After Painting

Daddy Min one-shot collection

Author's note: this takes place right after the last chapters. It's short and pure fluff so I hope you guys like it.  As always, I'll edit it more later so excuse all awkwardness.


After we had our fun, we had to get back to painting the nursery.  The room wasn’t that big so it didn’t take us that long to finish.  I did what I could and Changmin did the rest and tomorrow we’ll be able to put the furniture in the room.  The furniture was white and most of it was gifted to us from excited family members who were feeling overly generous.  I sit on the top of the stepladder that had originally held my paint.

“Changmin~” I whine trying to get his attention.

“What?~” he whines back mockingly imitating my tone topped off with his signature smirk.

“Food please” I say, pouting at his teasing causing Changmin to laugh at me as he walks over to where I’m sitting.

“Stop with the pouting, it’s too cute” Changmin scolds softly, patting my head, causing me to pout more. 

“Food” I say again as I raise my arms up, my signal for help.  This time I don’t really need it but I know Changmin likes it so sometimes I indulge him. So as always, he helps me back to my feet and I can’t help but smile at how attentive he is. 

“Baby wants Chinese,” I say brightly patting my stomach as I look up at Changmin expectantly.

“Oh, baby wants Chinese huh? I think I can make that happen” He says with a laugh.

“Yay!” I exclaim clapping in excitement and patter out of the room to go find our takeout menus, Changmin shaking his head at me with a laugh before following me out to decide on food.

While Changmin calls in the food order, I decide to take a shower while we wait so I don’t smell like paint anymore.  Once done, I wrap my hair in a towel and make my way to the closet to find comfy clothes to put on.  After deciding to just keep wearing Changmin’s clothing, I towel dry and combout my hair.  Finally ready to eat, I make my way back out to the living room and find Changmin sitting on the couch with Mangdong, watching TV.  Hearing my entrance, Changmin smiles at me and I move over and sit down by him, resting my head on his strong shoulder.  Since buying paint, our baby has been pretty still but chose now to start acting up again.  I’ve been able to feel her for a while now but it will never stop surprising me when it happens.

“Did you get kicked again?” Changmin asks, noticing my slight surprised jump at the movement.

I hum in agreement and take his hand placing it on my stomach to trace the movement.

“Does it hurt?” Changmin asks, after feeling a particularly hard nudge against his hand.

I shrug, “Sometimes, it depends on where she decides to strike,” I say partially joking.

Changmin shifts so he can bend down to place a kiss on my stomach before.  “Baby, you need to be more gentle with Mommy,” he says to my stomach and I laugh.  Changmin likes to talk with the baby, and it’s always extremely adorable when he does it. 

Just then the baby kicked again, and Changmin sits back up and pouts.  “She ignored me” he says indignantly.

 I laugh again, and kiss his cheek, “Oh sweety, it’s ok,” I say, ruffling his hair. 

“But if she’s this defiant towards me now, it’s only going to get worse” Changmin whines indignantly, his had on my stomach still getting nudged at.  I couldn’t help but laugh at his reasoning, earning a slight glare from my boyfriend,

“If it makes you feel better, I think she’s just excited you’re there” I explain, trying to reassure him that our daughter isn’t just ignoring him and it seems to work.

“Is that true baby? Are you just happy to hear me?” he asks my stomach and as if on queue, the baby shifts and I feel a particularly hard nudge that causes me to groan slightly.

 It doesn’t go unnoticed by Changmin though, “We’re supposed to love mommy though so try not to kick her so hard ok?” he goes on to say and I giggle in response. 

Just then the doorbell rings signaling that our food was here and I couldn’t be more excited as Changmin gets up to go get it.

“Yay food!” I exclaim as he comes back, mouth practically watering at the smell as Changmin takes it into the kitchen to unpack.

“Just as baby requested” Changmin says, handing me my food and chopsticks along with a bottle of water before going back and getting his own.  I immediately start digging into my food, humming contently at the taste.

“Good?” Changmin asks sitting back down on the couch, his own food in hand.  In response I nod enthusiastically since my mouth is full of food.  He smiles at the reaction before starting to eat too.  The only sounds now are the sounds coming from the TV accompanied by the sounds of us eating.

“Thank you Min” I say, rubbing my baby bump happily now that I’m full of food and feeling sleepy as I snuggle back up against Changmin after he was done cleaning up.

“Anything for my sweetheart and baby” he says wrapping an arm around me to pull me closer before kissing the side of my head.

Now with the nursery painted, we are one step closer to welcoming our baby home. 

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Chapter 18: This is just pure sweet and fluffy! Everything is so fluffy, wah! They're both living happy lives with their baby! Ohoho, makes me giggle so much <3 I wonder what's next c:
Chapter 16: Goodness, this is really adorable!!! ;;
I hope to read more of these scenarios!
Wah, and let the two get married already!! TT.TT
foodiemin #3
Chapter 16: cuteness overload!!!
Caramel42 #4
Chapter 14: Omg .. He is sooo sweet ..
I thing i am loving him more now . :-*
jbdn20 #5
Chapter 13: Oh i like it ... Changmin is so sweet here !!
@ExoticBabyBunny hey, not her fault Changmin came down with a case of the y. No one can revisit that XD