Chapter 15

Reuniting with My Bully

A/N: I’m really sorry for this late update! *bows* I’ve been lazying around actually and have no words to ask your

understanding… TT_TT anyway, I hope you can enjoy this update although I’m not very satisfied with this… and Please tell me

what you think too… Thanks for your patience and understanding! <3



Hearing the quiet yet heavy sigh from the seat beside him, he quickly stole a glance at the one sitting on it, shifting his

attention from the road ahead of the car for only just a few seconds. That sigh was the umpteenth time since he picked the

lecturer from his university after work. Well, Hyesung had his own car but today, they had decided to carpool since they were

going together anywhere to somewhere in this evening.


Thinking about that “somewhere”, his chest became heavy again with the possible thing that was waiting for them.

Subconsciously, he placed his right hand over Hyesung’s hands that were lying still on his laps. Giving a soft squeeze to them, he

hoped that Hyesung would get his untold message. And then, when he saw the other tilting his head a bit to give him a weak

smile although it did not reach to his eyes, he got relieved a bit understanding Hyesung knew his heart that was willing to stay

with him until the end, no matter what.


Meeting with the red traffic light after a few seconds, he moved his body a little to adjust his position to see his boyfriend

properly. Caressing his soft cheek, his hands gradually went to the slight frown that Hyesung had all this time, touching it as if he

could make it disappear as soon as possible.


“Don’t frown … You look like an old man …”


He knew it was not the time to crack a joke but he could not help it. He just wanted to see Hyesung smiling and nagging to him

like always, not being quiet and mute like now. At least, he wanted to get one or two curse words or snapping back to him. But,

unfortunately, he got only another weak smile and a hand over his own hand, removing it from the face gently and giving a soft

squeeze back.


“Tell me it’s gonna be ok …”


Hyesung’s voice reminded him again the situation in which they were in currently. They were now on their way to meet up with

Minwoo since Hyesung received a text from the latter last night after there had been no contact from him for the whole week.

The message was simply stated to come and meet him at the bar, their usual meeting place, today after work. Although the

subject was not mentioned, both of them understood the reason behind that meeting and their mind just could not stop

wondering and keeping worried since last night, especially Hyesung. Well, Minwoo’s perception on their relationship could not

be guessed and knowing Hyesung well, he must be worried to hell at the moment, thinking all the possibilities of the worst



Lifting Hyesung’s hand towards his lips, he placed a soft peck on it, eyes focusing on the lecturer’s face.


“It’s gonna be ok … cause I’ll be right beside you … no matter what … So, it’ll be ok … Hyesung-ah …”


Despite of his assuring words, Hyesung’s expression did not turn better and he only got another soft sigh as a reply. Seeing his

loved one’s face which was like a sky full with dark clouds, he felt like he was carrying the whole word on his shoulders and he

just shifted back his attention to driving since the green light had been already on.                                             


He had never felt that much silent and awkward atmosphere between them since they had become an item. They were

immersed in their own thoughts on the whole ride until they got to their destination: Hyesung being nervous about meeting

Minwoo and he being worried for Hyesung. Even after parking the car in the lot, none of them moved from sitting on their seats,

let alone got out from the car.


“Jung Hyuk-ah …”


Hyesung’s sudden calling out for his name caught him off guard and turning his head to the one calling him, he waited to hear

out what was his boyfriend’s mind.


“Even if … even if Minwoo didn’t like us … or accept us … please don’t get mad at him ... You know … It’s too hard for him to

swallow at once … and … everyone has his own point … right? So … even if he didn’t want to be our friend anymore … let’s

understand him … Can you please?”


After saying a long monologue, Hyesung placed his hand over his, caressing softly, like he was trying to console his heart.

Surprisingly, Hyesung’s expression was so calm and determined, being different from the nervous and restless one from minutes

ago. It seemed like he had already been set his mind during the last few minutes. The more surprising thing to him was how

Hyesung still could think from Minwoo’s point and even tell him to understand his friend because he surely knew how much it

meant for Hyesung to lose a friend like Minwoo.


Giving a slight nod back to assure his boyfriend, he squeezed his hand back as transferring some of his strength to Hyesung for

the coming encounter.


“Let’s just do like that … Anyway, just know I’m by your side … Hyesung-ah …”


Receiving a weak yet beautiful smile from the other, he felt like he was ready to face anything in front of him and protect his

love from any harm. He knew they would be hit hard if the worst happened even though they would expect it somehow.

