
I'll Be
Once out the door, Jiyong welcomed me with one of his famous crooked smiles and offered his arm out. Still suspicious of something crazy he had planned, I hesitated and cocked an eyebrow at him. He only chuckled.

"C'mon, I don't bite, unless you want me to." he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, smirking.

I rolled my eyes at him, my doubt starting to fade, and linked my arm with his. "Oh, please." I muttered, earning a low snicker from him.

We walked just down the road to his car. Upon approaching it I noticed that someone was already seated in the passenger seat. Ji looked at me with anticipation. I squinted to see who it was in his car. They turned their head to look at us and smiled. I gasped and let go of Jiyong's arm as the door swung open and out came the one and only Choi Seunghyun. I ran at him, laughing with joy and hit his chest hard, knocking him backwards a bit as I hugged his waist.

"Tabi-oppa!!" I cried, grinning up at him. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Ssantoki! I've missed you!" A deep chuckle rose from his throat. "Ji and I have a surprise for you. Well, mostly Ji, but I'm along for the ride." his lips curved upwards once more.

"Yah! I missed you, too! But you know I hate surprises." I backed away from him to cross my arms over my chest. "Brothers are supposed to protect me from things I don't like, not force me into them." I pouted.

"No one is forcing you, Ssantoki." Tabi snickered at me.

"But what kind of brothers would we be if we didn't torment you every once in a while?" Jiyong pulled me into a head lock and ruffled my hair.

"Good ones!" I managed, struggling against his hold. Once he let go of me and I combed through my hair with my hands, we got into the car with me in the back.

"So, can I know where we're going now, please?" I tried.

The two smiled at each other and shook their heads.

"Be patient, Dongsaeng." Jiyong looked at me through his rearview. "We won't hurt you, we promise. It's something good. Good things come to those who wait."

I gave up and sat back in my seat with my arms folded across my chest. I watched as we rode into downtown and slowed into a parking lot where a lot of kids with gnarly hair and amazing amounts of eyeliner on were obnoxiously making a scene as they neared the arena.

"Can I start guessing?"

"Only yes or no questions."

I could only nod at Seunghyun.

"Are we here for a concert?"

Jiyoung nodded, pulling into a parking spot. "That we are."

"Is it of a band that I like?"

"Well, no shxt, Sherlock." Tabi retorted. 

"So we're here for just a concert then? Okay, that's cool."

Tabi and Ji looked at each other and took a second before shrugging.

"I guess you can say that." Jiyoung got shut the engine off and the two of them got out. Seunghyun opened the door for me and I scrambled out, nearly falling if Jiyong hadn't come around and grab my arms. They laughed at me, making me pout and blush from embarrassment.

"Careful, there's a step there." Ji smirked. I mocked him and stuck my tongue out, Seunghyun laughing behind us.

"Keep that tongue in your mouth, Ssantoki." I dusted my shins off and looked up at Seunghyun's mocking stare he had on Jiyong, who seemed to be blushing. I raised my eyebrows curiously only to be ignored.

Jiyong scoffed, "Psh, come on, D. We have to get a good view." he snickered, still looking at Seunghyun who joined him in his throaty chuckle.

"What on Earth is so funny?!" I huffed, my patience beginning to wear on me. They began walking without a word. With my shoulders low with defeat, I slipped between the two of them and followed them to the back of the building. I found myself shrinking as we neared an alley. To my dismay, we turned into the narrow street shadowed in darkness where there was a door and a large man with long, nappy hair, ghostly pale skin, tattoos on his arms (and God knows where else), and sunglasses. My lips twitched into a small smirk as he only adjusted his glasses on his face, emphasizing the level of swag he probably thought he had. I liked him already. His obvious facade of toughness he tried to put on over his layer of white fat made me just want to give him a big hug.

"Hey, Roo!" Jiyong called, leaving my side to guy hug him briefly.

