Chapter 2

Everyday With My Stupid But Precious Oppas


I wake up on saturday morning..remembering what I should do today.. An hour before I slept last night, my friend called me and invited me to the party who had been held once a  year in her university..everyone can join this very cool party and I don't want to miss it. BUT, the party held at 9pm and I know my oppas will worrying me especially Jiyong oppa and TOP oppa who exactly won't let me going out over 10pm. TOP oppa isn't here,so that's not a problem..Jiyong oppa has a photoshoot this morning and he said that he has something to do in the office so he will come home late. So my plan is to get permission from Bae oppa..he is so kind to me..hahaha..

"Morning oppas" I walk to the kitchen where Daesung was cooking breakfast for us.

"Morning Hyerin..Here's your milk.." Dae gave me a glass of fresh milk and I drink a gulp while look at Bae oppa who is sitting on the couch reading Bazaar magazine. I bring my glass and walk toward him, put the glass on the tabble carefuly..

"Oppa, is that edition which Jiyong oppa appears in?"

" Yups..he looks so cool here ".. I sit next to him and lay down with my head on his lap. He reposition his magazine so I can read that too..  

" Whoaa..he always looks awesome..but you have the iest body oppa.." I start to seduce him..

"Aigoo..this kid.." He smile and pinch both of my cheek..

" Ehemm.." Dae oppa heard our conversation..

" You too oppa..haha" I said out loud to tha man who is hungry for my compliment.

" Emmm..Bae oppa..what if I go to the party tonight?"..he still looks at his magazine.

" What time?" He asked not bother to look at me while I play with my hair. " I have party at's a cool party oppa~"

" You want me to give you permission since you know Jiyong won't let you go over  10pm. Right?"

"Opppaaa ~" I sit up and staring at him with begging eyes..

" If something bad happen to you, I'm the one who take responsibility and maybe he'll kill me" Now he said looking straight into my eyes after close the magazine.

" Don't worry oppa,I will go back home before,let me go pleasee..I want to hang up with my friends oppa juseyoo~" I am doing my aegyo and it's work!!! He always can't resist my puppy eyes.

" really..make sure you call me if something happen ok? You are lucky that Jiyong maybe come back tomorrow morning "..

"Gomawo oppa" I grin happily and his cheek.

" You really need to behave and don't  make a trouble's the breakfast is done..lets eat!!!" Dae said after heard our conversation. We reach up to the dinning room and eat our breakfast only the three of us because Seungri has a fan meeting and other event. He went in an early morning same as Jiyong oppa..


Yongbae oppa has gone to YG building..leave me and Daesung alone at home.. I join with Dae oppa who is doing his facial treatment.. He help me to apply mask on my face then massaging my shoulder. He ask me about the party and warning me about what to do and not to do there. He teach me how to dance after I said that there will be 'dancing time'.. Music played and we enjoy our dance even sometimes I step on his foot..hihi.. We talk alot and joking around at that time since he used to busy and rarely at home this long..he is a bright person that everyone like. After doing so many things with him, time to prepare for party has came..I wear my white minidress by marc jacobs which given by Jiyong oppa..and Dae help me to comb my hair..I let my long brown wavy hair just loose down my back..I put on some make up, use a red scarf given by Bae oppa on my neck and put some bracelets.. Dae oppa put a small sparkling flower hair pin on my hair..

" Aigooo..look how pretty my dongsaeng..I'm sure you will be the queen tonight".. He said looking at my reflection with his bright smile.

" Gomawo oppa.."

He take my heels, kneeling infront of me and put it on me

" Let me put this on you princess.." He act like in a cinderella story make me giggling at his cuteness.

 " Thank you prince..hahaha"

He drive me at the place..I kissed his cheek before I go out from his car and my friends greet me.. I wave my hand to Dae oppa and he do the same,smile at me before drive off..





 I'm walking down the street at 12pm..dazely, still in my white mini dress..take out my phone for calling someone at home to pick me up..but !! My phone is off!

"Ahh...what should I do? " I mumbled.. How pity i'm if you know what was happen that I ended here..\



"Hello queen..wanna go back home?" A tall handsome guy called me.. We just know each other after stood on the stage received king and queen crown on our head.. You know that's a crucial moment I got..and how happy I was..

"Hmm.." I nodded and smile a bit to my king..

" How if I drive you home? May I? " I was thinking..if I go with him, I will easier for me that I don't need my oppa tp pick me up..besides, this king also kind to me so I agreed..we talked during our way to my home, but suddenly he stopped his car after saw a girl in front of inconvenient store with a guy circling his arm around her waist..