However, as people said, two is better than one anyway. At least, they knew for sure that they would still have each other even

when the whole world gave its back to them. It sounded cheesy but with this thought alone, his mind went back to its peaceful

state despite of the coming storm.


Then, they left the car and started walking towards the bar, side by side. Unexpectedly, there were omly a few customers inside

it although it was already the evening when the worktime was over. As soon as the bartender caught the sight of them entering

the bar, he kindly passed the information of Minwoo already waiting in one of the private room, the one they usually took for

gatherings. Approaching the room, they felt like the atmosphere became heavier than before. Then, Hyesung pushed the door

slightly and they saw a familiar silhouette sitting on the sofa with a shot glass half filled with alcohol in his hand and a bottle of

whiskey and empty shot glasses on the table. Even before making a sound to him, Minwoo seemed to sense their presence since

he turned his head towards their direction with a poker face.


“You’re early …”


Both of them could not produce a sound to reply their friend’s statement except stealing a quick glance at each other. The

silence went on even until they took a seat for each and unexpectedly and nervewreckingly, Minwoo even poured the whiskey

into glasses for them.


“You two … can really act well …”


With a light chuckle, Minwoo’s words entered their ears and made them feel panicked again, especially Hyesung.


“Minwoo-yah … Can you please …”


“Out of all people, why must it be you two? Why not girls?”


Being cut down heartlessly by Minwoo and being questioned about their relationship in a harsh tone, Hyesung turned into a

statue, staring at Minwoo with his sad eyes. Watching the sight in front of him, he decided to take over the conversation.


“Can you at least hear us out? Please?”


His firm voice somehow succeeded to grab Minwoo’s attention and by the stare from the other, he took it as a cue to go on his



“We’re really sorry for not telling you about us … But believe me … We actually gave a lot of thoughts to it … We don’t have any

plan to leave you out forever … You know we’re still taking time to let you know … We don’t wanna give a shock to you … and

also we don’t know what’s your thought on … on our relationship … But you shouldn’t ask why we love each other … It’s our life

and we don’t have any answer to give you … All happened naturally … Nothing’s forced or planned beforehand … So … we’re sorry

for acting in front of you … but don’t question about our relationship … It’s not your place …”


His words made not only Minwoo but Hyesung give him a slightly shocked look. To be honest, even himself got a little surprised

for his own words. Anyway, he thought he spoke out his point and just hoped that Minwoo could see their sincerity and

apologetic mind through his words.


Being silent for next few minutes, out of nowhere, Minwoo laughed out wholeheartedly and made them dumbfounded. Looking

at each other with a questioning look, they still did not get what was happening with their friend who did not seem to stop his

laughing soon.


“Hahahahahahahahahahaha….. You two are really …. I really can’t act if you’re like that …”


With half-laughter and half-speaking, Minwoo’s words were not being able to be comprehended by their blank mind. He even

thought if Minwoo was mocking them or going crazy with rage on them looking at the one who was almost rolling on the floor

laughing. He was sure that Hyesung was also being confused like him, just by seeing the latter’s expression.


“Ok … Ok … You won! I give up! Really you two …”


Still laughter lingering in his words, Minwoo spat out those words with a smile, a genuine one which was his trademark, not a

smirk or a teasing one. Although he felt somehow relieved with the short one’s words, he became kind of fed up with all of

confusions, making him decide to ask an explanation from the other.


“Wait … What’s happening here? What do you wanna mean, Minwoo-yah?”


As an answer, they got a slap on their shoulders each from their short friend.


“That’s for making me a fool all this time … Babo-yah … I intended to make you suffer more than this … acting like I’m being mad

at you or maybe like I can’t accept you two … you know … your relationship … But you being like a lost child and … You …. Eric …

talking all those heavy words with that serious face … I really can’t hold it anymore … You’re so funny …”




Both of them startled with a sudden loud shout coming from Hyesung who had been silent all this time. And after yelling,

Minwoo received a headlock from the lecturer who had no intention to let him go despite of his choking breaths. At last, he had

to separate his boyfriend from the dying Minwoo, not wanting to send Hyesung off to the jail.


“YAH!!! You know how much I was sad all the week? I couldn’t eat or sleep properly because I thought you were mad at us … Now

what? You’re playing and making fun of us?”