"Ayyyy, GD, long time no see!" His accent did justice to his Detriot roots. "When TOP over here told me you needed tickets, I arranged the whole sh'bang: VIP and backstage passes, only the best for the best."

Ji only smiled at him and brought me to his side. I looked at Seunghyun with an eyebrow raised once I heard these nicknames. He just smiled and shrugged.

"Oh, is this her?" Roo had asked. I looked up slightly through my bangs and lashes at him flashing a smile. He took his eye glasses off to reveal his blue eyes that shot straight into me. "Of course it is, forget I asked. So nice to meet you, sweetheart. I'm Andrew." he put a leather, sleeveless-gloved hand out and I shook it. I didn't expect him to pull me into the same hug he had with Ji, but when he did I collided with his gut with a low "oof!"

"The pleasure's mine." I said once released, flashing him another smile with a small laugh to which he exaggerated a shiver.

"God, she's a beauty. Have some fun tonight, for me, eh?" His hand rose to lower his glasses and give me a little wink. I just laughed and nodded as he opened the door and stepped aside. Immediately, a rush of warm, smokey air welcomed me followed by the ohsosweet sensation of heavy bass lines. A huge smile broke out on my face and I looked up at my friends for the okay. Once I saw them nod, I rushed to meet the atmosphere as it embraced me, every fiber of my body tingling with excitement. Concert euphoria hit immediately as we were rushed around the booming speakers and the small gate at the side to be front and center staring up at none other than the bold and daring Hayley Williams and Andy Sixx as their bands were on the verge of switching for the main stage.

[A/N: Alright, so I used Paramore & You Me At Six for this fic, only because their "Always Attract" duet sounded gorgeous and the song I used for this, which my dad and I sing all of the time, I would image to be mindblowing with tear two vocalists. Mind you, this information is almost less than relevent in this. All you need to know is that Andy and Hayley are two very talented vocalists and the lyrics to "I'll Be". If anything else in this fic interests you, feel free to look it up. I do not own any of it!!(;]

"So, how's everyone doing tonight?" Andy asked, flipping his hair backwards. I reflexively let out a fangirl-ish scream, Seunghyun and Jiyong let out hoots of their own. We were all smiles already, hand in hand a I squeezed their warm palms with glee.  

"Well, we're gonna slow it down briefly, just before the rest of the band comes out and these guys take a break." Hayley said, orange mic pressed close to her  smiling lips. "So, bear with us for a moment...

/If it hurts this much, then it must be love/..."

The crowd roared with anticipation. I looked back to find Jiyong's brows connected in confusion, Seunghyun shrugging while he looked just a lost.

"What's wrong?"

They only shrugged and smiled at me, looking up at the stage as Andy began to sing, Hayley softly harmonizing in perfect key with each other. My face must have showed the obvious bliss I was feeling because Jiyong grinned at me, obviously amused. I glanced up at him and he stiffled his laughs before draping his arms around my shoulders.

"Sing along. I know you want to." He whispered.

I smiled shyly. "You see right through me."

And so, very quietly, I began to harmonize with the music. As soon as I had, though, the song ended. I looked up again to meet his warm eyes and he shrugged his shoulders.

"There's plenty of time." he mutters into my ear as the guitars pick up pace and the drums begin to get louder.

Almost immediately, the crowd is jumping wildly, swaying against one another, the occasional diehard trying to crowd surf. I was overjoyed, and I had completely forgotten about everything that was happening only a few hours before. I shed my sweatshirt and tied it about my waist in the middle of a mosh. I laughed with joy as my body rammed into those around me, the crowd spazzing around me. Squished between my friends and strangers, I didn't let go of their hands so I wouldn't lose them. Hard, fast riffs and catchy rhythms shot out of the speakers for hours on end.

Once the crowd began to clear up and calm down a bit I was suddenly grabbed by my waist and hoisted upwards. I yelped and tried to pry the hands off of me only to see Jiyong and Seunghyun smile and steady me on their shoulders. I laughed and looked up at Hayley who was grinning at me while singing 'Born For This'

"Alright, so you think you're ready?
Okay, then say this with me! Go:
We were born for this!"

