You Kill Me

The Price of Vanity
LuHan jumped to his feet…then regretted it when he felt the sharp headache that hit him. Wincing, he touched his head lightly. Looking down at the servant, he had to admit that he looked cute, sleeping peacefully. ‘He must be tired from all the work he has been doing.’ LuHan let the thought slip into his mind without even realizing it. Sehun was a servant and it was his job to work all the time. Shaking his head, LuHan walked over to the medicine cabinet for pain killer. The fact that he and the servant were the only ones in the mansion was depressing. That still meant that no one had stayed and he would remain cursed. 
He stood in his room, trying to remember a dream he had. Glancing at Sehun, he frowned. It had definitely not been about the girls, but an explicit dream about the servant. LuHan shook his head, blaming it on the alcohol.  
Sehun woke up thirty minutes later, grumbling and looking at his phone. Crap. It was already 10:30 AM. Where was the prince? Was he angry again? Sehun grabbed his phone and began looking for LuHan. He sighed when he didn’t find him anywhere. 
Walking into the kitchen, he heard LuHan’s voice. Stopping to listen, he stayed as quiet as possible.
“My mom’s insistent that this has to work,” LuHan said, sounding tired. “I don’t like being like this. I feel…undesirable. Ugly. That’s not something I’ve felt before, honestly….Don’t laugh at me.” Sehun could imagine the look on his face, ears back in annoyance, and his brow furrowed. He smiled at the thought.
There was a pause, as the prince was probably listening to the person on the other line. “He…I mean they…won’t even give me a second look, Yixing. I’m a ing CAT, for crying out loud!”
There was another pause, where he was listening to this ‘Yixing’. “What? Oh, nothing. I meant SHE. I was talking about the girls that come here and don’t give a , because I’m ugly. It’s not fair. If I had been better to that Korean princess, this might not have happened.”
There was another pause, then he heard LuHan laugh softly. “I didn’t mean ANYTHING. The only other person around here is my servant. He’s nothing to be concerned about. He’s a good worker, I guess. Look, I need to go. My head feels like it’s about to split open…Okay. Bye. ”
Sehun moved away from the door as soon as the conversation had ended, feeling sorry for LuHan. He honestly didn’t think he was that bad. He was a little y…but that was to be expected of a cat. Sehun smiled at the thought, but it disappeared when he thought about LuHan’s view of him. He was just a servant. Insignificant. 
LuHan walked out of the kitchen, seeing Sehun cleaning the coffee table. He glanced at him, blushing. He hoped the servant hadn’t heard his conversation. That would be embarrassing. 
That afternoon, Sehun drove to the supermarket to get some food, since they were running low. He finished his shopping, wanting to get back as soon as possible. On his way out, a poster in the next store caught his eye. It was a poster of a man that looked like a cat. He would recognize LuHan’s face any day. It had a reward of $20,000 for the person who could take him out and bring back his head. Sehun was alarmed, even though it was made to look like a joke. He would have to go warn the prince, if he would listen.   
Taking the groceries out to the car, he was really in a hurry now. He just hoped LuHan would not look at it as a joke, as many people probably had. They wouldn’t believe that he was cursed to look like a cat. It wasn’t logical.
When he got there, he found LuHan. “You Highness,” he bowed to LuHan, who smirked.  That was somewhat out of character.
“Yes?” The prince was acting a little strange. 
“Um…I saw a poster for your head. There are people who will take advantage of it and kill you,” Sehun cringed, realizing how ridiculous he sounded. “I brought one…if you want to see it.”
LuHan glared at him. His demeanor had changed in an instant. “You think I’m a joke, too…” He shook his head. “Unbelievable. So…you’re close to me. Why don’t you just kill me and take my head in to them? That would solve a lot of problems for all involved.” He glanced at the servant with his ears back, but not pinned. “Give it to me.”
Sehun handed him the poster and the prince looked it over. “This is only a joke. What did you do, have someone make it for you? I know you make fun of me, too. Just leave me alone.” When Sehun didn’t leave immediately, LuHan glared at him, his ears pinned back again. It would have been cute, if LuHan had not been so angry. “I said GO!” Sehun could see the fear in his master’s eyes under the anger he was showing.