"What's wrong??" I asked but he did not answer..just going out and walked to that girl and guy..I went out from his car curiously.. From what I heard, that girl is his girlfriend and it seemed like she cheated on him..they had a fight as the commotion started to caught people's attention. I felt bad..didn't know what to do till he looked at me..

" I'm sorry Hyerin..but I can't.."

" Ahh..I understand.. It's ok, I can go back with my self. Thank you " I bowed at him, but as soon as I step away from them, I heard his girlfriend shouted something like ' seemed like I'm not the one who cheated! You cheat on me with that right??'. I want to turn and slap that girl but I hold it and decided to leave.


*flashback end


I will arrive sooo late if I take a bus and oppas will so angry. okay this street is not far from TOP's home, so I decided to go there..I walk faster because the air feel so cold and I also want to call my oppas to say that I'm fine. I'm regretting it now..I shouldn't go with that king..and I shouldn't go to the party on the first place.. I think about Bae oppa and imagine how mad Jiyong oppa to him..he looks so scary when getting mad..just look at his eyes and you will tortured enough..

I sigh when finally arrived at his villa. I push the bell..ding dong..


Author POV

" Heh? Who the hell come here at midnight? Omo omo! that ghost?!" TOP talk to himself while clutching his blanket .He is such a timid person..He sneak out slowly to the door with blanket wrapped around his head. He move the curtain a bit with his finger and getting shock..Whether he get shock because theres a girl in white dress,long messy hair, standing in front of his door,  staring at him emotionless..or because he notice Hyerin come to his home this night. Can't believe what he see, he do the same motion.. Open the curtain a bit and this time staring at the girl a bit longer. Hyerin annoyed by his act so she step closer to his face make the other gasp in horror, then she shout..


Then TOP open the door for her..

" Hyerin ahh.. Why?? What's going on?" He looks left and right checking who the people I come here with..but find no one.

 " You come here alone?" He asked frowning.

"Ne oppa.." I said while walking rushly into his home,grab the telephone on the living room and call Yongbae oppa. TOP oppa lock the door and following me behind. I know from the look in his eyes, he is mad but I will explain it later to him. Bae oppa's voice trembling as he ask so many things..showing how worried he is.. I freeze as I hear him said that Jiyong oppa is already home. I'm not ready to talk Jiyong oppa so I want Bae oppa say to him that I was fine and I'm here with TOP oppa..

" We will talk it later..I'm so tired oppa..mianhae.." I hung up the phone.. Now TOP oppa's turn..his gaze planted on me as he lean on the wall with arm crossed.

" I can explain it oppa " I sigh..




" You are really crazy!! break his rules!.." His tone raising..sign that he is in a serious mode and I don't like it. I miss my bingu TOP oppa~ hiks hiks..

" I know oppa and I'm regret..if he call you, tell him that I'm sleeping ne?.." I grab his hands and beg him with my puppy eyes. I try to ignore his death glare which he keep showing since I told him everything. Slowly, his gaze turn soft..yeah, it's work!!

" Araseo.." He sit up and heading to the kitchen to get me a cup of hot tea to make me relax a bit. I drink that HOT tea fastly not bothering the burn sensation in my mouth.

He looks at me from head to toe just to find me so messy..

"Take a shower than go sleep.." He take away my almost empty cup from my hand and put it on the table. He lift me up bridal style, bring me to his bedroom and put me down on his king size bed.. He take off my heels and put it aside before walk to his closet and handed me a towel and his smallest T-shirt which still oversize for me..I take a quick shower and come out wearing his shirt which looks like minidress in me..

" Jiyong called me and I have done what you asked "

" Ahh..gomawo oppa.." I climb up to his bed and lay next to him. I snuggled close to him and he grab the blanket, covering our body. His hand moves down to my legs and massaging it.. " It's hurt walking that far in high heels, isn't it?" He asked softly in my ears.

" Hehemm.." I nodded with eyes closed.. He knows that my ankle almost colapse. Well, I prefer sneakers than high heels..that's why he lifted me up and massaging me like this..

" Don't do this worried me " He kissed my temple.. " Goodnight.." And we both fall asleep..




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Chapter 6: awww. i love it. sweet jiyong. love him ><
Chapter 6: Awwwww, so cute ~
Chapter 6: cute ending!
lengleu18 #4
Chapter 6: I'm sad it has already ended, but it was a sweet end ♥♥
ilabya2 #5
Chapter 3: awkward moment
lovis89 #7
Chapter 2: lol awkward moment
GBaby06 #8
Chapter 1: I really like this plot! Please update soon!! :)
Chapter 1: I posted it from my phone and it turn out like this -,-
There's 3 parts in this chapter, separated by-->(*)..haishh,I'll fix it tomorrow.