She turned the mic on me and I sang loud and proud, grinning back all the while. "We were born for this!"

She laughed and sang once more, "You think you're ready?
Okay, then sing it, Seoul!!
We were born for this!"

She turned it on me and the crowd. I leaned forward and sang into the mic repeating her phrase.

After a few songs, the crowd had settled down and my feet rested on the ground once more. The band was talking as Hayley took a second to get a drink and take a breather. Once she walked back to the front of the stage everyone cheered.

"You guys still out there?"

A roar of shouts is heard.

"Hah, alright. So, we wrote a song for a special someone who isn't with us anymore. Uhm, but one of her cousins came in hearing we were in town and asked us a favor. Of course, with everything that she had done for us as a supporter and a friend from before we were signed we had to comply. So, is there a Dara Park and an... Uhm, sorry if I totally butcher your name, I'm not to good at this. Is it Kuh-wahn Jee-yoong?"

I froze in my spot and looked around as the others around me whose heads spun to find out who this Dara and Jiyong she spoke of was. My eyes darted up to Jiyong, my heart jumping into my throat. He caught me gaze and smiled.


He took my hand and my feet nimbly followed as I was still trying to take in what was happening. We were escorted up the stage by Andrew, who again lowered his glasses for a wink. I grinned back and squeezed Ji's hand, finally realizing what was happening.

"Oh my God, Ji. You did not."

"Oh, but I did." he whispered, pulling me forward and releasing my hand.

I let my feet steady me under the bright lights, feeling thousands of eyes on me as I stood in front of Hayley. My heart began to accellerate even more. All I could hear was my heart in my own ears.

She smiled at me, microphone pressed to her upper lip. "Give it up for Dara everyone!" Cheers and whistles and hoots rose from the crowd and I could feel my face go red. I smiled shyly and felt Hayley's thin arm drape around my shoulders.

"So, I heard it through the grape vine that your friend goes by G Dragon at these scenes, am I right?"

She pointed the mic at me but all I could do was nod.

"Alright, cool, easier for me." she snickered. "Y'know, I also heard that you like to sing..."

My cheeks burned with a heavy blush while I shot a playful glare at Jiyong on my left. He laughed, arms across his chest. Andy Sixx and Ji walked out to join us on stage.

"Who wants to hear Dara sing?" More hoots of excitement and cheers were heard. A low, silly attempt to cheer my name began and soon failed, but I had to laugh at the effort.

Andy came to rest an arm at my waist, joining Hayley's on my shoulders on the opposite side. They were both a bit sweaty but it was like a dream so I didn't mind one bit. I shook with excitement, hoping they wouldn't notice.

"We'll start it out for you, yeah?" Hayley released me, taking a step back to talk to the band. [A/N: I know their names but more random names would just confuse you.]

Andy grinned down at me and pulled the mic to his side, leaning down to my ear to whisper. "You're so red and jumpy." I felt his hot breath tickly my skin as he chuckled. "Relax, you'll do great."

That definitely didn't help the redness in my face. I felt lightheaded and my brain spun. I couldn't help but smirk to think that the girls in the crowd would die to be me at that moment. Their jealous eyes narrowed at me, others wide with admiration. I was giddy as I stood on the stage. With my right hand I had to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn't dreaming.

My heart raced, my stomach was doing flips, my head whirled, my breathing stopped, and everything around me moved in slow motion. I began to feel sick and put a hand on my stomach, swallowing, but my throat was dry. I could feel the acids of my stomach churning. 

But once I looked at Ji on the side and that slow, smooth intro began to play, all of my discomfort vanished and suddenly I found my voice. I was ready to take full advantage of this blessing.

"The strands in your eyes
That color them wonderful
Stop me and steal my breath
Emeralds from mountains
towards the sky
Never revealing their depth..."