Sehun did not need any more encouragement, hurrying out of the room. He didn’t like seeing LuHan…no…PRINCE LuHan like that. It hurt. 
As soon as he was gone, LuHan stared at the poster, mortified. He had expected something like this. Society didn’t care about what others did to make money anymore, and it was completely possible that someone would be after his head. Staring at himself in the mirror, he growled and punched it. The glass shattered all over, cutting his hand. He was terrified, but wouldn’t admit that to Sehun. It was none of his business. Why would the servant care about his pain and fear of being hunted like an animal?  It didn’t matter that he was beginning to like Sehun. He couldn’t trust anyone. 
LuHan thought about the situation, then found Sehun later and surprised him with an apology. It brightened his entire day, though he could still see the sadness in his eyes.
The next week passed slowly, with more visitors to woo LuHan. Sehun watched every one, making certain they didn’t have any bad intentions for the prince. As soon as they were all gone, he checked the house for anything suspicious.  
He could tell that LuHan’s actions toward him were becoming more caring, and that made him happy. Sehun still knew he was a servant, but was not treated as if he were just someone that needed to go away. It was nice, and he felt like LuHan might actually care about him.
One day, he heard a knock on the door. Sliding the kitchen knife he had taken to carrying around with him up his sleeve, he opened the door. Standing in front of him was a young Chinese man. He was dressed very nicely, but had an iPod hanging from his shirt.  “May I speak with Prince LuHan?”
Sehun looked wary. “Maybe. Who are you?” He had not been raised to speak very tactfully, and if he had something to say, he would say it. This was no different.
“Zhang Yixing. I’m a friend of LuHan’s,” the man smiled at him. “Is he here?”
“Um…Yes. Come this way,” Sehun let him in, leading him to LuHan’s room. It was not his business if LuHan wanted a…male visitor. He felt a tinge of jealousy, but suppressed it. He wasn’t going to admit that he had feelings for the prince. He led the way to LuHan room, then left to do some more cleaning. He would just stay close enough to intervene if he needed to.  
The next morning, LuHan found a letter from Sehun. 
Prince LuHan;
I am fully aware that you will probably never see me the way I see you, being a prince and all. However, I still wanted to let you know how I feel about you. First and foremost, I don’t care that you have ears that lay flat back when you’re angry. I think it is rather cute (even though you are mad at ME). Your nose, whiskers and tail are cute, too. It makes me wonder what you look like in your natural form. In this one, you are good looking. I guess I am a cat man=). 
Prince, I know you have been trying to woo a princess or other noble woman, but I wish that you would look at me JUST ONCE...That would make me incredibly happy, because I would never turn you away or make you feel unloved. I want the chance to love you, but must remember my place as your (MALE) servant, and nothing more.
I just wanted to let you know that I think you are beautiful, and I would go to hell and back for you. I guess I am just pining after something I can never have. I do not care if you are ever human, because I like you as you are. 
Your Servant,
Oh Sehun 


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Hi Author and Contestant DGNA_Forever,

I noticed that your entry is under subscribers only..until the contest is over, please make it open and accessible to all for the contest, or at least members can change the settings back once the contest ends..thank you have a star day!!

Contest Host,
⋆。°✩ starfan24 ⋆。°✩
SapphireBlueWorld_18 #2
Chapter 7: that was awesome and sweet!! i love it <333 sequel??? hehehe :D
Hello :) I'd like to inform you that your story has been nominated for Best Romance at World of Literature 2014 Fanfiction Awards. You may find us here:
Have a wonderful day! Karma~
Chapter 7: Wow this story is amazing ^^
Chapter 7: Your story has been judged. =)

I really enjoyed this; as you know, B&tB is one of my favorite tales ever and a HunHan one is just bliss <3<3<3
luluhunnie #6
Chapter 7: I loved this story omo! :'D
Thank you!! I appreciate it. It was a joy to write=).
Chapter 7: awww~~ happy ending =^o^= i'm sad that it's completed though!!
Chapter 7: Aww that was such a sweet ending <3