Ruined Prince

The Price of Vanity
LuHan stayed in his bedroom all day, ignoring Sehun’s attempts to make him eat. He didn’t even want the insistent, stupid servant to see him in this condition. He simply sat in his room, staring at the rose on his dresser. He couldn’t believe that someone had done this to him. He was a prince, and it didn’t matter how he treated the servants or other nobles. They weren’t his concern, but now he was being punished for doing what society had expected of him. It was not fair. Shaking his head, he wished it to all disappear. Nothing mattered anymore. There was no hope. 
Staring into the mirror, he began to hate himself. The light brown ears looked ridiculous, his nose was one of a cat’s and he had white whisker. To top off the terror, he also had a tail, big and fluffy and striped. He looked stupid. Definitely not like a prince. Why did they have to do this to him? It wasn’t going to change anything, as he was still a prince. He deserved to be obeyed, not laughed at. He sighed, lying down to sleep. He may as well, since he looked like a cat. Cats sleep, so he would sleep and ignore his hunger. He would ignore his hunger.
Sehun stared at LuHan’s door for a while. He had figured that his master would have come out by now. He would have to eventually, if not to eat, than to use the restroom. When the prince did not come out or answer his door, Sehun shrugged and walked away. He did not have time for this, when he could be doing other thing. The prince was a , and would just yell at him again, anyway.
That evening, Sehun paused in his cleaning. The prince had not eaten anything all day, so Sehun returned to his door with carrying a tray of food. Knocking on the door, he still did not get a response. He decided to be persistent, pounding on the hard wood. He smiled when he heard a curse and growling. Laughing, he realized the prince actually sounded like an animal. He surprised himself by feeling nervous when LuHan opened the door abruptly.
“What?” Prince LuHan glared at him. “I did not call for you.” He glanced at the food, his eyes changing for a moment. He was obviously hungry. “What’s that?”
Sehun shrugged. “Food…but if you aren’t hungry, I’ll take it away. I haven’t eaten, either.”
“I don’t give a if you’ve eaten or not,” LuHan looked incredibly snobby. It was fitting that he had been turned into a cat. Cats are always out for their own means. “You can leave it here…and go.” the prince stared pointedly at him.
Sehun smiled at him and bowed, receiving a judging look from the prince. “Okay, Your Highness. It’s here when you want it.”
LuHan rolled his eyes. “Obviously,” he replied dryly. “Leave.” He shut the door in Sehun’s face. When Sehun had left, LuHan ate the food. He hadn’t realized that he was so hungry. 
After a week of this pattern, LuHan wandered down to the library. He froze when he saw Sehun. The servant was sitting on the floor reading a book. At first, he was adamant about avoiding him, so he moved to the opposite side of the library. Sehun sat and watched the servant, studying him. He really was quite gorgeous, though he wouldn’t bring himself to admit it. Sehun was still a servant. LuHan turned back to his book. He was surprised when Sehun smiled at him, standing in front of him. “Hello, Prince,” Sehun spoke softly, so unlike his insistent, obnoxious behavior before. 
“Uh…hi,” LuHan moved to the side of the library that was furthest from him. “You like to read?” He had intended to ignore the servant, but the bastard was insisting. 
Sehun smiled again. He was happy to see Prince LuHan outside of his room. “Yes. I love books. You?”
“I guess,” LuHan replied quietly. He wanted to smack himself for having such a casual conversation with a servant. 
“So, what’s your favorite book?” Sehun glanced at him. 
LuHan suddenly felt self-conscious in his current state, with his appearance. “I…I don’t know. I haven’t ever really thought about it.”
“I see,” Sehun glanced at him. “I like ‘The Prince and the Pauper’. It’s a good book.” He studied LuHan for a moment.  “Well, I had better get back to work. Have a nice day, prince.” He left before LuHan could say anything else. 
LuHan avoided Sehun as much as possible, somehow self-conscious around him. Two days after he saw Sehun in the library, LuHan found out that several royal suitors were visiting the castle. They each said they were sent by his parents, and he knew that it was in hopes that the ladies would be able to fall for him, despite his appearance. Deep down, LuHan was also hoping. He wanted to go back to normal as soon as possible. This was not a fun form, and he felt ugly.
He tried his best to intrigue the ladies, but they seemed either afraid of him or disgusted. He didn’t need a reminder of how ridiculous he looked. Despite his attempts to woo them, not one of the young ladies stayed. When the last suitor had walked out, he sat down on the couch with a deep sigh. He had tried, and had to admit that he was disappointed. He had really been making an effort to be nice to them, and they still would not accept him. He was no longer human on the outside, so they didn’t want him. 
 On the second day of the young ladies coming to his mansion and being scared off, he received a call from his mother. He told her that they wouldn’t look at him and he didn’t think it was going to work. She told him to keep trying, and he didn’t know if he had the heart for it. Now he could see that no one really looked at his personality. These were the same girls that he had been forced to talk to when he didn’t look so stupid, and they still didn’t want him.
LuHan avoided Sehun after his conversation with his mother. He didn’t want to run into the servant, because Sehun would just see him the same way other people did. He was convinced that, despite how the servant treated him, Sehun was still just a servant. He didn’t matter. This was going to be his ruin. He was a monster. Grabbing a bottle of vodka, he walked into the dining room, drinking until he couldn’t see straight.
He woke up the next morning next to Sehun, unsure of how he had ended up there and what had happened. 


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Hi Author and Contestant DGNA_Forever,

I noticed that your entry is under subscribers only..until the contest is over, please make it open and accessible to all for the contest, or at least members can change the settings back once the contest ends..thank you have a star day!!

Contest Host,
⋆。°✩ starfan24 ⋆。°✩
SapphireBlueWorld_18 #2
Chapter 7: that was awesome and sweet!! i love it <333 sequel??? hehehe :D
Hello :) I'd like to inform you that your story has been nominated for Best Romance at World of Literature 2014 Fanfiction Awards. You may find us here:
Have a wonderful day! Karma~
Chapter 7: Wow this story is amazing ^^
Chapter 7: Your story has been judged. =)

I really enjoyed this; as you know, B&tB is one of my favorite tales ever and a HunHan one is just bliss <3<3<3
luluhunnie #6
Chapter 7: I loved this story omo! :'D
Thank you!! I appreciate it. It was a joy to write=).
Chapter 7: awww~~ happy ending =^o^= i'm sad that it's completed though!!
Chapter 7: Aww that was such a sweet ending <3