“Yah! Shin Hye Sung! You two did this to me too … Acting like Tom and Jerry around me … while you’re actually lovebirds … It’s

fair … Thank  me for just letting you suffer for a week …”


Getting that with a merong face from Minwoo, Hyesung finally calmed down and gulped down a whole glass of whiskey with a

pout on his face. This time, he gave a glare to Minwoo for his childish revenge and earned a cheeky smile from the other.


“Actually I came to you for some drink … I had a fight with my girlfriend and I just wanted to talk with you while drinking … but

then, Eric was there and I  came to know your little secret … But hey … I really got mad at that time … feeling like being betrayed

…. And of course there’s the influence of the fight before … But when I thought about it later … I came to understand you … for

not telling me about this … and I forgave you since then … But you know … I can’t let you go that easily … for making me a fool …

so … that’s what my brain finally gave out … You two totally got into it … What a foolish couple!”



A long explanation from Minwoo gave them light to the situation and earned a snort from Hyesung.But he could see how much

Hyesung became relieved and his face got brighter knowing his friend was not really getting mad at them. Seeing Hyesung’s usual

smiling face, he automatically smiled at the next second.


“So … you’re ok with us? Minwoo-yah …?”


Still with a little nervousness in his voice, Hyesung questioned his friend and luckily, he got back a tight hug from the other.


“Of course … Why am I against you? You’re loving each other … So, what’s the problem? But …”


A pause from Minwoo made both of them restless again.


“But what?”


Impatiently, Hyesung let out a question which was replied by a stupid grin from the short one.


“But you have to tell me about your first night together … How about that deal?”


In a flash, he cursed his stupid friend and prayed for him to get out of this bar alive tonight while getting ready to hold his

furious boyfriend.






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Hit 150 subs!!!! Hooyay!!! Gamsahamnida! *bows*


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Chapter 19: It was so, so, so cute!
I feel happy!
Thank you for the wonderful story!
zhendy-mf #2
Chapter 19: hahahahahahaha
love the flufyness

thank you for the story
SoulDragon #3
Chapter 19: Omg i love the fluff and cheesyness...perfect ammount for my tastes :D
Thank you so much for this wondefull story. I feel sad it's allready finished...i read it in 1,5 evening...i just couldn't stop ;).
I'm definitly going to read other story's you've written!
feelgyo #4
Chapter 19: Reading this again, makes me realize how much I missed 'sesame' and his bully <3

Oh Izzy, you created a great story here. Reminding me again with the past, how you wrote it despite your ticking clock of your upcoming exams, and how you got scolded by your unnies (me included, lol) for not taking your time studying seriously. XD
Goshh...I missed our old times now. Kekekeke

Anyway, thanks for presenting us with your awesome story dear Izzy. I'll always love your story bout 'sesame' and his bully. Ahahahahhaha~~
Izzy manse!!! Ricsung manse!!! Shinhwa manseeee!!!! \(^o^)/
Chapter 19: yowwww this is great, author-nim! hahahaha i enjoyed every scene you write there because i feel like i'm watching a movie. It's awesoooome, i can picture it in my mind directly! deabaaak. and yes, that sesame thing was super cuteeee -also in the 1st chapter, dang!! the 1st time eric said "sesame" was making me fell in love with this fic back there hahahha

anyway, thank you for making this wonderful fic!^^ i love it hahahaa.. write ricsyung more in the future if you have some time, ne~~^^
JisuJisu #6
Chapter 19: Again author-nim you always makes me enjoy ur fanfics too much that im nearly going insane because of my ricsyung feels *Fanboying* and what a funny ending haha ! Write more long stories with longer chapters if u can ! Muah !
Chapter 19: Well, author-nim, all I can say is that you are more than capable of writing smuft - aka (to me at least) + fluff = smuft

yep, I'll be leaving first
Chapter 17: Aigooo, daebak fic author-nim. Aish, those two were irresistible in this. I miss their broadcast. This makes me wanna go watch on youtube. kamsahamnida author-nim for finishing this fic.
Chapter 16: Belated congrats author-nim on scoring 20 points higher than expected for the japanese exam. *exploding confetti poppers* The special trip was really touching. I didn't think this fic would give me these kinds of feels. kamsahamnida author-nim for the feels
Chapter 6: Omo, omo. I want to comment but I'm afraid to say too much. Aish, I'd like some Soju now author-nim.