Andy continues to sing, releasing my waist and taking my hand. I turned to meet his hypnotizing stare as he continued to sing. I just about melted.

"Tell me that we belong together
Dress it up with the trappings of love
I'll be captivated
I'll hang from your lips
Instead of the gallows
Of heartache that hang from above."

Hayley's voice with his, harmonizing in the same key as what I harmonize to this song in made me smile. I felt a microphone being placed in my hand and naturally brought it to my face as I began to sing with him.

"I'll be
Your crying shoulder..."

The crowd roared at my voice, but I hardly noticed it. I was lost in his stare. And soon, I was gone, in my own world with my eyes shut. His hand left mine as we continued to sing.

"I'll be
Love's suicide
And I'll be
Better when i'm older--"

"I'll be the greatest
Fan of your life."

My eyes snapped open when the voice who sang the melody changed. I didn't have to open my eyes to know who it was, though. I had heard him sing, and sing this song to me many times before. I couldn't help but grin like a fool as I sang, our voices pairing perfectly as he approached me on stage. Once by my side, we turned to the crowd and saw lighters and cell phones lifted and swaying with the music. I marveled at the beauty of the sight before me as the break in the music passed and we continued to sing.

Jiyong took my hand and laced his fingers with my, my cheeks burning. It was all so perfect, so beautiful, I was so happy I felt the tears pressing to come out.

"And rain falls
Angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
You're my survival
You're my living proof
My love is alive & not dead..."

I squeezed his hand gently, smiling as I softly harmonized with him. As girls below us squealed and reached out for his hands, he flashed them his crooked grin that every girl melted for and winked. The girls screamed with delight and I turned away as the verse dynamically went just with his lead and without harmonies. I laughed at his charm, my heart steadied by the lone fact that I was the one whose hand was in his.

I sang softly with the prechorus, accenting the song with pretty harmonies. Once the chorus came around I began to sing in synch with him.

"And I'll be
Your crying shoulder
I'll be
Love's suicide
I'll be
Better when I'm older
And I'll be
The greatest fan of your life

And I've dropped out, I've burned up, I've fought my way back from the dead.
I've tuned in, , remembered the things that you said!"

Shouts of approval rose to our ears as we perfectly hit the note and held it. Ready to finish with a bang, we exchanged smiles and began to repeat the chorus until the end, repeating the last line.

I looked from the crowd, to the crew with Andy and Hayley and Tabi on the wings, and to Jiyong who was by my side. My heart fluttered when he turned to me and the music softened. My voice ran away and let him finish the song on his own, turning to me, eyes locked with mine, hand in hand. 

"...the greatest fan of your life."

A moment passed as the band dragged the ending. I couldn't take my eyes off of his. My soul seemed lost in his gaze, warm and full of passion I don't remember ever feeling from him. I hardly realized his hand was out of mine until it took it's place around my waist and pulled me to him. My heart skipped a beat as our noses skimmed, our eyes still boring in the the others, his warm breath on my lips. We sat there as the audience held their brethren with anticipation. After a few seconds, something went off within me and I rose on my toes, locking my lips with his and throwing my arms around his neck, holding him close as I heard screams louder than ever come fr the people, shaking the ground beneath us.

His soft lips moved against mine an our gaze remained locked with each others until I lost myself in bliss and let them close. My hand pressed the back of his head to me, trying to get even closer than we already were. With joy speeding through my veins I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. He stumbled beneath me and chuckled against my lips, his hands supporting my thighs on his sides. After a few seconds, we parted and I opened my eyes to see his cheeks tint pink beneath the bright white light. I grinned at him we looked as a wolf whistle cut through the air. Everyone laughed, including us.

"Give it up, ladies and gents! Dara and GD!" Hayley said as we bowed, waving before we exited the stage.


"YOU. YOU!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU!" I pounced on to Ji once more, on his back this time and covered his eyes so that he could no longer see which way we were going.

