
Return the Time



Two weeks pass , everything starts to change .

Woohyun's POV


"Jagiya!" i came to fetch my wife after my class ends , "Bowh?" Jungmi coldly stared at me .

"Wae? Something happened?" my face turned serious , who dare to make my wife angry? "Nothing ." Jungmi rolled her eyes and walked away .

Something must had happened .

Our journey back to her house , it was totally slient . It was about to rain , the sound of the thunder can be heard . Jungmi didn't talked , she suddenly seems.. so cold .

Why? Thousand thoughts came into my mind ,  i can't take this anymore .

I went infront of her and grabs her arms . "Jagiya , tell me what's wrong?" i stared at her eyes , she seems to be hiding something. 

Jungmi breathe deep in , "Do you really want to know?" she unemotionally looked at me . i nodded .

"Let's break up ." Just that three words and she shove my hands and walk away . Rains starts to pour heavily , i didn't move . i didn't care if i get sick or whatever .

i just heard , Jungmi said Let's Break up .

I Love You , these 3 words that we start this relationship and now ends with another 3 words . Is this how love should be? Life , you must be kidding me .

I want to know the reason why , why she wanna break up with me . We even planned to get married after graduate , how can this happen?

On the next day , school ended i was standing outside her class waiting . Jungmi walks out from the class , she looks pale , not smiling . This is weird .

"I want to know the reason ." i stand infront of her , she looked up to me . Those amazing eyes of hers , melts me everytime .

"Reason? Simple , i don't love you anymore." She looked away from my eyes .

"That's all? i don't think so." i eyed on her eyes suddenly someone grabs her hands , Kim Myungsoo .

"What do you think you're doing?" i stared at Myungsoo , "Can't you see?" Myungsoo holds Jungmi hands up to show .

"Years of friendship and you did this to me?!" i flew a punch on Myungsoo's face , i don't care anything now . i only know she stole my girl , my only girl .

"MYUNGSOO!" Jungmi shouted his name , that boils up my anger even more .

We starts to fight like never end , till a couple of boys grabs us up . "FCUK YOU MYUNGSOO! WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME?! WHY!" I shouted at him like a crazy fellow , my fist was tightly clutch . i looked at Jungmi the one last time and i walked away .

"I hate this ..i really do.." I whispered .

 Standing facing han river , i was holding the ring that we both have . "Is this really the end?" Water drips on the ring and realize it was my tears .


Day by day pass , i didn't contact her . All i do was watching her from afar , she looks so happy with Myungsoo . My heart still hurts , it was badly wound . 

One the last day of School before we will be having our graduation day ceremony , Jungmi and Myungsoo didn't came to school . i can't find them nor sees them . My feel tells me , go find her .

i didn't listen , till i receive a message .


From , Myungsoo

Come to Seoul Hospital Now , i say NOW!


Hospital? Why? Suddenly my mind pops out , Jungmi?! . i quickly grab my bag and ran out from school .

Breathing heavily as i finds Myungsoo , he was standing outside patient room .

"What's wrong?" i coldly asked , even i tried to speak to him normally but i can't . The image of him and Jungmi keep appears.

"I'm sorry , Woohyun." Myungsoo guilty looked at me , What happened? Why did he apologise? Myungsoo fist suddenly clutch and told me .


FlashBack [The last 2 weeks]

Your POV

i keep having chest pain and vomited for the past 3 months , i didn't care and i didn't told anyone because i don't want them to worry . i thought it was just a small issue .

On the last week my chest pain suddenly got so painful than ever , so i decided to heads to hospital to check up by myself . 3 days after that i went back to get my report . 

Maybe i'm pregnant , pregnant with Woohyun's baby.. , i touched my belly and smiled form on my face . Myungsoo company me because he thinks that i'm pregnant , he would not want any thing happen to me .

I didn't want Woohyun to know because it was a Surprise .

"Tsk tsk , before marriage and got pregnant . Woohyun ahh~" Myungsoo sang as we were on our way to the hospital .

"Don't Jealous~" i sang back and giggled .

"Im not! Anyway if the child was born i want to become the Grand-Dad!" Myungsoo gave me the puppy eyes . I tap my chin for a couple times "Fine~" i nodded .

"YESSA!" Myungsoo jumped , he's not that cold either . i chuckled .

"Doctor , i'm coming in." I knocked the door gently . The smiling face on my suddenly disappear , the face expression that doctor gave it wasn't good .

"Have a seat , Ms Lee ." Myungsoo was seating beside me .

"This..this is shocking but.. please calm down okay?" Doctor breathe in deep and look into my eyes . "Okay.." i nodded slowly . Myungsoo on the other side was worried too .

"i want to let you know that.. , you have got heart disease ."

Everything seems to stop , it stops .

This is not true right? My happiness life was just about to start! NO! THIS CAN'T BE!

"You must be got the wrong information right?!" i stood up and bang the table . Myungsoo grabs me tightly , "Doctor , are you sure about this? This joke can't be joked ."

"It is the truth . i'm really Sorry , but there's one cure that only less than 50 percent chances to survive." Doctor sighed . "This..can't be.." Myungsoo whispered .

i feel that everything has crush down , everything .

"What is it?" i tried to control my tears , "Someone is willing to change the heart with you , but that person will sacifice ." The doctor explained .

No one will do that , "How much time do i left?" My face was emotionless , tears starts to fell .

"1 month ." 

"Myungsoo , i need a favor ." i smiled and looked at him .


Normal POV


"She still loves you alot , Woohyun . She really do." Myungsoo guilty eyes looked into me , "Doctor , find me the DOCTOR NOW!" Woohyun eyes widen and raise up his voice .

"Do you really want to do this?" The doctor asked him for the one last time . "Yes , i do . i Really do." Woohyun repeating the same answer all over again .

"Okay then we shall operate this later on ." The doctor pats Woohyun shoulder , "You're a Brave man."

Woohyun turns around and face Myungsoo , "Don't tell her , keep it a secret." Woohyun smiled , Myungsoo didn't replied and gave Woohyun a hug . A tight brother hug .

"Jungmi ah~ You will be fine.. Saranghae" Woohyun gave a last kiss on Jungmi lips while she was deeply asleep for the operation .

To be continue..


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