New Friend

Take the 'FE' out of 'FEMALE'!

-------Third Person's Point Of View ------

There were ten more minutes left till’ detention ends and Hye Jin was getting impatient from all the waiting for the time to pass quickly. She couldn’t wait for the time when she and Key would hang out together later. Actually, Key was the very first person to have a friendly conversation with her since she moved to her new school here. He was the only one who opened up to Hye Jin so politely and even asked her out for lunch. She was overjoyed to have found someone who treated her equally as a friend and not as a nerd or an ‘artist with no future’.

Feeling nervous and excited at the same time, Hye Jin’s hands started to sweat and she couldn’t concentrate on her drawing that she broke her pencil. The sound of pencil breaking made Key turned around to face Hye Jin. “What’s wrong?” he asked her worriedly and stared at the broken pencil. Without hesitating, he reached into his own bag to grab another fine 2B pencil out and placed it on Hye Jin’s table.  “Here, a brand new pencil.”

Hye Jin took the pencil in her hands and glanced at Key who was smiling brightly at her. She stared at the pencil for awhile and placed it back on Key’s table. “N-No…It’s okay. I’m going to d-draw anymore since detention is almost o-over…”she stuttered nervously that even her hands trembled a bit.

Key raised an eyebrow and stared at Hye Jin’s hands and chuckled softly. “Why are you trembling?” he asked in a teasing way.

“A-Aniyo…I was j-jus-“

Key cut her off and held her hand, making her gasp in shock at what he was doing. It was the first time her hand was held by a man, excluding her father of course. And, in a loving and gentle sort of way too. She stared at Key wide-eyed and felt her face flush in embarrassment at the unfamiliar feeling of being held so gently by a man who looked so handsome.  He smiled at her and placed the pencil in her hands. “Take it.”

Hye Jin hesitated at first when Key wanted her to take the pencil but Key insisted, “Keep it as a token of appreciation for being my first school mate.” He said while looking straight into Hye Jin’s big round eyes. As Key stared into her dark brown orbs, she felt her heart beating so quickly against her rib cage. Afraid that Key will notice her heartbeat; she quickly took the pencil and released her hand from Key’s.

“K-Kamshahamnida…” Hye Jin nodded thankfully and smiled shyly at her new friend. In the insides, she felt a glow of warmth happiness in her because of her gift that Key had given to her. Even though it is just a pencil, she still thought that it was the best gift she’d ever received in her life. She observed the pencil one last time and finally placed it back into her colorful pencil box where she kept all her sacred art utensils.

“Alright, students.” The teacher in charge stood up. “You may go now.”

The whole class started to fill with loud yawns combined with boys’ voices and chair legs being scraped hardly across the floor. Hye Jin stood up too, followed by Key and they pushed their chairs back. They looked behind them to find Jonghyun still sleeping on his desk with his blonde crimped hair covering his face.

“Should we wake him up?” Key asked Hye Jin who was staring at Jonghyun.

For a moment there, she actually thought that Jonghyun looked so heavenly while sleeping. She quickly shook her baffled thoughts away and replied, “No, why should we? Kaja!”

Key nodded and smiled. “Okay, if you say so.” He held his cool looking brown bag over his shoulders and followed Hye Jin out the door. “So, where do we go first?” he asked, while looking around the hallway. The school was almost empty now because it was two hours past already since the end of school. 

“Since the school is so empty, it will be more convenient to show you around!” she said, feeling excited and happy that Key would want to hang around with her.

“Okay, cool.” Key smiled and followed Hye Jin to wherever she was taking him.


As the minutes passed, Hye Jin still had one last place to show Key. It was her favorite dwelling place and the place where she spent most of her time whenever she was bored or sad. It was the place where it made her happy and contented.

“C’mon Key!” She held onto Key’s hand, dragging him to a room which was located in the far end of the hall on the highest floor of the school. It was near the entrance to the rooftop.

“Whoa, now! Slow down, kid.” Key laughed at his friend’s funny actions. He tried to catch up with Hye Jin’s fast feet as she kept dragging him down the long hallway. “Where are we going?”

“Heaven.” Hye Jin merely said.

“M-Mwo yah?” Key’s eyes blinked several times in bewilderment. “You don’t say we’re going to…die, are we?”

“Ani!” Hye Jin laughed. “Okay, here we are. Key, welcome to my heaven…” she opened the door knob and a cold gust of air brushed past their faces. “…the art room.”

“Wow…” Key’s eyes lit up. He was amazed at all the perfect drawings that were hanging all over the place. There were drawings on the wall, on the floor, and even some unfinished ones on numerous drawing boards. The room was by far the most colorful room he’d ever seen in his entire life. Only one word could explain it all- Beautiful. “Wow, Hye Jin. Did you draw all these?” he asked her, as he walked up to a drawing on the wall and examined it carefully.

Hye Jin nodded, “Yeah. Nobody in this school other than me loves art. So, this whole room is practically mine.” She sighed and walked up next to Key who was still observing the piece of artwork that Hye Jin had drawn.

“Can I…touch it?” Key asked her.

“Mmm.” Hye Jin said and smiled at Key. “It was drawn by crayons so be careful not to smudge it.”

Key was thrilled at her reply and delightedly reached out a delicate finger to touch the artwork. He carefully traced it a little, making sure he doesn’t smudge it at all. As he touched it, he spoke to Hye Jin, “What’s the meaning of this picture?”

