Review from Lady Comma's Reviews & Recommendations

Why Tanya Is NOT Allowed To Do Magic Potion

I got a review from Lady Comma's Reviews & Recommendations *throw confetties*

This is what they said:


Story Title: Why Tanya Is NOT Allowed To Do Magic Potion
Author: alize_sakura
Genre(s): Comedy, Romance
Brief Description: what will happen when a trouble maker on your team make a love potion for making you confessed to the one that you love?
Rated H: No
Reviewed By: angelfocusbroken (Lady Comma)

1. Title: [4/5 pts.]
The title is a bit too long for my taste. A title should be no more than five words, in my opinion which is why I docked off a point. Otherwise, the title pretty much explains the story in a nutshell.

2. Poster/Graphics/Background: [-/5 pts.]
Since you don’t have any graphics or poster for your story, I decided to just make your score total up to 95 instead of 100.

3. Foreword/Description: [4/10 pts.]
I am honestly disappointed with the foreword and description because I felt like there should have been more added to the foreword and description since you don’t have any graphics or a poster. I know I’m being harsh when it comes to this category, but next time try to add more information to peak potential readers interest.

4. Plot: [20/30 pts]
The plot was cute, but a bit cheesy. I understood what was going on and could figure out the end result as I began reading it. It was quite humorous, although cheesy. I docked off ten points for the cheesiness.

5. Flow: [4.25/5 pts.]
The flow was a bit erratic at times, but not too bad. I’m assuming the reason why it was erratic was because their were two authors instead of one.

6. Characterization: [3.5/5 pts.]
The characterization was a bit over the top to be honest. You had so many characters that I had a hard time depicting who was who and what was what. Just a tip; next time when writing a short story, be sure to keep your characters to a limit so you don’t confuse the reader like you confused me. Due to all of the confusion, I docked off 2.5 points, sorry kiddo.

7. Grammar/Spelling: [10/20 pts.]
The grammar and spelling wasn’t all that bad. You did have a few misspelled words here and there, but they weren’t too noticeable. You have to really look for them to find them. Also, the grammar was better and so was the punctuation. Since I did still find a few verb tense issues as well as grammar issues, I docked off ten points because in a short story, you should be able to catch them faster than you would have with a long story. Whenever you are writing a short story, always be sure to proof read through your chapters before posting them.

8. Overall Enjoyment/Entertainment: [12.5/20 pts.]
Your story was quite cute, and I did enjoy it a bit. However, I was thrown back by all of the cheesiness, but I did like the humor side to it. Not a bad story. I docked off for the confusion with the characters.

Comments/Feedback: I realize that when you are writing a story with another person there tends to be more confusion and more irregularity with the story than if you were only writing it by yourself. I know you tried to give your readers something cute to read, and you did, but be sure to be on the same page with your co-author before posting a story together. You did a good job and I hope my review has helped.

Total:  [58.25/95]


You can see the review in here

Hehehe.. Thank you Lady Comma and her staffs~ I'm quitely satisfied with the review. Comments and Reviews are my way to improve my self.. ^^ However, I'm still stuck with Grammar matters~ LOL


The review credit to Lady Comma's Reviews & Recommendations

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Annyeong-haseyo! Just wanted to let you know that I have completed your review! You can view it at: Always remember, you can always request to have another review once you’ve added a few new chapters and made any changes. It could higher your score! Thank you SO much for your support of Lady Comma’s Reviews & Recommendations! I would love it if you included your review in your story! I hope you have a great day and don’t forget to tell your friends about us!
that was funny and cute :)
alize_sakura #3
Hehehe~ Thank you so much~<br />
But I'll save the best for the last~<br />
A week later probably :P
alize_sakura #4
You really want to know what's next, right?? ^^