"You did great, Ssantoki. What's the problem? Did I steal your first kiss?" He grinned and walked around in weird circles. I released his eyes after he hit a wall with his knee and laughed, still grinning proudly. I blushed and pouted.

"Yes, you did! That was supposed to be for my husband!"

"Arasso, I guess we're getting married." he snickered and I laughed, gently pounding on his shoulders as we exited the building.

"D! You were great! Much better than Jiyong." Seunghyun peeled me from Jiyong's back to set me on the ground and lead me to the car with his arm around me. I smirked. 

"What else is new?"

He glared at us, speeding up is walk with his nose in the air. We snickered quietly and followed him to the car. I looked up as we walked, seeing the dark night sky. The lights of the city his the stars. I had to squint to only see a few. As we walked and I was guided, I shut my eyes and said a little prayer.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"What was that?" Tabi asked.

I only smile up at him. "Nothing, don't worry about it."

He rose an eye brow at me, but dropped it and looked forward again as we walked. I looked back one more time and smiled muttering a goodbye beneath my breath. It was surely a night, a place, and an event that I will never forget.
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peppiwelsh1 #1
Chapter 6: Ya! The fic ended but I'm still bawling like crazy! You better give us a happy fic next time!
ItssCheska #2
Even though this is a tragedy, you really can't deny that this is a really good fic! <br />
Ahhh~ I cried while reading it. <br />
I'll surely read your other fics
Dorkhiem #3
Ohh gosh. You got me with the last chapter!! And yeah, i think this is somehow a very good way to end it.<br />
<br />
if there is an alternative ending, i think the feeling would be different. i prefer like this. oh and one more,<br />
OMG I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOUR NEXT FIC <3 and MF is just daebak <3<br />
<br />
i'm your greatest fan! :)
BlackFlower29 #4
God, this fic really made me cry!!! The last chapter ;__; <br />
It's so early in the morning and my eyes are puffier, lol.<br />
I was still hoping by some miracle that Dara would reappear, but... Sigh.<br />
I guess life is not made only of rainbows and unicorns eh? Sigh.<br />
<br />
Well I'm looking forward to your new school fic if ever you post it soon ^^<br />
And the next update for Mere formalities that I super love!! :D
curiousoystersss #5
Darling, i don't have many subscribers to this one. It's fine ^^; your enthusiasm makes me giddy though!!<33
Dorkhiem #6
Why isn't anyone commenting this awesome fic?<br />
<br />
Dorkhiem #7
oh my god.<br />
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tabi with memory loss is so much worse than death! aigoo. omg. you make me cry! gaaah. I can't bear to think the guilt Ji have now. Its double-ing it up to see Tabi like that, and of course it will remind him of what happen. huwaa.<br />
<br />
but at least he remembers Ji even in the form of 11 y/o. <br />
<br />
Gaaah. Please update <3 :)
curiousoystersss #8
@nameveryouth<br />
<br />
^^; see, I was sort of afraid this would happen.<br />
<br />
Since where I broke the stories is like kind of a mix of some of the chapters, because one focuses on directly after the crash and the other on the overall result, there isn't really a definite chapter.<br />
<br />
I am going to write it this way, where I just finish the story through Jiyong.<br />
<br />
THEN, I will post a break explaining this all over again, followed by the alternate ending.<br />
<br />
Make sense? It will once you read the alternate ending, you won't have to go back and read.<br />
<br />
Sorry for the confusion! Thanks for reading!!
Dorkhiem #9
WAIT!! how can she died????!!<br />
or wait. is the alternate ending starts at chappy 3? first ji and then dara?<br />
<br />
i'm confused. XD lol. but omg!! this is heartbreaking! i wonder what happen with top.
Dorkhiem #10
Oh no..<br />
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NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO! tears. i cant say anything more. *sobs.<br />
Ji! :'( he was driving right?