The Kiss

The Price of Vanity
LuHan stayed in the entire next two weeks, reasurring his family and close friends that he was alright. He just needed to stay inside for safety reasons. He now knew that Sehun had been correct in taking the threat seriously and he also felt like a fool for not believing him. He had to admit that Sehun was very smart. As he spent more time with the young servant, he realized how fun, yet mean and teasing he could be. He was gentle, but strong, and LuHan found himself relying on his strength more and more all the time. LuHan was beginning to realize that Sehun was a perfect match for him, despite being a servant. That was another thing that was bothering him. 
One day LuHan approached Sehun, smiling at him. “Hey, would you like to go out and eat with me? It’s a nice day,” LuHan felt himself blushing. “Um…we can’t go eat outside of the castle, but we can go in the courtyard.” He grinned. “What do you say?”
Sehun smiled. It sounded like the prince was asking him for a date. He was happy with how relaxed things had become between the two of them since the attempt on LuHan’s life. It was nice. “I'd love to, prince.”
LuHan laughed. “LuHan. Just LuHan.”
Sehun snickered. “Okay. Since I'm not looking at you as a prince right now, will you help me bring food out for us to eat? It'll go faster that way.”
“Sure,” LuHan replied quietly.
They moved outside and enjoyed a meal of fresh fruit, pasta and bread. LuHan had also brough out a nice bottle of wine. They seemed to be enjoying one another's company.
After enjoying their meal outside, LuHan smiled at Sehun. “Hey, I’d like to show you something. It’s in my bedroom.”
Sehun cast him as calculating look then nodded. “Okay.”
“Cool,” LuHan led him into the mansion and into his bedroom. He felt a rush of sadness move over him as he walked over to the rose. It had already lost most of its petals, which was a bitter reminder that time was running out. Glancing at Sehun, he lifted the lid off. “This is the rose that's measuring my days.” He sighed, turning away from the hot servant. “It'll be gone soon, and I haven't found anyone.” 
Sehun smiled at him. “I’m sorry…” He couldn’t think of anything to say for a moment, but finally continued. “I guess you need to get a move on and find a princess. I can try to contact some good ones for you. Maybe I could go through your friend, Yixing. He probably knows some that are trustworthy. If they aren’t trustworthy, I would kill them.”
LuHan laughed. “I know. You're so good to me…Thank you.” He stared at Sehun for a long moment before turning away. “Sehun, I think you know me by now. I don’t WANT them. Royalty are too stuffy,” he laughed bitterly. “Myself included. They are only a means to get rid of this damn curse.” He shook his head. “They all think I’m a monster, so it doesn’t ever work. The ones who don’t run are the ones who want to turn me in for money.” He shook his head, obviously stressed. “I don’t know what to do.”
Sehun stared at him, unable to keep the longing out of his eyes. “I'll contact Yixing and see if he knows one that will break it for you. I want you to be happy.”
LuHan smiled and realized that he had taken Sehun’s hand, rubbing it gently. He quickly dropped it. “Thank you,” he said, walking over to the stare at the rose again.
Yixing sat in a café, waiting for his drink. He was approached by one of his guards. The young man smiled at him, and Yixing returned the smile. He had never failed to notice that the young guard had beautiful bone structure, with his high cheekbones. The noble shook his head, realizing that he had been caught staring. “Hi,” he addressed the guard more gruffly than he had been intending to. 
“Hello, sir. Please forgive my intrusion, but I wanted to ask you something…if I may,” he waited until Yixing nodded, and was surprised when he was offered a seat. 
Yixing felt his heart jump when the young guard sat down across from him. “Yes…”
“I didn’t think it would be of any reason to mention, but my name is Jongdae,” the guard smiled at him. “It's been brought to my attention that there's been someone after your friend, Prince LuHan. I'd like to protect him.” He looked uncertain. “I'd like to keep an eye on you, as well…if you won't take that as an insult. You're his friend.”
Yixing shook his head. “It makes sense. I am close to him, and would appreciate that very much. Thank you.”  Yixing felt like a bumbling idiot. 
Jongdae smiled at him again. “Thank you for accepting my help.”
Yixing offered a quick smile. “You’re welcome.”
LuHan walked into the bedroom he was now sharing with Sehun. It was for safety reasons, but also comforting. He enjoyed being around him. Sehun was on the bed, reading a book. LuHan walked over to him, leaned over and kissed him on the mouth. Sehun didn't pull away, but deepened the kiss. He may as well enjoy the moment. LuHan finally pulled away, studying Sehun again. The servant resisted the urge to push his down on the bed, and have his way with him. Instead, he smiled at him, curious and shocked at his actions. 
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Hi Author and Contestant DGNA_Forever,

I noticed that your entry is under subscribers only..until the contest is over, please make it open and accessible to all for the contest, or at least members can change the settings back once the contest ends..thank you have a star day!!

Contest Host,
⋆。°✩ starfan24 ⋆。°✩
SapphireBlueWorld_18 #2
Chapter 7: that was awesome and sweet!! i love it <333 sequel??? hehehe :D
Hello :) I'd like to inform you that your story has been nominated for Best Romance at World of Literature 2014 Fanfiction Awards. You may find us here:
Have a wonderful day! Karma~
Chapter 7: Wow this story is amazing ^^
Chapter 7: Your story has been judged. =)

I really enjoyed this; as you know, B&tB is one of my favorite tales ever and a HunHan one is just bliss <3<3<3
luluhunnie #6
Chapter 7: I loved this story omo! :'D
Thank you!! I appreciate it. It was a joy to write=).
Chapter 7: awww~~ happy ending =^o^= i'm sad that it's completed though!!
Chapter 7: Aww that was such a sweet ending <3