
SuLay Drabbles :)

Long time no read peeps

First off, I would like to thank ExoxoTP for giving me a suggestion

Secondly, I would like to apologize for the lack of is extremely draining

I will try to update more on Winter break but please do try to be paitent and I appreciate it for sticking with my stories

Suho sat on his bed with his knees on his chest. The tears had finally stopped rolling down his cheeks as he was in a depressing mood. He and the other EXO members had just sent Lay to the airport, so that he could fly back to China. He was going to be on a few programs.

Although Suho was extremely happy for his boyfriend that he had gotten some recognition, it also meant that they wouldn't know when he would return.

When they first heard about the news, Suho had a near panic attack and the other vocals had to him out. By the time they got back, the deal had already been settled and there was nothing that no one could do.

Suho then decided that he would work harder to catch up with his boyfriend. He toughened up and worked his off. He was happy that he finally got a lead role in an upcoming movie. Suho smiled as he the picture of him and his boyfriend before he left for China.

'Soon....I'll be able to catch up with you Lay'

Suho lay in his bed and fell into a blissful sleep unaware of the figure approaching him and kissing him ever so softly on the lips.

"I'm so proud of you baby"

came up with it on a whim

I hope that you guys liked it and again....really sorry for the shortness

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rheabell98 #1
Chapter 12: author you are not dead yet , right? we your readers are waiting
Kdrama1994 #2
Chapter 12: Please update
littlestarrie #3
Chapter 12: I feel what Suho feel too kkkkk
How about J for Jealous?
Kkkkkkk 'cause Jealous Suho is the cutest ever
Chapter 9: I don't mind if the chapters are short if they're entertaining. And judging by what I've read, you got it. No reason to worry yourself about it~
Chapter 2: I hope you're satisfied, I just died from Sulay feels overload. Like this was just super mega cute (after the stabbing of course) and I could not handle the proposal. Suho-Senapi is my UB and I already fanboy too much for how cute he is and reading his cuteness here is just too much for my fanboy heart. I ship Sulay so hard and I freakin love your story. There definitely needs to be more Sulay stories cause these two are just too cute to be hidden under the other EXO ships.
Chapter 7: 'Suho gulped in fear and was silently praying for his ' hahahahahahahahaha lmao that's so funny hahaha..
Why is this chapter so short*cries* well atleast you update this and i get to laugh at that hahaha thanks*happy*
Chapter 7: yayayayy .. update soon
Chapter 6: too sweeeeeet, but i love it
keep writing author-nom