Hye Jin sat down on a stool which she normally sat on while working on a piece of art. “Oh, that? I drew it when I was feeling overjoyed. It was the time when my unnie got the job that she’d always wanted. So, I guess that this is a picture which shows ‘Joy’.” She explained. Key nodded and continued to look at the picture which consisted of green, blue, purple, pink, yellow and orange colors. Right in the middle of it showed two perfect circles inside a larger circle. Around the circles, colorful bright lights surrounded it.

“I would gladly buy this if it was for sale.” Key withdrew his finger from the picture and smiled at Hye Jin. “It’s extremely beautiful!” Hye Jin blushed at the comment and thanked him shyly. “All of your drawings are awesome! You will surely be very successful in the future, believe me.”

Hye Jin’s insides felt warm with Key’s compliments. Nobody other than her unnie had ever said such a thing to her before. Not even the school’s teachers. They all accused her of copying the famous artists’ works no matter how hard she convinced them that they were her original art. Nobody paid attention to her drawings at all and she never thought that Key would too.

“R-Really?” she felt a glow of happiness light up in her again. She felt strange. This feeling was strange to her.

“Yes.” Key smiled and went nearer to her. Her heart skipped a beat when Key’s face was just inches away from hers. Her hands started getting sweaty again and she quickly wiped them off of the sides of her uniform. She looked away to avoid any possible eye contact with Key and what’s worse, she almost died of a heart attack when Key used a finger to touch her cheek.

“Um…K-Key, I-“

Before she could say anything else, Key used his thumb to wipe off some dirt from her face. “You have something on your cheek.” He brushed it off and backed away from her face. “There. All clean now.” He smiled happily.

Hye Jin felt embarrassed at Key’s actions and wanted to slap herself for thinking that Key wanted to kiss her. Pabo, why would Key want to kiss you? She thought.

“It’s getting late. We should go now,” Key glanced at his watch. “Let’s go. I still have to treat you to lunch.”

Hye Jin’s eyes glittered in joy and she followed Key out of the art room. “Arasso.” She can’t believe that the day would come where she’d finally go on a date with a boy!



“Unnie! Unnie! Unnie!” Hye Jin shouted while running into her house that she shared with her unnie at full speed. “I have to tell you something!!!” she ran, almost tripping on her pet Akita breed puppy, Min.  “Aigoo, Min-ah!” she picked the tiny dog up and it her hand. She giggled and its fur. “Where’s unnie?”

Hye Jin heard thumping sounds coming from upstairs. She carried Min tightly in her arms and went upstairs to investigate the sound. “UNNIE?!!!” She called out loudly.

“NEEHHH?!!” She finally heard her older sister call back. Her voice seemed to be overlapped by the sound of the vacuum cleaner. Soon, the sound of the machine died down and the room door opened. “Hye Jin-ah! You’re home!” She glanced at the time and frowned. “Why are you home late? Have you been drawing at the art room again?”

“Um…” Hye Jin avoided eye  contact with her sister and nodded slowly. “Neh…I started a new drawing, unnie.” She lied.

Without questioning her any further, the older girl believed the young one. “I see. What inspired you this time?”

“Uhhhh…” Hye Jin glanced around the room, looking for an answer. Min yelped softly when she accidentally tugged on its fur. “Oh! Min! I was inspired by Min!” She chuckled nervously.

The sister raised an eyebrow and continued with her work. “Lunch is on the table. Microwave it first before-“

“But, I’ve already eaten.” Hye Jin said. Her sister stopped in her tracks in surprised. There was no possible way on earth that Hye Jin could’ve eaten out alone, all by herself. She would normally pester her older sister to accompany her or she’d rather starve.

“Um, sorry, what did you say?”

“I ate already, unnie.” Hye Jin sparkled in excitement to tell her sister the good news. “With a friend.”

Her sister dropped the vacuum cleaner in her hands and stared at Hye Jin wide-eyed. “Oh my God, Hye Jin!” She went up to her and hugged the young one. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Yes, unnie. I finally have a friend.” She smiled brightly. “And he doesn’t think that I’m a weirdo too. He bought me lunch today. He’s so kind.”

Her sister pulled away from the hug. “You’re saying that…your new friend is a guy?”

“Neh.” Hye Jin nodded.

“Oh, be careful with him, Jin.” Her sister warned. “Cause you never know a guys’ heart sometimes!”



And boy, her sister was right about him from the start.




Author's Note: Sorry it took quite awhile for me to update. :(  I hope you enjoyed the chapter very much. ^^ 
                            OH! And I need some ideas. What should I name her unnie? Should her unnie be a celebrity or a random person? :/
                            Thanks for the help guys! :D See you soon~

Lotsa love; K3ylicious10

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Chapter 2: Please update soon Author-nim!
New reader here (^-^)/ annyeong! And for the unnie it can be a random name i guess ^^
i'll work on catching up soon! since this one is long! ^_^<br />
but i love it! feel kind of bad for her
Girl you know u need to update *taps foot* I'm waiting
vikKiBeoMin #5
aigoo~<br />
the epilogue broke my heart!<br />
<br />
cant wait for the further chappies!kekeke~<br />
<br />
update soon!<br />
i love this! <3
anything you wan! It doesn't matter who her unnie is as long as it makes their progress go! xD <br />
<br />
update soon! you know I love u right? ;)
Ahhh Key I love him!!! So please updaaate!!!
oh Jjong. O-O That was scary. You bad boy. <br />
I have a feeling that Key will be something like a two faced jerk. =/ <br />
Anyways update soon ;D <br />
<br />
You know I love you right? <br />
<3 TeaMinT
Instant subscribe dear, 2nd subscriber in the house, hope that you'll update soon! <br />
<br />
I know, we have exams but you know me well right umma?... ;)
Most probably weekly :)