot in the corner to stand next to me, taking my hand and squeezing excitedly,

“Ok, here comes the gel” the tech says and I brace myself for the chill that comes with it before she presses the wand to my abdomen, moving it around before pausing.

“And there’s your baby” she says and we turn to look at the screen and we both can’t help but smile at the sight of our baby.

“Your baby looks to be perfectly healthy and everything seems to be on track.  Would you like to know the gender?” the tech asks.

“Yes!” Changmin exclaims and I nod in agreement to the tech who shifts the wand to get a better look.

“Well congratulations! You’re having a healthy baby girl,” she says smiling at us.

We go silent as we let the news sink in that we now know our baby’s gender.  I look up at Changmin who is still looking at the screen in amazement.

“Changminnie…” I start and he smiles a big, lopsided smile.

“We’re having a girl! She’s going to be so cute just like her momma!” he exclaims and the tech and I can’t help but chuckly at his excitement. 

“Can we get a print out?” I ask and she nods before shifteng the wand again looking for the best picture of our baby before printing it for us

“So unless you have any more questions, I’ll get you cleaned up and you two are free to go” the tech says and after confirming that we have no more questions, she cleans the gel from my stomach and Changmin helps me down from the table.  After exchanging goodbyes and until next times we make our way out of the building and back to Changmin’s car.  At this point, Changmin is practically bouncing with excitement and I can’t help but laugh at how cute he is being.

“A girl! Sweetheart, we’re having a girl!” he exclaims again and at this point I am full out laughing.

“I know babe, I was there,” I say jokingly leaning against the car, waiting for him to unlock it. 

Instead of unlocking the car though, he rushes over to me and pulls me into a deep and excited kiss that I can’t help but smile into as I kiss him back. 

He breaks the kiss but doesn’t let go of me as he goes on to say “Thank you sweatheart, you continue to make me the happiest man on earth”

At his words I snuggle deeper into hs hold, nuzzling my face into his chest, breathing in his scent.  Just then my stomach grows ruining the mood.

“I guess our baby girl’s hungry” I say with a chuckle pulling away from the hug.  Changmin chuckles too and moves to the driver’s side of the car, unlocking to so we can get in.  “So where do you wanna go to eat?” He asks starting the car and pulling out of the parking space to leave the parking ramp. 

“Surprise me,” I say not quite sure where I want to go.

“Ok, pizza it is” Changmin says, making me laugh at the fact that he still has his pizza cravings.

“You’re going to be so sick of pizza products by the time this baby comes” I say still giggling.

“Well that’s the risk I’m willing to take, our baby wants pizza so pizza she’s going to get” he says and I start cracking up all over again, causing Changmin to laugh too.  Its moments like these where I can’t help but fall a little more in love with him.

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Chapter 18: This is just pure sweet and fluffy! Everything is so fluffy, wah! They're both living happy lives with their baby! Ohoho, makes me giggle so much <3 I wonder what's next c:
Chapter 16: Goodness, this is really adorable!!! ;;
I hope to read more of these scenarios!
Wah, and let the two get married already!! TT.TT
foodiemin #3
Chapter 16: cuteness overload!!!
Caramel42 #4
Chapter 14: Omg .. He is sooo sweet ..
I thing i am loving him more now . :-*
jbdn20 #5
Chapter 13: Oh i like it ... Changmin is so sweet here !!
@ExoticBabyBunny hey, not her fault Changmin came down with a case of the y. No one can revisit that XD